Bathroom Makeover – How to Add Decorative Molding to a Bathtub

How to add decorative trim molding around a bathtub. 

I am happy to say that I have made lots of progress this week with the bathroom makeover.  I have ripped out the baseboards, scrubbed the floor to see if it could be saved, painted the top section of the wall, and built a decorative frame for the bathtub using molding. My home was the builders “Spec” home – pretty basic – no real tub or tile, just one of those molded tubs complete with its own wall.

Budget Bathroom Makeover Idea for Bathtubs

I have always loved when tubs have decorative molding along the front to accent them and decided to do it for this bathroom.  I had to work around a few obstacles –shower curtain rod not lining up, curved walls in the molded tub, but it all worked out just fine.

Here is how the bathtub looked before:

Bathroom Decorating Ideas


If you have the space and a regular bathtub not the molded kind I have you can add the molding and paneling in a slightly different way so it sits outside the tub itself and does not wrap over it. I had to do it the “wrap over” way because of the tub I have and space restraints.  At the end of the post I added how to add the frame and molding that doesn’t wrap over the top of the tub.

I built the decorative front in a way that it could be removed with minimal damage to the tub itself if we ever decided we didn’t want it any longer – which I highly doubt, but you never know.  I originally wanted to create the frame with 2 x4’s, but that took the tub too far out into the room and the shower curtain would have to be placed through the window. Not going to work – time for a new plan.

Instead I created a very narrow frame and top that goes across the top of the tub so it doesn’t change the tub width much at all and the shower curtain rod has a wall to still  be attached to.

I started by creating a frame of wood along the wall on each side of the tub and the floor.   I am going to be adding board/batten/bead board  in the room and the frame on either side of the tub will be part of this.  I am using 3 1/2” wide Mdf for that.


I then created a frame in front of the tub that is level with the top edge of the tub.   Make sure the frame is at the right height so that the top finishing PVC board will be level when you attach it.  I had to play around with this for awhile, until I got it just right so that everything was secure and solid.   I then nailed the sides into the Mdf on each side of the tub and into the floor.  To make sure it was really secure – I used Liquid Nails also.

During-construction---how-to add wainscoting around a bathtub.

I had to work around the curve on each side on the front of the tub.  At first I thought it would be a real problem, but once I thought it through,  I figured out I could still attach the frame to the side walls and floor for stability, so it was no longer a problem.  ( View of tub looking down)


I used Liquid Nails to attach the bead board to the frame.   I have to save every decorating dollar I can with this project and only wanted to buy one package of bead board. When I cut the boards to the height of the tub the excess leftover piece of board wasn’t the right height, I hated to waste it. I didn’t.  Once the baseboard was attached it didn’t matter.


I then attached the baseboard to the front of the frame with Liquid Nails.


The top board is PVC board guaranteed not to rot.  I used this because I am sure this will get wet every once in a while  when someone doesn’t have the shower curtain closed just right.  The wall is slightly curved and I had to make the cut a bit larger  to fit – nothing a little caulk won’t fix.


Here is a breakdown of the parts.  I added the bed molding using finishing nails and Liquid Nails. If you have a very wet bathroom, use real wood or PVC board for the 5 1/2″ bottom piece, not MDF.

Bath tub makeovers

I have been feeling like a carpenter going back and forth between the garage where I have my cheap-O, but trusty table saw set up and the bathroom upstairs. I have also been channeling  Norm Abrams – “measure twice – cut once” “measure twice – cut once” and can honestly say – I did good – only one goof up cut.  Thanks – Norm, I was listening all those years ago when you were on TV.


Now it needs caulk and paint, but the most thought consuming part is complete.  I really had to plan on how it was all going to come together – the frame, the rod change, curve in wall, and the top board cut.  I made quite a few trips to Lowes, I am now on a first name basis with the guys in the lumber department.

Bath tub makeover ideas

Here is what the back to the top looks like.    I used a few lines of white waterproof caulk to seal it.  I first used clear, but it ended up looking like Vaseline when it was dry, so I removed it and then used white to match the PVC board.

Bathtub decorating ideas using molding and wood trim.

Here is how to add the molding without wrapping it over the top edge:

Bathtub Molding

Photo:  House and Home

Build the frame with 2 x4′s, but stop about an inch or two below the top of the tub. So that when you add the cap/top PVC board (doesn’t have to be PVC) it is slightly lower or flush with the top of the tub. Attach the bead board, bed molding in the same way I did. The cap/top goes on last and sits on top of the frame.

There is no need to wrap the top around the tub like I had to do. This installation sits outside the tub itself, but is much wider and takes up floor space. This is the way I planned to do it, but when I actually looked at my tub configuration and where the shower curtain rod would have to be placed it didn’t work as there is a window that would be in the way. I made mine very narrow and made it to go over the top edge of the tub.  Making the frame outside the tub is easier if you have the space.

I got all the materials for this project at Lowes, but any home improvement store sells the supplies needed.

If you have any questions, just leave me a comment.  Next up the walls – lots of up and down between the garage and bathroom still  – I am getting my exercise and making it count as each time I go up the stairs I pretend I am on a Stairclimber.  No need for the gym.

Update:  A few readers have written to me asking how the bathtub molding has held up after 3 years.  I have added a few photos that I took 1/22/15 .  3 years and 6 months after I created and posted about it.

It has held up great – the caulking has gotten a little discolored and the side where the shower head has some some joints that need more caulk. This is the end that if the shower curtain is not closed well, water can stream down.  Other than these issues, it looks very good.  I would do it again in another bathroom.  The PVC board on the top is really key.  If it was wood or a piece of MDF, it would have warped.

How to add half wall and molding in front of a bathtub How to add half wall and molding in front of a bathtub How to add half wall and molding in front of a bathtub

If you are thinking of doing this to your bathtub, I saw it created in a slightly different way.

You can find it here: DIY Bathtub Surround

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  1. claire jahnke says:

    wanted to do this but you helped me figure it out- thanks! will be using recycled weathered barn bords.

  2. Thank you for this great idea I was able to do the same thing to my tub after I replaced the vanity and floor in my bathroom; your directions and picture were very clear and I pulled it off not sure where I can post pics but I cataloged every step of the way.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marlon – It is great to hear that my post helped you to create a tub molding. If you would like to send me your photos I would love to see them. you can send them to: [email protected]

  3. Jennifer Loeffler says:

    Did you do anything extra to the PVC board (paint white, add a glaze) to get that nice clean white look?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jennifer – The PVC is left unpainted. It is very white and easy to wipe clean.

  4. Julie Rutili says:

    Your project is beautiful and thought you may have a suggestion for my question. :) The ceiling over my tub is angled and my contractor suggested PVC beadboard; tile is out of my budget for now. If I put the beadboard at different heights around the tub, what do I do on the rest of the walls? Can I leave them simply painted? Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Julie – Yes. The finishing molding framed around the beadboard will create a nice break. If the beadboard is painted one color – like white and you paint the walls another color, it will look very nice.

      1. Julie Rutili says:

        Thank you, Diane!

  5. I have a tub that has deeper sides than the center. Can you do this on a non straight sided tub?

  6. What do you attach the PVC board to the tub and frame with?

  7. Ron wooden says:

    How did you attach the pvc top board? Liquid nail to wood frame?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ron –

      Yes, I attached the PVC board using Liquid Nails to the wood frame in the front of the tub. I wanted to build the front in a way that did not damage the tub.

      1. I just saw this and asked above this same question. So it stays in place just by glueing it to the gram on that one side?

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Mindy – Yes – the PVC board is not attached to the tub, only to the top of the frame in front of the tub. I didn’t want to alter the actual tub, so I designed the decorative front in this manner. If down the road someday I didn’t want the surround any longer, it could be easily removed without any damage to the tub/shower enclosure itself.

  8. I hope I’m not making u repeat yourself..when u built the frame you only attached the top board to the side wall board? Is it really secure or does it wiggle? I read where u said you’ve sat on it…just wanted to check. And you didn’t attach the top board to the tub, it just rests on top with the caulk?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Joan – No worries. It can be a little confusing. To answer your questions. Yes, the frame is only attached to the side walls with screws. The top board rests on the frame in front and I used Liquid Nails to hold it in place, then caulked the seams around it so everything would be seamless. The top board is not wobbly at all, very solid since it is attached to the wood frame in front of the tub with liquid nails. It also is resting on the bed molding that is screwed into the frame also. Nothing is attached to the tub itself except the caulking along the inside of the tub.

  9. Sonjia Smith says:

    Would it look ok to add a wider ‘top’ board as a ledge/shelf?

  10. I am in the process of doing this this amazing idea to my tub but have a few hurtles and was wondering if you had any suggestions.

    I have a whirlpool standard tub that does not have a front so this is a perfect way of covering all the pipes etc showing on front of the tub.

    You have attached your frame to the walls instead of the actual tub. I have tiles on the wall and can not attach the frame to the wall like you did. Should I use Liquid nails and attach the frame to the tub itself or should I use something else ?

    I owe my home and I am a lifer so I am not concerned about the tub.

    Thank you in advance for your input and this great project. Can’t wait to start.

  11. I am redoing my hall bathroom. I saw your post several years ago and here I am back again. :) I love it! Is there any chance I could see a picture of what it looks like at the top of the shower, where you added the trim board on the sides? I imagine that you made it look okay, because everything else looks great! I don’t have a window or anything, so I am not sure how I would make it look right.

  12. Hi Diane,

    Love this! Quick question, did you use liquid nails to attach the frame onto the actual tub? Also, what did you use to attach the PVC board to the top of the tub? Apologies if I overlooked this part in your post!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Krystina – I did not use Liquid Nails to attach the frame to the tub. The frame is only attached to the walls on each side of the tub. If I removed the whole frame, the tub would be undamaged. The PVC board is attached to the top of the frame on the outer edge with Liquid Nails. The inside of the PVC baord is laying on the top of the inside of the tub no Liquid Nails. It is caulked so no water will get under it. I didn’t place any Liquid Nails on the tub itself only the wood frame in front. Caulk is the only thing on the tub itself.

  13. Misty Elliott says:

    This is one of the best tutorials that I have ever seen. Bravo on such a beautiful job! Love…

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Misty – I did the bathroom 3 years ago and it has held up just beautifully.

  14. Can you take a picture of how its held up so far?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kristy –

      I took 3 photos of the tub yesterday and just uploaded them to the post. You can see them at the end of the post. I hope they help you. If I moved into a new house, I would do it again. Using the PVC board on the top is mandatory. It looks as good a new. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  15. Help!! I am a renter- my bathtub is a one piece molded BLUE unit- similar to yours, but blue- I really need a DIY project to change it to white or something- I’ve looked at refinishing kits- but none really have good reviews- I love what you’ve done with the molding in front of the tub, but what could I do to resurface or change the rest of the tub

  16. its so beautiful design and color selection, its so nice tips and ideas for making dashing and wonderful,

  17. I see where you used caulking around the PVC board, but how did you attach the board to the top of the tub? Did you use caulking on the bottom of the PVC?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Tammy – The board is attached to the bead board frame in front of the tub. Before I made the bead board frame, I placed the PVC board on top of the tub. I then measured the distance to the floor. This measurement is how high I made the bead board frame. When I placed the PVC board back on, it sits level with the bead board frame. I attached it where the two meet on the front of the tub.

      Everything I did to construct this is all attached to the side walls, nothing but caulk is on the actual tub. If I ever had to remove it, there would be no damage done by nails or screws to the tub.

      1. Was there any concern to the moisture or direct water to the MDF? I have a lot of experience with MDF only know of which is installing it in a wet location.

        I love the idea of using it, I’m just curious on the sealer used.

        My suggestion would be if a larger budget were in place would be to use PT lumber.

        Finished great and high end. Good Job.

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Rich – It has been 3 years now since I did the bathroom and there is no problem with the MDF in the bathroom. Even by the shower, it looks as good as new. I did not seal it with anything but the semi-gloss paint. The bathroom does have good ventilation which does help keep any moisture build up from a hot shower very minimal.

  18. I am in the process of remodeling my master bath. I have a one-piece shower enclosure (no tub) that had a brass finished glass door on it which wouldn’t come clean so my husband removed it several years ago. With that said, it obviously left some holes and marks on the sides and bottom of the stall. Otherwise, it’s in perfect condition. I saw your blog and how you redid your tub. Awesome, I must say! Would you be able to provide some input as to how I could “trim” my shower stall so I don’t have to replace it? Thanks so much!

  19. crear camisa de futbol says:

    I precisely needed to thank you so much once again. I do not know the things I might have gone through without the suggestions revealed by you concerning such a theme. It was actually a real difficult problem for me personally, nevertheless considering this expert way you solved it took me to jump with fulfillment. Now i’m happier for this guidance and even believe you really know what a great job that you are undertaking training others through the use of a blog. I’m certain you’ve never come across any of us.

  20. This is wonderful! Thanks for referencing “Norm”. I used to watch him all the time and often repeat the phrase, “measure twice, cut once!” Got a good smile out of this!

  21. Love the work you did. I wanted to ask what you thought I might be able to do using those tiles that come in sheets – used mostly for a back splash. Do you think I could use this method and just use solid board. I would love to place that tile around the tub. Do you think I would need to put something water proof liner behind it and then build the “box on top and attach the tile to that” Thanks so much

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Teresa – As long as water will not get behind the tiles – they should be fine. I would draw your plan out on paper to figure it out before starting.the most important part would be to make sure the sides and or underside of the top board is sealed very well. I am not too familiar with tile installations and don’t know if they make a waterproof liner. I would ask at the home improvement store to see what they may have.

    2. Adrienne Pratt says:

      Hello, wondering Teresa if you ever went ahead with the sheet tile approach? I am crazy about glass mosaic tiles and would love to know if that could work… thanks!

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Adrienne – I am not sure or not if Teresa did use tiles, but you could. If you used plywood instead of the bead board, I do not see why you could not cover it with the tiles. It would look great. You could still add the bottom board and crown under the top board with Liquid Nails or even leave it just tiles as long as you caulked all around them.

        1. Adrienne Pratt says:

          Thanks, Diane, you have started a major “thing” with this post, I can see!

  22. I just love your work…. it inspires me to get busy more quickly on my own ideas. Anyway, just wondered if you’ve ever come up with any ideas on what to do to make a molded tub surround look more updated? I’m just not happy with the molded look. I know I can do the front of the tub itself (one of my “to do’s next”) but is there anything which can be done to the molded part which goes up the wall? Mine is similar to yours and can’t be tiled even if possible because of curves and molded soap dish etc. Could it be trimmed somehow, or batten boards be added…. anything to update it?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pat –

      I don’t know of any treatment that would hide it successfully. Since it gets wet and is curved there is not much you can do. I painted my wall the same color – just so it would blend in. I know Rustoleum has a new product on the market that protects things from water, but that would not deal with the molded look of the tub surround. If I ever think of an idea, I will post about it.

  23. This is great! Takes to builder grade blah tub to wonderful!

  24. You got yourself another follower…love the work and the other stuff I found on your site!

  25. This is a great idea. I want to do this but I have a shower door. Can I put the shower door over the PVC Board?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Amy – I am not sure about using the PVC board under a shower door. It might be fine since the boards are made for exteriors that face all kinds of weather. In my tub surround, the shower curtain separates the PVC board from the water when taking a shower. It still can get wet when someone does not close the shower curtain all the way – that is why I used it. Can you use tile since it sounds like it is on the floor?

  26. Great looking project, I want to frame in a big old cast iron tub, so it eliminates the oval footprint when installing vinyl flooring. We are saving the tub we like so much…I will consider your hints, please write if you have any. I’m considering making it like a 3-sided box since it is near the wall and creating a “lid” at one end to access the plumbing.

  27. Dawn (Ditsy Decor) says:

    Im in the middle of doing up the kids bathroom and love the idea for along the bath. Im definitely going to give it a go, thanks for the step by step, Im a newbie blogger and im having a few teething problems so reading some of your posts has helped. Please check me out on facebook I could do with some friendly faces to share with :)

    1. mary pearson says:

      I loved the way you fixed around your tub I wished i had seen your project before i finish..

  28. Awesome tutorial!! Thank you so much for this, I can’t wait to do it at our house!

  29. Diane,
    YOU are very inspiring…when I was looking for the “right” thing to do for an update for a bathroom this was an inspiration…was it hard to use the table saw??? AND was this an expensive project? Have you ever painted linoleum before?? Thanks, Laura

  30. Diane- very innovative and creative thank you so much and maybe Lowes didn’t know you existed before, but we do now. We appreciate your business and support. Keep up the great projects, I look forward to your future posts.

  31. Robin Bower says:

    I love this I am definitely doing this, one thing with this being wood and it being where water could damage it, Is there a product that should be used on the wood to water proof it ? or do they make and sell the wood that you used that is already waterproof ? This is my only concern I have before I start it. Also this was my first time at this website and I’m in love with all the great ideas, but what I like is it’s not expensive to do these projects and they also don’t require a lot of supplies. (I’ve already bookmarked this site)
    Thanks so much for all the wonderful ideas cant wait to get started

    1. Hi Robin-

      If you have the room you can build it outside of the tub so the top just butts up against the side of the tub, not go over the top. I had to go over the top because of space restraints. The top board is called PVC board that will not rot- like what exterior molding and gutters are made from. I bought it at Lowes. It comes in 2 different widths. It is shiny white so I didn’t even paint that top piece. As far as the other wood, it is a mix of wood and MDF. As long as it is not sitting in water, it should be fine. I give my dog a bath in the tub and when she shakes all the water off, I just go around and dry whatever got wet. My girls have been programmed to always make sure the shower curtain is closed right before taking a shower -which helps :)

      1. Any ideas on training husbands to do the same as your daughters? Ha! Thanks, I am going to attempt this. It may take a while to get materials where I live, but it looks worth it!

  32. What a neat project! I’m getting all kinds of ideas for the upstairs bath!

  33. Thanks for the quick reply!

    I’m not so sure about MDF around the bath, it kind of scares me. Have you had any problems yet? I heard about boat varnish and I was thinking of putting that as a final coat. Have you put anything on your MDF for varnish?

    I’d like to have more information on the materials you used, would you mind e-mailing me ([email protected]) this information? Did you use anything to seal the bath panel after? And what kind of mdf did you use? I’m looking to do this for my shower- bathtub.
    How is it holding up – any damages so far?

    1. Hi Jenny-

      The frame in front of the tub is very narrow, because of my available space. I used flat stock molding to make my frame, it is 3/4″ x 2 1/2″, but you can make your frame with 1 x 2’s or 2 x 4’s depending on your available space. If you have the space – you can build it in front of the tub – the traditional way, and not have to wrap it over the top like I did.

      I used pre-primed white mdf boards that I bought at Lowes. The bottom board is a 5 1/2″ wide piece. I think there is a photo of it in the post with what I used The beadboard on the front is also from Lowes – it is primed white beadboard. It is sold in packages with navy blue and white labels. The top board that I placed on top of the tub is a PVC board. I would get the widest one you can find. Lowes only had 5 1/2″ wide boards. It works fine, but I would have loved to have it cover the entire top section. No one in my family sees this as a problem – it is just my “perfection” issues. :)

      I sealed the PVC board to the top of the tub with silicone white waterproof caulking that I bought at Lowes also.

      I have a shower curtain and liner installed to help keep water off the decorative front. The shower curtain liner goes into the tub when someone is taking a shower- the decorative shower curtain outside the tub. This is truly the best thing you can do to keep excess water from getting on it.

      It has worked fine and I am quite happy with how it has turned out. I have also sat on it and leaned over it to wash my dog – no problems at all.

  35. Ms Diane,
    I absolutely love this idea! I have some of these supplies around the house. My question is…is it sturdy enough to sit on?

  36. helda montero says:

    Thanks so much for this idea!! I’ve been looking for inexpensive ways to tackle our master bath. The whole master room usually gets the leftover dregs from the other rooms. Not this time. Love it! This one is next up on my to do list. Yay!

  37. Love it! I would love to take a sledge hammer to my bathroom right now but it’s going to take it’s turn on the renovation list. What a great idea!! This will work for my bathroom. Love your pics and description!!

  38. Oh I love it! I so love it! I have been thinking about buying a table saw….there are so many projects out there that my house could use! Thank you for showing us the how-to of this project. The bathroom looks phenomenal!

  39. Kristi @ Addicted 2 Decorating says:

    This is absolutely amazing!! I’ve wanted to do this, but I have one of those bowed fiberglass tubs. I really can’t stand it. Hopefully one day I can replace it, and follow your lead with this idea. It’s amazing how much style that adds to the bathroom! Beautiful job.

  40. Nike@ChooseToThrive says:

    Oh WOW! Can’t believe the difference a little bead board and molding can make. Awesome!

  41. Jenn (GreenDoorGirl) says:

    wow – what a GREAT redo and a creative idea for builder grade tubs! I am sharing this on my FB page this week! :) Thanks for linking up with Saturday Spotlight!

  42. Looks wonderful! What a great idea! Can’t wait to see the finished project.

  43. Michael at Blue Velvet Chair says:

    Nice work Diane! Your reno projects are keeping me inspired.

  44. Nan @ Playful Decor says:

    Oh Diane, that looks great!! And doubly impressed that you did all the cutting! I have such a mental block when it comes to cutting wood! You always have such creative ideas! Have a great week!

  45. Amelia @ Home Decors says:

    Thanks for the excellent tips Diane! I’ve been looking for this DIY project since last year because I’ve been neglecting my bathroom for so long now. Last spring I remodeled and redesigned just our living room and bedroom. I didn’t have time for our bathroom.

    This summer, I will make it up and try to have some time for our bathroom.

  46. Heather@The Black's Best says:

    Beautiful! I wish I had a tub I could do this on but I think the lip of my tub is too rounded.:( All your work added just the right touch!

    1. Hi Heather-

      Do you have the room to add the molding to the outside of the tub? If you do then it really doesn’t matter what the edge is like as the frame would just butt up against the tub – and stop about an inch under the top edge of the tub. It would not go over the tub at all. Worth looking into.

  47. Stephanie@cre8tive says:

    What a transformation! I am so behind on my reader, but I always check your blog :) You are so inspiring. I wanted to tell you that I used a vinyl bead board in my daughter’s kitchen island, never had seen that before, and decided to use it because of the high traffic abuse it will get with little kids and spills. You can’t even tell it is vinyl! I think the vinyl would hold up wonderful in a bathroom with the moisture. Just my little tid bit. Can’t wait to see the finished bathroom, you are amazing.

  48. Visiting from SNS. This is amazing. Well done! Can’t wait to see the rest of the project. I’m a new follower…love the look of your blog. I’m thinking about a switch to Wordpress but not sure I want to start all over again. Seeing your blog makes me really want to take the plunge! Happy Weenend…~Ann

    1. Hi Ann-
      Thanks. I first started on Typepad and made the switch to Wordpress about 6 month after. At first it was a bit scary – I didn’t know a thing and had to just dive in. I made a few mistakes. Once I got used to it – I was very glad I made the switch. I use Windows Live Writer to write all my posts, as the Wordpress editor takes forever. Another important issue is your hosting – make sure you sign up with a good one. I recently switched my hosts because my old host’s server starting going down at night and then in the morning. When I called them about it , they said it happens, but will only be for a few more days. No one could access my site at these times – not acceptable. If you do decide you are going to switch over and think you may need some help – you can contact Sharon Hujik. She is wonderful to work with and has helped me quite a bit. Her site is
      Hope you have a great weekend.

  49. Funky Junk Interiors says:

    Wow, this room is going to be fabulous! I love it already!

    I had to re-read this post several times to assure YOU were doing the work. You are! I’m beyond impressed! I’ve yet to fire up my tablesaw but I know I need to brave up one day and just do it.

    I’ll be watching this redo closely!

    Shared this on FJI Facebook for SNS 85. :)!/photo.php?fbid=10150270415031141&set=a.192514281140.164586.175378011140&type=1&theater


    1. Hi Donna – Thanks for sharing on Fb. Yep, I am doing it by myself. I will get my hubs to switch out the light fixture in the room as I don’t like working with electrical stuff, but I am doing everything else. If I didn’t have that little table saw, I would not be able to do this kind of wood work. It is one of the best DIY tools I ever bought. I found it when a building supply store was going out of business years ago. It was on clearance and super inexpensive.

  50. WOW!!!!! I love it, I had no idea you could do that. Amazing.

  51. Marilyn Holeman says:

    I showed this to my husband, and he had the same question as Michelle above. How did you finish the inside? Did you just caulk the PVC board? Thanks for an inspiring tutorial!

    1. Hi Marilyn

      Yes. I caulked the PVC board to the tub along the back so no water gets under it. I also had to add the caulk to the sides of the board where I had to make the cuts to fit around the attached molded walls of the tub as they are slightly curved.

      If you have the space and a regular bathtub not the molded kind I have you can add the molding and paneling in a different way so it sits outside the tub itself and does not wrap over it. I had to do it the “wrap over” way because of the tub I have and space restraints.

      Here is how you do it without wrapping it over the top edge-
      Build the frame with 2 x4’s, but stop about an inch or two below the top of the tub. So that when you add the top PVC board it is slightly lower or flush with the top of the tub. Attach the bead board, bed molding in the same way I did. The top goes on last. Three is no need to wrap the top around the tub like I had to do. This installation sits outside the tub itself, but is much wider and takes up floor space. This is the way I planned to do it, but when I actually looked at my tub configuration and where the shower curtain rod would have to be placed it didn’t work as there is a window that would in the way :) I made mine very narrow and go over the top. Being outside the tub is the best if you have the space.

      I hope this helps. I will add it to the post.

  52. Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. says:

    It’s looking good Diane!

  53. Linh @ La-La Linh says:

    What a great tutorial! Will keep this in mind for our next bathroom modeling…although I may a few extra hands to help me ;)

  54. That looks great. I want bead board added to the front of my garden tub. I hate the faux marble surround.

  55. You…are amazing. Is there anything you can’t do?!

    1. Hi vicki-
      Yep! I can’t add 2 + 2 to save my life. I tremble when I see numbers. Even using a measuring tape gives me stress. :)

  56. Lou Cinda says:

    I am LOVING this! I am going to show it to my husband!! He has to do the measurements as I am AWFUL at measuring!

    Can’t wait to see more!!

    Lou Cinda

    1. Hi Lou Cinda-

      I am right there with you about taking measurements – that is the hardest part for me. I am working on the bathroom today, so hopefully I will have some more progress to show you this week.

  57. I think that was a great idea and I love the way it looks. It really adds a lot to the room.

    1. Hi Betty –
      Thanks – I am trying to add lots of impact with the molding. We may have to move because of my husband’s job, so I am getting a head start on updating for selling. If we don’t have to move, then I get to enjoy all my work.

  58. Oh my goodness! You are killing me!! This is just so clever and I want to copy it. My son is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. He knows I have projects for him. This may be added to the long list!!

    1. Hi Suzan-

      What a wonderful son to take on “your list”. He must love coming to visit you. :)

  59. WOW!! This is wonderful. We have the exact same tub as you, so I may have to try this myself!! Thanks so much for sharing!! ; )

  60. Sallie @ Texas Cottage says:

    It looks fantastic! I’ve been collecting ideas for our hall bathroom redo, and I think I like this one.

  61. Did you or will you caulk where the top ledge meets the board on the inside part of the tub? Love this!

    1. Hi Michelle-

      Yes – I am going to caulk all around the top board that sits on the edge of the tub. Since you left this comment I did add directions at the bottom of the post about how to make the frame so it doesn’t go over the tub at all – just butts up next to it. Not sure what kind of tub and space you have, but you may want to consider the option.

  62. Sarah @ Frills Fluff and Trucks says:

    I love this!! I’m totally impressed. We have the same bathtub/wall combo thingy in our upstairs bathroom and it is so blah. You took that “blah” right out!

    ~ Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah –

      I love how you refer to the bathtub -” bathtub/wall combo thingy” – pretty funny, but that is exactly what it is. Since I have to keep it I am trying to make it look as good as possible.

  63. wow! That is a really creative idea and such a beautiful way to bring a cottage/country feel into a bathroom! I really really love it!

    1. Hi Casey-

      I saw it done at a Decorator Showhouse that I participated in a few years ago. I took mental notes when I watched the carpenter do it to the tub in the bathroom that was next to the room that I was decorating in the showhouse. Since then I have had it in the back of my mind to do someday. I love the look of all the white wood. I wish my tub was white, but I can’t can’t change that.

  64. Ashlyn@Pinecone says:

    The change is really amazing. You are doing a fantastic job – I have no idea if I could do the whole cutting thing!
    What a great way to upgrade the builder grade.
    Happy weekending

    1. Hi Ashlyn-
      I could not do all the wood cutting without my trusty table saw. It has helped me complete so many projects around my house that I never would have been able to do before I bought it. It was a bit scary at first, but now I am very comfortable using it. I do have the really long lumber 12 ft cut down at the home improvement store – not only so it fits into my car, but it is so much easier to work with when I am doing it myself without an extra set of hands around to help.

      1. How is the MDF holding up on the baseboard area? I’ve been told that it’s not good to use in high moisture areas, but maybe you have had good luck?

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Jessie – The MDF is holding up perfectly. I did have to redo my caulking job around one side of the tub, but the MDF is fine. The bathroom has good ventilation so it never gets super steamy or damp in the room which could be the reason it works in the room.

  65. Rachel Berry says:

    Love it!
    My SIL did this very thing to her boys tub several years ago and it still looks fabulous!
