Free Printable Illustrated Cookbook Markers
Free printable illustrated cookbook markers to use to make it easy to find your favorite recipes amongst all your cookbooks.
Recently when I was going through cookbooks for meal planning ideas, I wanted to have something pretty to mark the recipes I plan to try. I usually organize my recipes in a recipe card box, but many of my family’s favorite recipes are in my collection of cookbooks. I even have a favorite recipe card framed on my kitchen counter.
To help me organize my favorite recipes in my cookbooks, I decided to create illustrated cookbook markers and print them out using my computer and printer. They look so much prettier than scraps of ripped paper.
How to Print a Free Set of Printable Cookbook Markers
I have made the cookbook markers into a free printable for you to download. Follow these steps to print:
- Download .pdf and save to your computer. I usually save to my desktop.
- Add white card stock to your printer.
- Choose to print in color or black and white in your printer’s settings.
- Use scissors or a paper cutter to cut out the eight cookbook markers.
- Print one or many copies depending on how many cookbook book markers you need.
Set of 8 Cookbook Markers to Print for Free
Download here: Cookbook Marker’s
Print out a few sets. One for you and another set to give to a foodie friend.
How to Give a Set of Cookbook Markers as a Gift
I printed this set on ribbed card stock and wrapped a strip of card stock around the set as shown below.
To create a wrapping strip to go around the set of cookbook markers:
- Cut a 3/4″ x 6″ strip out of card stock.
- Cut a 1/2″ slit on the bottom edge 3/4″ from the end.
- Cut another 1/2″ slit on the other end, but this time from the top edge.
- Wrap around the cut-out markers and place the slits into each other to close.
More Ideas on How to Mark Recipes in Cookbooks
TIP: Recipe Box Organizing Idea
- When you have a favorite recipe in a cookbook, create a recipe card for it in your recipe box. Title the card with the name of the recipe. Add the name of the cookbook it is from and the number of the page in the cookbook as well as any notes about the recipes, like this is a crowd pleaser. File it under the a category in your recipe box.
Creating these cards will save you a lot of time trying to find which cookbook a favorite recipe was in when you need it.
If you like to find new recipes that are family faves, check out my Recipes. I don’t have many, but the ones that I have posted are the best and all are crowd pleasers. Find them all listed here – under: RECIPES
Bon Appetite’