5 Ways to Effortless Decorating Style

While I am away on an adventure sailing the high seas, (more on that later in the week) I thought I would share a little styling fun with you today by sharing my 5 favorite ways to add effortless decorating style to a room that anyone can do in an instant – no DIY skills or tools needed.

No. 1:  S.Pellegrino Bottle a.k.a  “The Pellegrino Trio”

The idea for this post all started with the iconic S. Pellegrino bottle that you see in many kitchen, bar, or picnic decorating magazine photos.

Bottles of Pellegrino

Look through any decorating magazine and you are sure to see not just one bottle showing up in the pages, but are more likely to see what I have dubbed the “The Pellegrino Trio”  It is when 3 of the classic green bottles of sparkling natural mineral water with the light blue labels show up on kitchen counters, bar carts, or picnic baskets in dreamy Pinterest photos.

S. Pellegrino Sparkling Water

The bottles are stylish, hip, modern classics that make any room look instantly chic. Italian design at its best – simple classic style – love it!  Just place one or more on your counter, on your bar, or just about anywhere in your home and you have created style – effortlessly.

No. 2: The Cylindrical Clear Glass Vase

Clear glass vases have always been around, but I credit Pottery Barn with making them hip. Whether you simply stuff flowers in them, candles, apples, lemons, pinecones, holiday ornaments, or just about anything – your rooms will look like you have been decorating all day.


No. 3:  The Throw Blanket


I am not a big throw pillow person because I think they are just for show. They add color and pattern to a room, but in reality they add no function. They just end up on the floor when people sit on your sofa or chair because they get in the way.

On the other hand, a throw blanket casually draped over a chair, sofa, or bed adds color and interest while being useful. Just think how comforting it is when you want to snuggle with a bowl of popcorn while watching your favorite movie or when draping one over your shoulders when you are at your desk late at night trying to make a deadline.

No. 4:  The Wall Oversized Clock

Restoration Hardware Clock

I collect white faced clocks with black Roman numerals and place them in all rooms of my house, but when they are oversized they are a bit unexpected because of the scale. They are classic and add the right amount of drama and character to a room, plus you will never again be asked, Does anyone know what time is is?

No. 5:  White Dinnerware & Dishes

William Sonoma White Dinnerware

White dishes are the classic tried and true staple that you can grab any time with confidence because you know it will go with everything  – the food as well as not fight with a room’s color scheme or décor.    I also like that you can mix and match all styles of white dishes – plain, round, square, embossed, etc. to expand on the number of place settings you need. The will all go together seamlessly.

I use all of these items and you have seen them appear in my posts time and time again.  They are my all time favorites ways to easily raise the style meter in any room.

One of the best parts of adding them to your home is that is does not matter if you get them at the thrift store, Walmart, or a high end store. They are all classic  in design and  come with many different price tags that you will use and enjoy for a long time.

Image credits:  S.Pellegrino // Pottery Barn // Unknown //Southern Hospitality // I Heart Organizing  // Restoration Hardware // William Sonoma

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  1. Block print home decor is a timeless trend that adds a touch of elegance and charm to any space. The intricate patterns and vibrant colors create a unique aesthetic that blends traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design. For a stunning collection of block print home decor items, check out Fabdivine. Their curated selection showcases the beauty and versatility of block print, perfect for enhancing the ambiance of your home.

  2. Eilis@my-heart-lives-here.blogspot says:

    I scored a 4 out of 5 :). I just have to go buy 3 bottles of water and I’ll be set. Fun blog post!

  3. Great minds think alike! I know I must be on the right track if I’m already using most of the tips you presented. Thanks for the gentle reminders and reinforcement. Have lovely Autumn!

  4. Amy @ The Happy Tulip says:

    Great ideas! I scored 3 out of the 5. I’ve been in the market for an oversized clock. Do you have a standout favorite?

    1. If you have a Home Goods Store nearby you will find an excellent selection! Also, Gordman’s is a great resource for such items. Good luck in your search.

  5. Nancy Carr says:

    Great ideas. Thank you.

  6. Love all of these ideas! You always do a great job of making it feel effortless and real. And thank you for using my favorite throw as an example. :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jen – Hopefully one of these days I will be able to find one like it. I LOVE it – the color and style, plus the pom-poms- oooh…la…la XO

  7. Pegg Macko says:

    I too, am obsessed with clear glass vases. I have been raiding the thrift shops in our area for them for the last couple of years. I want a set of white dishes, but can’t justify getting rid of my present ones. So hard to be both cool and thrifty!

  8. Jodie @JBMaryn says:

    Love the idea with the bottles. You are so right, they always make it to a stylish photo shoot.

  9. Thanks for all the decorating tips Diane. I intend to use them all as I decorate my new condo in Florida. I feel like I am taking you with me as we “winter” in Florida for the first time.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Joan – I may end up moving to Florida myself. My husband is working with a start-up company there. If it ever gets off and running we may end up moving to the Ft. Lauderdale area. Only time will tell. I hope you enjoy setting up and decorating your new condo for “wintering” in the sunshine state.

  10. Easy, classic, and elegant. Great styling tips, Diane!

  11. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Yes, I love them all also. I need some new throws and am considering making one like your pink one (from another post), only mine will need to be in blue. I usually use green wine bottles though cause I never buy the bottled water. I love them though and will look for some next time I am shopping. I love the clear cylinders too, I can get them at our Dollar Tree. And I am so wanting a huge clock. I have now talked Steve into buying me a clock kit to make one, but to find the larger hands and numbers is seeming to be a problem for me. And white dishes is a huge YES for me. I can mix them with Christmas dishes and/or black dishes and/or other colors and/or what ever I have and it sure does look great.

  12. Nif @ Call*Me*Nif says:

    These are great ideas! I love that you collect white clocks with black roman numerals – very clever. I will have to pick up some Pellegrino bottles this week! Thanks for another inspiring blog post!

  13. Barbara @ DIY Home Staging Tips says:

    And Pellegrino is my favorite bottled water to treat myself to. Thanks for another helpful and concise post. I’m putting it on my Facebook Group Page. Love your fantastic sense of style.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Barbara XO

  14. Magali@TheLittleWhiteHouse says:

    I love your ideas! Simple and easy and I need San Pellegrino bottles!

  15. Christine says:

    Four out of Five… hmmm, I’m doing great!
    Tomorrow, I will make it Five out Five, after I have returned from the grocery store.

  16. Coucou ! Un très joli blog . Dommage qu il n y ait pas la fonction ” translate ” car je suis française et ne parle pas couramment l anglais.
    Bisous depuis La Rochelle (cote ouest de la France).

  17. Deb Hrabik says:

    Great observations. Love your style ideas!