How is your January going? Have you been reading blog and social media posts about what’s in and what’s out in decorating trends for 2025, words of the year, resolutions you should make and winter decorating ideas?

Normally this kind of content is what would be capturing my attention and I would be writing about now that my holiday decorations are packed away in the attic.
This year though “cozy-ing” up the decorating in my living room for the winter months and posting about it would not be the best use of my time as everything in the room has to be removed so it can become a construction zone next week. Contractors will be making a mess as they put up a new ceiling in the room.
When thinking about not being able to make my living room winter cozy and not knowing what to post about since I am still putting the finishing touches on other projects I am working on to share with you, I remembered a draft outline I wrote of a post I entitled, Jan-YOU-ary. It has been sitting in the backend of my blog for 3 years.
Reading it gave me clarity about not stressing that I can’t decorate my living room for winter as I always do in January. It also allowed me to realize what January could be about instead of only about making yearly resolutions and lofty goals I may not be able to see through.
Doing a deeper dive into the subject I found that research has shown that around the second to the third week of January, many people abandon their New Year’s resolutions due to challenges in sticking to their goals.
This got me thinking why January 1st as a day to make life changes doesn’t make sense. It is too soon after the holidays. We need a break after the busyness of the holiday season spent with family and friends even if they were enjoyable before starting any new routines that will require determination and focus.
Instead of jumping right into starting new goals and routines on January 1st and stressing about not sticking to my posting plans because of all that is going on in the house, I’ve decided to listen to the Jan-YOU-ary wisdom I started to write about 3 years ago to take some downtime just for me. The construction going on in the house is allowing me to finally do it.
What’s a Jan-YOU-ary About?
Jan-YOU-ary is all about the emphasis on “you”. A time to go slow, relax, and renew yourself. It can also be whatever you personally want or need in your life right now.
Maybe it is starting to eat better or to go after a goal, but it doesn’t have to be. It could be taking the time to hibernate or to go through the month in a slow manner. It means to take the time to do whatever self-care needs will help you feel your best right now.
More importantly, Jan-YOU-ary is about not feeling the pressure that you have to stick to a routine, a new year’s goal, resolutions or living by a word of the year.
Embracing Downtime
I rarely take significant time to truly slow down to enjoy my home as I always have some project going on.

Normally I would work all day and into the evenings to get my projects done fast, but this January I am enjoying just hanging out relaxing in front of the fireplace with candles flickering all around.
I am enjoying less hustle, less online social noise. I have been doing more of the things that inspire me to feel at peace at home.
It feels very nice to take a break from my norm of overload and trying to do “it all” and “be all” to everyone. I can’t recommend doing it enough.
Here is what I have been doing so far in my Jan-YOU-ary days. Your comforts and daily joys may be different from mine, but they will give you the idea of what a Jan-YOU-ary can become for you.

Jan-YOU-ary so far for me has me taking time to do the things that I have been putting off.
I have been putting a dent in my reading list and taking the time to enjoy the books I have on my Kindle.

I am also finding new plant based recipes and organizing my recipe box. I am also cleaning out my clothes closet, a task that has been long overdue.
I am taking lavender epsom salt baths before going to bed to help me relax and sleep soundly.
Leaning into Cozy Comfort + Joy
Even though my living room is bare and not decorated for the winter months as it normally would be now, I can still comfortably sit on one of the recliners in the room under a warm throw and watch a movie or read a book by the firelight.

When construction does starts, that cozy recliner will be moved to the kitchen where it will be placed right up against the kitchen table with plastic sheeting on the other side blocking the living room.
Even though this doesn’t sound ideal, I will still be able to enjoy the glow from my collection of Kosta Boda votives on the table that create a cozy ambiance as I read.

I can also still savor comforting winter rituals like making a big pot of soup or stew, and letting it simmer all afternoon, baking a loaf of bread and sipping afternoon tea while doing nothing more than reading or daydreaming. No goals or resolutions to worry about not achieving.
“You don’t need a specific day of the year to start to change your life. You can resolve to do something differently — spend less money, be nicer, drink more water — anytime. And you can decide to do these things for an hour, a day, a week. Then see if you want to continue. Vowing to overhaul your life on Jan. 1 and trying to stick with the changes forever is a tall order.” – NY Times
I like the above quote. When I am ready to engage on working towards a goal or a new project, I will do it when it is the right time for me and not feel like I have to do or change anything just because January 1st is a popular date to do so.
So during my Jan-YOU-ary down time and while my social media feeds fill up with offers to change my diet, change my decor and change me, I am just deleting them all and will continue to enjoy focusing and savoring on what I want to do.
Even in this quiet winter season where I am intentionally taking life slow, I am still getting done what needs to get done – but all in a slow manner with no rush to get any of it done by a deadline.
It feels good. I highly recommend using the month of January as a time to slow down and take some time for you. You deserve it!
If one of the things you enjoy doing in January is finding inspiration and ideas on how to cozy up and decorate your home for the winter months, I have a few posts that you may like.
- Winter Flower Arrangement Idea
- After Christmas Winter Decorating Ideas
- Decorating For Winter The Easy Way
- Winter Decorating Ideas: Relax…Renew…Reset
- Dodging a Winter Draft with a Door Draft Stopper