Jewelry for your Garden
This is a fun trash turned into treasure something useful project. I call my creation “Jewelry for the Garden”.
I came up with this idea for DIY garden markers after my hubby asked me if I could make something to mark the veggies and herbs that he recently planted in our garden. I could have used a number of things as markers – the stamped spoon idea is so cute, but I don’t have any extra spoons or a stamping set. Tongue depressors or Popsicle sticks – they break apart. I could have went to a garden shop and bought some, but I don’t want to spend money on something I knew I could make. So I looked around the house and found these 3 items to make my garden markers – a wire hanger, an OJ can lid, and a few beads.
Wire hangers from the dry cleaner, orange juice can tops and bottoms, and a few beads from my collection.
Cost: Nothing Time to Complete: 15 minutes = A Happy Hubby He would have been fine with just the OJ lids on the hanger, but I had to add a little style to them.
How To Make Garden Markers Using Juice Can Lids and Wire
These garden markers are very easy to make. The hardest part is waiting until you have collected enough OJ cans to make enough markers for all the plants you want to mark in your garden.
1. Pull the wire part of the hanger from the cardboard tube. One on each side. This will be the hook on the top of the stake.
2. Untwist the hook part of the hanger.
3. Open up the hook, by spreading the two wires apart.
4. Cut in the center with wire cutters. You have just created 2 stakes to hang the OJ lids on.
5. Press the smaller hook end back a bit with your fingers so that it is closer to the wire behind it.
6. Mold the bigger hook end with your hands so it resembles the ones shown in the photo below. This end will go into the ground, so it does not have to be perfect. It will give the stake support.
7. Optional: Spray paint silver to match the OJ lid.
8. If you have a Dremel drill – drill 2 holes in an OJ lid – one at the top and another at the bottom. Make sure the bottom hole is close to the edge of the lid so you will be able to thread a jump ring through it. I placed mine right in the lid’s groove. If you don’t have a drill, an awl and a hammer will also make a hole.
9. Add some pretty beads to a jump ring and attach to the lid. I was going for an all green look so the markers would look nice, but would blend in with the garden at the same time.
10. I tried using a stamping set to mark each lid, but the metal is too soft, so I used permanent markers. If you want to stamp the names on each marker – use tin can lids that are opened with a can opener that doesn’t leave the edges sharp. Most tin can lids are bigger and have ridges in them. I like the OJ lids – they are smooth.
11. Push the larger hook end into the dirt and never again forget what you planted. The beads and the lids move in the breeze and jangle a bit- it might scare the birds and other animals who may decide to make a feast out of your garden.
Have you made anything out of trash lately that you would like to share? I always love to see clever ways to re-purpose items that we would normally toss in the trash. I have made a few different garden label variations from household items in this post about garden markers.