Style Scouting: Vol.126

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

So how are you doing on this 3rd weekend in January? This past week I attended a Carolina blogger’s retreat in Asheville, NC where 16 of us gathered to talk about all things blogging in the DIY decorating niche.

There were new bloggers along with a few of us who have been blogging for a long time, like me at 14 years. Blogging has changed so much since the early days when we shared what we did in our homes. We just forged ahead learning as we went.

carolina bloggers on staircase
Carolina Blogger’s Retreat

Fast forward to now where there is a method to follow that can take forever to simply get a post written and published for the world to read. There are also thousands upon thousands of blogs where every topic on DIY decor has been covered, making it hard to come up with new interesting and inspiring ideas. That is what I try to do when I share a post and also when I gather links for this post.

I have many ideas, but would like to know what topics you would like me to cover or questions to answer that will help you live in your home the best way possible – in your own style.

Over the weekend, I started giving a decorative makeover to one of the guest rooms. It all started because the hand-me-down bed frame that was at least 60 years old, cracked. Ed chopped it up. So now it is my turn to give not only the bed, but the whole room a new look.

Now onto the links I found for you this week.


A brand new farmhouse built to look old.

A cozy sunroom renovation.

This classic and unique feature wall.


For crafters who have a lot of 2 oz. craft paint bottles.

How to give unfinished wood a wire brush finish.

Easy to make table top photo display idea.

Valentine’s to make, bake and give this year.


Clutter can actually be good for your mental health.


A casserole style meal that can be eaten in front of the fire.

Another cozy meal to serve on a wintery night.

A crispy Valentine treat to make.

Fashion & Beauty

I did this and found I was right in what colors look good on me. How to find your color season.

Fun & Interesting

Creating and making art is good for your health.

If you own a pet, this is good to know.

Two young entrepreneurs bringing color and smiles to the world.

Something to Think About

My Father’s Changing Hands

Take the time to listen during a winter walk.

Oh… So Stylish Finds

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If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    A topic I wish you could cover is to briefly explain the different style houses, and include a picture and a description of its defining characteristics; for example, Craftsman style, Ranch, cottage, Victorian, Plantation and there are a whole lot more. I want to know this, well, just because I want to, but also so I can stay within reason when I decorate the inside of a certain style home. For instance, I live in a SW style stucco home and Victorian furniture wouldn’t look good in it.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi – Thanks for blog post idea, but I don’t think I could write anything better than what HGTV has about the topic on their site. You can read it here:

      For even more – do a Google search for – ” different style of home architecture styles ” and many images and articles about the subject can be found. I hope these help you.

  2. My Father’s Changing Hands was so touching and poignant…

  3. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    That sounds and looks like such a fun time! Blogging has changed so much and the competitiveness of it all is exhausting so I’m sure this retreat was refreshing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Julia – We did have a great time, so much so that Lauren from Blesser House who arranged everything is going to do it again next year. Blogging sure has changed so much and like you mentioned it is exhausting. I remember when I could post 3 project posts every week in real time. Those days are gone. Today it has taken me half the day just to research the best keyword for one post and more. I would enjoy going back to our early days when it a lot simpler.

    2. My Father’s Changing Hands was so touching and poignant…

  4. Thank you for all the links…especially My Father’s Changing Hands 💜
    I am visiting my parents for the week and they are both 80 plus. Both are starting to decline in different ways. These are some of the best times, just being here with them day to day. My heart is full 🥰.

  5. Thank you so much for the valentine printables. They are really cute and it is so nice of you to do that for your readers.
    You asked what we’d+ like to see on your blog and the answer is organization.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pam – I hope you enjoy making things with the Valentine printables. I enjoy crafting a few paper Valentines every year as it brings back fond memories of when I was a kid in school making Valentines for my classmates. XO

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Again Pam – I forgot to add in my reply to your comment that I will look to post more about organization. In the meantime, if you need ideas or inspiration you can browse through the Organizing category on my blog. You can find it here:

  6. Diane, this post couldn’t have been more timely for me. Thank you for introducing me to! Last night, I visited a friend who is down in the dumps because she now needs to use a walker. I have contacted izzywheels to ask if they can help me add some pizazz to my friend’s wheels. I’d love to restore the pep in her step.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debra – Reading your comment made me so happy. I hope they can help you or direct you to a company that jazzes up walkers for your friend. I remember when my mom had her knees replaced she needed a cane. She wasn’t too happy about it, but found a very snazzy one at a crafts festival. It made her feel so much better about having to use it to get around.

  7. Barbara Pilcher says:

    I love the smorgasbord of treats you put out for us weekly — projects to try, foods to eat, places to go, blogs or posts to read, and new thoughts to try on! My favorite is the one about adopting an art habit. For a new-to-me art form, I want to learn to knit this year. I think it would be SO relaxing!

    Since you asked about topics we’d like to see you cover, I’d be interested in your time management tips. I know you lead a busy, balanced and productive life. Tell us your secrets!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Barbara – I enjoy putting together the links for Style Scouting each week. I agree with you about the art habit. Right now I am trying to find something new to learn myself. I like to read, but need a new creative outlet. My mom and MIL both were knitter and knitted all the time. They didn’t even have to look at what they were knitting, as there hands just knitted while they watched TV or chatted with you. I hope you enjoy the learning and make something special to wear or to use in your home.

  8. Oh my gosh….. so many great links with fun and easy ideas! I especially love your link about Valentines.

    I cannot imagine hanging out with a group of bloggers who are creative. I can hear the chatter and laughing. What a fun time. I probably wouldn’t sleep from all the energy and ideas.

    Great post Diane on such a gloomy and crispy Minnesota day.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi June – We did have a great time at the retreat and learned a few new things to help us be better bloggers. It made me smile to hear my post was nice to read on a gloomy and cold day. Brrrr. :-)

  9. Hello Diane,
    I’m enjoying the blog; the variety of subjects is so welcome! I just finished reading the “reedy” feature wall and would love to do it (it does look labor intensive). Anyway, we purchased a home in the Phoenix, Az metro area this fall so there is much to do. I’ve been searching for pictured inspiration for the WC (toilet room). It is narrow, not longer than it needs to be and has 10 foot ceiling. Oh my! It has so much potential, but I need inspiration. Have you completed, or seen some that aren’t quirky, or too elegant? Thanks so much for being here for us!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Molly – That is a very tall and narrow space. I understand why it is hard finding inspiration on how to decorate it. I don’t have any ideas now or know of any photos, but I will keep an eye out for some and email you if I find a few. Have you searched Pinterest for “long narrow bathroom decorating ideas”? It would be a good place to start looking for ideas.

  10. Hi Diane, There may be “thousands upon thousands of blogs where every topic on DIY decor has been covered, making it hard to come up with new interesting and inspiring ideas”. BUT most of us don’t see all of those blogs. You and Rhoda (Southern Hospitality) are the only ones I follow faithfully. I love that you are frugal, creative and so very talented. I have used so many of your ideas and look forward to many more. In my book it is fine if you use another blog to inspire you. I am inspired by you! I can’t wait to see your guest room makeover. Hugs.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Janie – Thanks for taking the time to tell me this. As a blogger who makes a living from blogging, it is a great reminder that our readers don’t see all the sites we know are out there. Readers are #1. Then we have to follow the Google search engine rules if we want our site to show up when people search on Google or Bing for ideas or answers to questions. This is where the thousands of sites and the competition becomes hard to deal with. Thanks for reading my blog. It warms my heart that you look forward to my posts and have used many of my ideas. That is the best thing a blogger could here. XOXO

  11. Would be so helpful if you posted a picture to your found links. Time saving for us !

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Barbara – Thanks for reading my posts. I would like to do this more – include photos in the post, but I need to get permission from the blogger or site where the photos are as photos are copyrighted. I know a few bloggers who have gotten sued for using photos they didn’t get permission to use. I don’t want to get sued for using a photo on my blog that I didn’t take. It takes time to find emails to contact the bloggers or photographers and some never reply. When I can, I will include a photo. I hope this helps you understand why I just use a link. I do categorize the links so readers don’t need to open what doesn’t interest them.

  12. My Father’s Hands was such a tear jerker. You asked a question about interests, I’m not very crafty but besides interior decorating, I love anything gardening related and I also just started eating more plant based in January, so any future favourite recipes you can share would be awesome. I also enjoy hearing about your travels & even if you’re just puttering around the yard or out on the lake!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Holly – I will start to post again about plant-based eating again on Fridays as well as more chatty things like what I am up to as I get my blogging schedule back up to speed. I still eat plant-based but over the last year and a half my life focused spending time in Los Angeles to help care for my granddaughter and I didn’t have any new recipes to post about.

      I search though recipes all the time and have a new stack that I want to try out so stay tuned.

  13. I have read the chicken broccoli bake twice but although it mentions gnocchi in the ingredients it doesn’t seem to mention when to prepare it and when to add it to the recipe. I am assuming similar to a lasagna recipe or
    perhaps I am just missing something when I looked at it.
    It sure sounds delicious and easy enough to make.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deb – I haven’t made the recipe yet, but it sure looks good and I do see that she didn’t include when to add the gnocchi or if it should be cooked first before adding. I think the best way to find out is to leave a comment on the recipe blog post for her to answer. It is Rosalynn Daniels site:

  14. Lisa Smith says:

    Hope you had fun at the bloggers retreat. Thanks for all that you share here. I especially enjoyed reading the piece written in reflection of the woman’s father and her journey through his aging and changing habits. Tender and beautifully written.

    1. Lou Annclif says:

      I loved seeing the other bloggers, I follow a few of them and enjoy there content. Always looking for new ideas so any bloggers you can give us there site, would love to follow them as well.

    2. I loved seeing the other bloggers, I follow a few of them and enjoy there content. Always looking for new ideas so any bloggers you can give us there site, would love to follow them as well.

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Lou Ann – I will send you the list via email, so keep an eye out for it.

    3. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lisa – It was a very well-written piece about her father. I wish I could write like that. Reading it brought back fond memories of my own dad. :-)

  15. The link to “My Father’s changing hands”. Was beautiful and sad and had me tearing up. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gail – Same here – tearing up. I have my dad’s hands, although a more feminine version. Whenever I really look at my hands I see a part of my dad that makes me smile. XO