Style Scouting: Vol. 167

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

I have had quite the relaxing week. Ed and I headed down to the 30A region on the Florida panhandle to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary. It doesn’t seem possible that we have been together for that long.

Ed and Diane on Rosemary Beach in Florida

We had a great week weather wise, did lots of biking, some shopping for me and golfing for Ed, and plenty of time reading on the beach. We didn’t go in the water as it was a bit too chilly, but beautifully crystal clear and turquoise.

Carriage House in Rosemary Beach

We stayed in a very nice carriage house that was connected to a much larger main home in Rosemary Beach. We had never been to the area, so it was fun to explore and check out all the towns along 30A from Rosemary Beach where we stayed all the way to Seaside, Florida.

We both love to travel and enjoyed the week and sunny weather, but always look forward to getting back to home-sweet-home.

Getting some time away was a nice way to rest before heading into the busy holiday season now that it is November 5th. Thanksgiving is only weeks away!

Posts You May Have Missed This Week

Easy Thanksgiving Table: Place Setting Ideas


Isn’t this tucked in a corner table is dreamy.

This is some farmhouse!!!

This would be a nice place to stay for a weekend getaway.

This bright and colorful home.

This home tour.


I am always amazed at what you can do with IKEA shelving units.

If you like the look of wallpaper, but not the price, try doing this.

This is a very clever way to hang garland. Love it!

I like this Pottery Barn photo frame hack.


If you would like to serve something besides pie for Thanksgiving this year.

These Cheesy Potato Stacks look good for Thanksgiving dinner or any night’s dinner.

Look at these delish looking snacks that are made with pizza dough.


I read this book on the beach this week. It was very good. I am looking forward to when Book 2 in the series comes out late next year.

Fun & Interesting

How cute is this? Very!

Noticing a lot of acorns around your home this year? I sure am. There is a reason for it.

Are you hosting Thanksgiving at your house. Doing this is a great idea for getting a conversation started.

Something to Think About

How to cultivate hope.

“NO” vember – A reminder to say no to the things, people and places that steal your joy. – BecomingMinimalist

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

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  1. HAPPY 40TH ANNIVERSARY Diane and Ed – may your future bring you happiness, good health, wealth, and many more years together.
    I totally love the painted patterned wall – will be doing that on the back of my bookcase or my china closet. The garland idea is genius and I will be doing that also.
    You do research and give such great information – I bought the jacket from Old Navy that you wrote about last month and it is great for fall and it is well-made with a great price.

  2. Becky in 'Bama says:

    Congrats for the 40th anniversary. The beach is outstanding this time of year (when there are no hurricanes). Your accommodations look lovely! We are celebrating our 48th next week, and are headed to Lexington, KY to watch “our team” play college football. Hope to get in a few stops for eating, antiquing. Have a great month and a blessed Thanksgiving day with friends and family.

  3. Happy 40th Anniversary!
    I enjoy reading your blogs – lots of good and usable info.

  4. Congratulations on your 40th anniversary. Sounds like a fabulous trip. Putting the book on my “to read” list. Lots to love in this post. Going to definitely try that shower curtain rod garland hanging tip!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Deanna – We had a nice time. The shower curtain rod is one of the best DIY’s I have seen in a while.

  5. Happy 40th!!!🥂. Looked like lovely getaway 😊
    Great ideas this week..the garland hanging idea was interesting and your book looks like a great read 👍

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Lynn – It was a fun getaway to relax before getting focused on all things that need to be done for the holidays.

  6. The Florida Panhandle is my happy place and we go there 2-3 times a year. Blessed to have a condo on the white sands of Destin. I hope you enjoyed your visit. We are celebrating our 40th next year and will be headed to Germany. Time flies when you are having fun!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi K – Ed went golfing one day so I went shopping and did get as far west as Destin. Nice to have a place to call your own there. The beaches sure are white. :-) Best wishes for a grand time in Germany to celebrate your 40th.

  7. June Becklin says:


    Happy Anniversary! Looks like the two of you had the perfect getaway😍

    Once again I found myself scrolling through all your links multiple times already. They are all great but I LOVED the garland hack! I cannot wait to try it😊

    Thanks for all the great ideas you post.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi June – Thanks. I think the garland hack is going to be one of the most popular DIY’s this year. It sure is smart!

  8. Happy 40th Anniversary!! The Inn at Kenmore was an intriguing read. Loved learning about it.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Holly – So happy to hear that you enjoyed reading about The Inn at Kenmore Hall. I enjoy finding the links and learn quite a bit each week, too. Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes.

  9. Michele M. says:

    Hi Diane- this sure was an exceptionally great Scouting post this week.
    That farmhouse, that cute penquin, that article about hope, so much great reading!!

    And it is so nice you two got away for your 40th. Best wishes for another 40!
    ♥♥ And I loved the pic with your squeeze with his feet hiding deep in that beautiful beach sand. That was cute. And so was the Carriage House you stayed in! Beautiful!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Michele – It makes me happy to know that you enjoy reading my Style Scouting posts. Thanks for the anniversary wishes. Funny that you noticed Ed’s feet dug into the sand. Even though the beach was beautiful, there were little flies that were biting our ankles. Burying them stopped us from getting bitten and constantly swatting them away.

  10. Barbara Pilcher says:

    Thanks for these uplifting and happy links. Your Style Scouting posts are always a welcome antidote to the usual dribble and doom that pops up on our screens.

    I heartily endorse those conversation starter cards. A similar list of prompts that I had tucked in my wallet a couple of years ago helped pass the hours in the car when my husband and I drove home to North Carolina from a vacation in the Florida panhandle.

    Oh, that cake looks scrumptious!

    I pinned that photo of the corner table. Thanks for all the inspo.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Barbara – Your comment made me smile and happy to know that you look forward to my Style Scouting posts every week. I enjoy going through all the dribble to find interesting stuff for readers. Great idea to use a list of prompts to pass the hours while driving. :-)

  11. Linda Taranto says:

    Where did you stay in Rosemary Beach? The hubby and I may want to go that way to get out of the cold in February and the place you stayed looked so charming. …. Also, I am a basket maker and I loved, loved, loved the basket you posted …. Did it have a wooden bottom or was it woven? I’d like to make one!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – We stayed right in the heart of Rosemary Beach at a rental called Pappas Cottage. We stayed in the Carriage House. The realtor told us we would be the last to get the carriage house as they are going to include it with the main house from now on. It was on 15 Cartagena Lane. We rented it via 30A Escapes.

      The basket I linked to doesn’t have a wood bottom, only 2 runners on the outer edges of the underside.