25 Things That You May Not Know About Me

I’ve been writing this blog of mine for 13 years now and while things have changed and grown in ways I never could have imagined when I first started out, my favorite part of writing a blog will always be connecting with you.


I scaled back on posting over the summer to take a break and find new inspiration to share with you. Now that it is “Back To It Time” I wanted to start off September like it is a new school year just like when we were growing up and made new friends at the beginning of each new school year.

I may not have classmates, but I have you, my readers and subscribers – my online friends.

I thought it would be fun to share a few things you may not know about me and would if you were my best bud sitting across a table having coffee or tea (hot tea, black for me please) and chatting like friends do.

25 Things That You May Not Know About Me

Here is a list of a few things you would know about me if you knew me in “real live person” and not only through a computer screen. :-)

1. I love libraries. If I wasn’t a full-time blogger I think I would have liked to be a librarian or work in one.

My-twin-sister-at-Genevieves restaurant in Greenville, SC

2. I have an identical twin sister. Her name is Carol. She is 5 minutes older than me. We each still have the same baby tooth and many other similarities.

3. I drive a silver Mini Cooper with a white top that I named Genevieve. (One reason I took my sister’s photo above in front of a place called Genevieve’s when we were out and about.) It is my mom’s name.

I remember a TV show growing up that starred Jerry Van Dyke called, My Mother the Car. His late mother would talk to him through the car’s radio.

My car doesn’t do that :-) but I know my mom would be smiling that I named my cute little car after her with this story line in mind.

4. I have always preferred tea over coffee. I always order a glass of red wine -Cabernet or a Pinot when dining out. My favorite foods to eat are hot tea with crusty bread smothered in jam. Like in the song Do-Re-Mi in the Sound of Music… “Ti, a drink with jam and bread”.

5. I wrote a decorating book back in 1994 titled, Instant Decorating. It was published by Meredith Corp (BHG) when they still published single author books. To promote it I was on a few pre-HGTV home decor TV shows.

6. I have lived in 6 different states. Pennsylvania, California, Washington, North Carolina, New Jersey and now reside in South Carolina.

Trying on glasses in the optical department at Walmart.

7. As many of us over the age of 50, I have presbyopia. I tried bi-focal contacts, but they didn’t quite work for me.

I had two prescriptions – one for days I wanted to see far and another for days I wanted to read my phone. Not a good thing. I was told that after I turn 65, the contacts may work better. For now, I never pass up an optical shop to try on a new pair of glasses. I have many.

8. Three years ago, the skin on parts of my face, hands, arms and right leg began to whiten and freckle. I developed vitiligo. I am learning to live with stares from people when out and about and applying lots of sunblock. It looks worse in the summer when my pigmented skin gets tan even with the use of sunblock and a wide brimmed hat.

My dermatologist said it could be genetic, stress-related or even a side effect of getting the shingles vaccines… or a combo of all three.

On a happy note, I do see pigment coming back on my face in the way of lots of freckles slowly coming together to cover the white areas.

9. My favorite pastime on a rainy or Sunday afternoon is to watch old movies that star Cary Grant, Doris Day, Rock Hudson and Audrey Hepburn.

10. I like solid color clothing and mostly wear simple dresses or golf skorts in the summer. In the winter it’s a pullover hoodie in many different styles and black leggings.

I even have a few pairs that I have labeled my “painting leggings” that I am OK with getting paint on when working on DIY projects.

11. I like crossbody handbags. They keep my hands free when out and about and I like that. If I have to carry more than my handbag holds, I use a straw tote.

12. I don’t mind elevator music. I actually kind of like it and most “easy listening” styles of music. My family has gotten used to coming home to find that I have the easy listening music station on the TV.

I think hearing the music takes me back to a simpler time when I was a child. My mom always had it playing on the radio when I was growing up, so to me it brings happiness and contentment.

13. Speaking about elevators, I am a claustrophobic. I never take them, I prefer to walk up the steps. I can’t even put my head under water to swim freestyle or be in a windowless room with a door closed.

14. I always choose pale pink polish when I get mani’s and pedi’s.

15. I have restless leg syndrome since I was a child, as does my twin sister. If I walk and exercise daily, it doesn’t bother me as much.

16. I prefer silver jewelry over gold and wear the same silver/diamond stud earrings everyday.

17. I love to bake on rainy days. Since going plant based, I have tried many new recipes, my favorite is this Banana Bread. If you lived next door, I would be bringing you some.

18. I met my husband for the first time after writing him letters for 5 months. It was a meeting that was a bit out of the ordinary and one in which fate played a big part.

19. I have been trying for years to use an online spreadsheet program to organize my blogging life. I have tried a few, but still can’t quite get it to work seamlessly for me.

I started with AirTable last year and am S-L-O-W-L-Y getting the hang of it over using paper and a pencil. If you have any tips about using this, please let me know.

20. I don’t wear much makeup, but can’t go out without applying lipstick. Right now my favorite is LANCOME L’ABSOLU MADEMOISELLE SHINE in the color Mademoiselle Smiles. It is a red/pink. When at LAX on a recent trip a woman came up to me in the airport and told me she loved my look and asked what color lipstick I had on. That made me smile. :-)

21. I love to travel and have a bucket list of trips I would like to take: Travel by train across Canada with the destination Lake Louise, Bike and Barge through Europe, and an Alaskan cruise are a few.

22. I am really good at reading people and knowing what they are thinking or want. It is my super power. But it reality, it is my overactive visual brain that picks up tiny clues and sees everything.

Diane with sunglasses and haircut

23. When the pandemic started, I began cutting my own hair. I wish I had learned sooner as I have learned to cut it exactly the way I want. Most hairstylist always cut it too short without taking the time to get the proportion and layers just right for my head shape.

24. I have an extra lumbar vertebrae in my back that can cause my back to freeze and make me look like a question mark.

I have learned over the years how to keep it from happening. One is to sleep on a rock hard mattress. Ed has gotten used to it, but our next bed will be a Sleep Number where we can customize each side.

25. I never pull into a parking spot when I am out and about shopping or running errands. I always look for a spot where I can pull through the spots so my car faces out.

Sometimes I have to park pretty far out in a parking lot to do this. I look at it as a way to get some exercise in my day, but really do it because I dislike backing up. I am always afraid I will hit something.

So that’s a little bit about me. You can find out more on my About Me page.

How about you? If we were chatting over coffee or tea at a cute little cafe in town, what would I know about you?

Is there anything I didn’t share that you would like to know about me. Let me know in the comments.

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  1. My list is quite similar! I love libraries, book stores, museums, antique shops, and Catholic Churches. If I was anywhere on the planet I could feel at home in one of these places. I drink herbal tea instead of coffee. I always carry some tea in my handbag—in case of a tea emergency. I love people. I love nature, history, reading, traveling, baking, cooking, entertaining friends and family, game nights, walking, hiking, and paper crafting. I love creating beautiful tablescapes and making a cozy home for my husband. I’m a retired RN. I have volunteered as a docent in a historic home for 19 years and counting. I have organized a senior ladies lunch group on Meetup for 8.5 years and counting. I volunteer with a couple local charities. I put my husband and family first, but also love time with my friends. I named my car Luna after Luna Lovegood in Harry Potter (because we’re both a little quirky!). I also prefer silver jewelry over gold, and I collect handbags. That’s me in a nutshell!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – Nice to meet you. I think I would enjoy hanging out with you as we enjoy many of the same things. I always keep teabags in my purse, too and my car as I never want to be without tea as many restaurants don’t even have tea bags or ones that I lie.

  2. I was busy all last week deep cleaning our house. Just catching up with your blog. We had 4 realtors in and thought about listing our house as one of our rental properties is becoming available next month as a temporary home until we decide what we want to do. Changed our minds and may list in the spring. Reread your advice on selling your home in 10 days. Anyway….loved this post and getting to know more about you and so many of your lovely readers. Enjoyed your wedding story, I met my husband in high school. We’ll be celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary next month. Spent 10 days camping in Grand Tetons National Park this summer. In a tent. I think I’m kind of done with tenting. I worked for Eastern Airlines for 10 years in the 70’s and 80’s. Sold lots of those Unlimited Mileage trips. So fun that you did that for your wedding/honeymoon! I too love Baggalini Bags. I’m also a tea person, hot and iced. I love libraries, reading and thrifting. We have a lot in common it seems. That’s why I’m so drawn to your blog.

  3. Janet Friend says:

    Many things match,wondering if your birthday is June, mine 26th as I am a Cancer baby,moon child,are you?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Janet – Yes I am a Cancer. June 29th. Moon child fits me perfectly.

  4. As usual a really wonderful blog. I’m a real fan of bookstores and libraries. I really enjoyed Susan Orleans book The Library. I won’t say much because I don’t want to spoil it. But I couldn’t put it down. Great with a cuppa tea.

  5. I am a little late to the party, but I loved this post and learning more about you, Diane. I am a longtime reader, and I appreciate the information you share and the warmth and friendliness that comes through the computer in your writing style.
    Just a few things about me.
    -I am an Interior Designer by trade, but it is my 3rd college degree, so I guess it took me awhile to “find” my passion.
    -I am also a black tea only drinker (black tea and nothing in it and only piping hot.)
    -I have a June birthday, as well
    -I developed Celiac disease 3 years ago after not having had it before. I was in my 50s already, so at least I got to eat gluten all that time until then, so that is a plus.
    -Cab Sav drinker also, but I like other wines too
    -I love to travel-a lot! My daughter lives in Spain now, so Europe is a frequent destination. I always say that “my daughter lives in Spain, but my heart lives in Italy”. Italy has always been a favorite place.
    -Since being diagnosed with Celiac, my goal is to visit all 19 dedicated GF breweries in the US. So far this summer, I have hit 3.
    -I have lived in Illinois, Michigan, California, Texas, Georgia, and Hawaii. I am in MI now.
    -I love changing things up at my house. I think the square footage is considerably smaller now with how many coats of paint are on each wall. I love flea markets, antique stores, and thrift stores. You have given me a lot of inspiration over the years!
    Anyway, enough of that. Thanks again for the great post, and I am sure if we ever met, we would hit it off. :)

  6. We have several things in common.
    I had a library card at a very early age and wanted to be a librarian.

    I have a sister named Carol. Not a twin but only a
    year apart.

    I prefer tea, old movies on Sundays, pulling ahead to park the car, elevator music,
    silver jewelry and we are taking the Canadian Rockies train trip this month!

    I enjoy your blog very much!
    Thank you for sharing.

  7. So I’m a tea person too. I had met my husband a few times with other classmates and had one date before I went on a study abroad. He was online almost every other night to voice chat or email while as I completed my assignment (only had internet in my rent-a-dorm). We were both very fascinated and felt we were cheating the world with the long distance chatting.

  8. I so enjoyed this post! Thank you for sharing your interesting personality!!

  9. Valarie Sanford says:

    That was really fun Diane but you didn’t mention your birthday month which I will guess is
    Oct since that’s mine and we are similar in a lot of ways! Blessings!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Valerie – I am glad you enjoyed the post. My birthday is in June. :-)

  10. Diane,
    You have given lots of inspiration and ideas over the years I have been following you. I love your down-to-earth approach and budget consciousness.

    I am impressed by your learning to cut your own hair, and I may just do that myself! I cut my sons’ hair while they were at home, and still do my husband’s, but I have been afraid to do my own, except my bangs on occasion.

    I wish I had numerous glasses to wear, to change up my look, but my lenses are so expensive it has been cost prohibitive. And I’ve had to get new lens prescriptions every few years, so buying multiple pairs to have hasn’t seemed like a wise use of my money. I’m more inclined to spend money on my house/decor!

    I love that you encourage your readers to use what we have to decorate our homes. I’m a thrift store buyer as well.

    This summer I took a huge road trip with my sister, somewhat replicating a trip our mother had taken in 1951 with a few of her friends after graduating from nurses college. A cousin went along as well, and we had a fantastic time seeing the sights through CO, UT, ID, OR, CA, AZ, NM, TX, OK, and back to KS where my sister lives. We are planning another -shorter!- trip to MI and WI to see lighthouses next year. I love hearing about your travels.

    Keep up the good words!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Bonnie – Your girls road trip sounds amazing!!! What fun. You covered a lot of ground. I am sure you saw so many interesting things. I have never been to Idaho and would like to see that state as well as Montana and the Dakotas someday. For cutting your own hair, to make it doable, I hold a handheld mirror in my left hand and stand with my back to the large mirror over my bathroom sink. I look in the handheld mirror and can see that back of my head and cut with my right hand. It takes a little practice, but works well once you get the hang of it. Watching lots of YouTube haircutting videos have also helped me to get better at cutting my own hair. Thanks for reading my blog. XO

  11. Hi Diane, I’m Karen. I’m a long time follower of your blog. I’m a former commercial artist living in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. I am a 12 year widow who raised two sons and a daughter to successful young adults. Now, as a recent empty nester, I’m exploring options for my next chapter. I especially enjoyed seeing your process of making your move from Pa to SC. Thank you for sharing your creativity and your family with us. I enjoy your tips and projects. They are inspiring.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Hi Diane! You and I have several similarities… like you, when it comes to make-up, lipstick is my only go-to; I also prefer crossbody bags and pulling through parking spaces. I also like libraries and have lived in a few different states – mine are all in the south though.. SC (where I grew up), SW Florida for a few years and now western NC.

  13. Laura janning says:

    I love this! We have more then a few things in common. Know wonder why I like you!!😜

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Laura – I agree we have many things in common including getting a hip replaced. :-) I need to talk to you about yours. I am thinking of getting it done soon.

  14. Hi….thanks for sharing about yourself. It seems so hard to make new friends at my age (66). I’m also a pull-thru parker every time I have the chance. I’ve lived in a bunch of places as well – Delaware, NJ, Ohio, Illinois, Texas, Florida, Canada (Nova Scotia) and now back in Ohio. I’m a photographer, crafter, furniture refinisher, and love to sew when my arthritis lets me! I gave super curly hair that I finally stopped trying to tame it. I’m always looking for fresh ideas so keep them coming. Your hair cutting skills are stellar 😊

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lisa – You have lived in quite a few places. Do you have a favorite? Cutting my hair took some trial and error and watching lots of YouTube videos. I also cut Ed’s hair now too. Getting better with each cut and a new pair of extra sharp hair cutting scissors I bought at Sally’s Beauty Supply. I hope to keep the ideas coming – thanks for reading. :-)

  15. Hello friend! I’ve been following along for a while and love every post!

    We both moved to SC right around the same time. I’m in Charleston. I love how you have transitioned and updated your home.

    I have this “thing” about parking as well. I always look for an end spot. I like the extra steps and at least one side of my car is safe from accidental car door damage.

    Curious if Ed is also on a plant based diet. I could see myself moving in that direction but would most definitely get resistance from my husband!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jane – I enjoy visiting Charleston and Mount Pleasant where we have friends. So much to do in each place. My sister always visits me in July and wants to go to Charleston as she has never been and knows she would love the history. I told her it is way too hot in the summer. She has to come in the spring or fall and then we can go. :-). Ed eats plant based two days a week and is thinking about adding another day. He likes everything I make. He does however always add salt or hot sauce to everything. :-)

  16. Margaret Langenberg says:

    I understand about hating to back up the car. I have a pinched nerve in my neck. Already have one area that is fused in the neck but Dr. does not think quite ready for surgery. I have bad legs all of a sudden so cannot really walk very far anymore and I miss that. I don’t mind elevators, but after I got stuck in one at the Dr. office, I would rather take the stairs. I love to do crafts and DIY but now have a bad shoulder that may be the byproduct of an old surgery from 1994 so had to give that up. But I love to read. I am the youngest of three children. I have one older sister and one older brother who we lost to stomach cancer 4 years ago. I lost my mother in February of this year, and I named my car after her, Maria. I feel like she is riding with me this way. I have multiple areas of degenerative discs in my spine, but have never tried sleeping in a rock hard bed, maybe I will have to try that. On my bucket list of travel, Blue Ridge Mountains, Alaska, New Mexico where I would ride a steam engine train through the untamed wilderness, the Badlands, Nova Scotia and I must see one of the oceans. I grew up in the middle of the country, Nebraska, so the ocean is number one to see.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Margaret – It is a pleasure to meet you.

      Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourself with me. I smiled when I read you also named your car after your mom. :-) If you have degenerative discs in your spine, sleeping on a hard or very firm mattress could really make a difference. It does for me. If there are ruts in your mattress that your body impression makes, turn your mattress or sleep corner to corner on the mattress so you are not laying in these. Doing this straightens out my back. If I slept on a soft mattress or in these ruts, I would be crippled with back pain.

      I can’t imagine not seeing an ocean in person. What a treat – the sounds, the salt water smell and the relaxing feel of the beach. I hope you get to visit one soon. What will make it even better is if you go when the moon is full so that at night you see the moon shining on the water. It is magical.

      Take care and thanks for reading my blog.

  17. What is the color and # of the Lancome Lipstick?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patti – The Lancome Lipstick is Lancome L’Absolu Mademoiselle Shine. The color is: 368 Mademoiselle Smiles. You can see it here: https://bit.ly/3BjNjJi

  18. Nancy Bowen says:

    love your clarity & articles. I look forward to them all week.
    you would about me :
    1. love my home & decorating for the 4 seasons in PA
    2. love my hubs , married 52 yrs. have 4 wonderful grandchildren.
    3. always growing & reading & learning.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nancy – Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself with me. Where is PA do you live?

  19. Kimberly Carnegie Bruhn says:

    Hi Diane. I’ve been meaning to say hello for awhile. I live in Southern Oregon (where all the wildfires have been raging) and I am a volunteer chair of a charity called Southern Oregon Candlelighters (for children with cancer and their families)…say that five times quickly! Since September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month I thought I would finally tell you thank you for all your inspiration and hope that your granddaughter is doing well in her therapies? I head up Candlelighters in honor of our son, Michael Bruhn, who died at 17 in 2013 after running out of options for a cure for his childhood leukemia or ALL, as it’s called. We raise money through our awesome sponsors and try to spread the word that research and development into childhood cancer cures is so dreadfully underfunded — just under 4% of the total cancer research budget(s) go to childhood cancer. My son’s treatments from 2008-2013 were exactly the same as a man I met who survived leukemia since 1973! Anyway, I could spout more facts and statistics but I just wanted to say thanks and let you know I will continue to pray for your granddaughter. Much love to you and yours…

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kimberly – Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about yourself and all you do to help the awareness of childhood cancers. I am so sorry to hear about your son, Michael. XO. It must not be easy, but it sounds like you do all that you can to honor him as you help others in his memory. God bless you.

      My granddaughter is one year into her ALL treatments and is doing well. I wish I could see her more often, but look forward to our weekly Zoom calls. I know that the Candlelighter group in LA has helped her and my daughter and SIL in so many ways since she was diagnosed. It is a wonderful organization.

      I hope that the wildfires Oregon is dealing with can be tamed soon and don’t cause too much damage and disruption to your community. Thanks for reading my blog. Much love to you and all you do. XO

  20. Thank you for sharing a bit about you, with all of us who look forward to reading your blog!!! 🥰

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Lynn – and for being a long time reader. XO

  21. I loved reading about you, Diane!
    You were one of the first DIY bloggers I began following and many projects have ensued since then.

    I love to create things, and you have inspired me to branch out and try projects that are out of my comfort zone.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carla – Thanks for taking the time to connect with me. I love hearing that my blog was one of the first you read and that I have inspired you to reach out of your comfort zone. That is the best thing a blogger can hear. XO I hope I can keep doing that. :-)

  22. Peggy McDonald says:

    Dear Diane, Your lovely posts inspire me too. I live in Langley, B.C. Canada on a lovely piece of property where my husband and I built our home over 33 years ago. He passed away in 2019 and I do miss him. There was an 18 year difference in our ages and he was ready to go as he had cancer. I love to craft and want to try everything. I can’t paint walls as I have two terrible shoulders that need surgery but I don’t want to go there. I have grey/white hair now which I keep short and easy to keep. You would love the train trip or even better the road trip into Alberta and the lakes. I grew up on a lake and we were so lucky to be able to just jump in anytime in summer months. My sister (I have 4) loved to jump in on May 1st every year and boy it was usually pretty cold. I have two just wonderful sons who have done so much and willing to help me a lot. Right now I am subdividing part of my land. It is a process and a long one. Land is so valuable that it is worth doing it.
    Thank you for your personal information and letting us know you better. You are inspiring. Love it.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Peggy –

      Sorry to hear that you lost your husband a few years ago. It sounds like your sons are around and a big part of your life. I am going to check out a map about the road trip into Alberta to the lakes. I know a couple who did this on a motorcycle and loved it – I hope I can do that as well, not on a motorcycle, but in a car. as well as the train.

      Selling land is worth doing, you are lucky to have property to sell. I hope the process goes smoothly for you. Enjoy crafting and decorating your home of 33 years this fall and spending time with your sons. XO

  23. Caye Cooper says:

    Hello Diane. It is lovely to get to know you a bit! Thank you for sharing.

    I’m an identical twin, but my sister died quite early in vitro and was found on my left shoulder when I had to be snatched. We would have been 7 weeks early together. Most of my life I felt “something” was missing until I found that it was her I was missing.
    I LOVE watching documentaries about Alaska, living off-grid, and the ” …’s Got Talent” programs. I watch everything on my computer although I do have a television.
    Closed spaces don’t bother me, but I’m not a fan of music in them. I’m basically an introvert, but have become very good at being a situational extrovert. Large groups of people make me exhausted with over stimu-lation after about 2 hours. I have acquired many interests which fill my alone time. Among them are: knitting, crocheting, furniture refinishing, reading, singing, quilting, gardening and writing.
    At the end of September I will be a published author for the first time. I’m a contributing author in a book titled, “Leaders With a Heart”. It will be on Amazon.
    Several years ago I became a certified motivational speaker and transformational coach through Jack Canfield (“Chicken Soup For the Soul”). I started a company, Caye Cooper: Life Strategist; and recently became a podcaster. A new friend out of Ontario, Canada has had me on his podcast program several times and appears on YouTube under Leaders With a Heart.
    I also try to pull forward in parking spaces, and parking structures scare me to pieces.
    I have very blaah colored hair with lots of red, so I dye my hair a sort of strawberry copper color. Have just a touch of grey appearing near the temples and forehead which isn’t bad for a 73-year old. Can’t go grey as it makes me look like I died (tried on several grey wigs)! I just may try to cut my own hair in the future when my hair dresser retires.
    It was such a pleasure to get to know you better after all these years, Diane. Will love reading about how you met Ed. Thank you for all you do to inspire us. I and many others appreciate you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Caye – So sorry to hear that you lost your twin in vitro. I totally can understand the missing feeling. My twin sister and I have a bond that is hard to explain to others, but it is real. Our siblings can feel and see it – so we know it is a real thing.

      I will check out your podcast and book. Congratulations on both – you should be very proud of the accomplishments. Learning to cut my hair was trial and error at first, but watching hair cutting videos on YouTube helped quite a bit. To read how I met Ed, you can follow this link to the post: https://bit.ly/3BgaYKt

      Thanks for reading all these years. I truly appreciate it.

  24. Thank you for sharing! On a recent stealth camping trip thru South Carolina I saw lake Murray on my map. I told my husband that my friend Dianne lives on this lake. Lol.
    Love your style!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deb – What fun! I hope you had a fabulous trip through the state. There is a great State Park near me called Dreher Island State Park. It is on the lake and has many camp sites. Maybe on a future trip you can go there, it is very nice with great views of the lake all around. Thanks for reading.

  25. Hi Diane, I’m a long time reader of your blog and love your posts. I’ll never forget reading how you and Ed met. You need to repeat that post for those who have not seen it. I was surprised to learn you are claustrophobic. May you never have to get an MRI of your upper body! I think you know I’m an avid gardener, however, having turned 75 in July, I am dealing with health issues that have made it more difficult to do as much as I’d like. No worries, I’m grateful to God for the opportunities He has given me through the years to do what I love. I’m a fun loving person who likes people and enjoy volunteering at my church and in my community. Recently I asked a few friends to go with me to a local brewery for Trivia night. One friend brought her daughter and son-in-law along and I asked a much younger gal at one of the tables if she and her two friends would like to join our team. They agreed and we became a team of nine. I named the group Mensa. LOL Thankfully the “son-in-law” was a chemistry whiz and knew the answer to the final question which propelled Team Mensa into 1st place! What a hoot. This was the first time most of us had played Trivia in a public place as a team. So much fun.
    I loved reading your “25 things…” post and I always look forward to your weekly Style Scouting posts.
    How’s your front landscape coming along? I’d love to see some pictures. Did you have any luck growing tomatoes this summer? I have more cherry tomatoes than I can use but have had zero luck with slicing tomatoes, sigh. I’m thankful your grand daughter is doing better. Have a great fall!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Vikki – You are one of my long time readers. A big XO for reading all these years. I have had to get in an MRI a few times. They give me a blind fold and talk to me the whole time to keep me calm. I am grateful when there is an open ended one as I can feel the air coming in both ways. Sorry to hear that you are having health issues and can’t garden as much. I know that is one of your passions. Your Mensa group sounds fun and it sounds like you are not letting your issues get you down.

      The garden did much better this year. We added new soil in the boxes and covered them with tight netting to keep the birds out. Over the winter, we may build a screened in enclosure like they created at Patina Farm in Calif. I will post about it, if we do it. The tomatoes are doing very well – we have 3 different types growing. The plum and cherry tomatoes are doing very well, but we have had a good crop of slicing tomatoes too. I have been roasting them, making soup and using in salads.

      They are all delish. The collards and kale are thriving. I hope to plant more purple kale soon. For the front landscaping – we removed the flower bed across from the front door on the other side of the driveway. It is now grass. We planted more hydrangeas in front of the garage section of the house.

      As far as the porch, we are in talks with a railing company and hoping that we can get a railing system installed soon across the front porch. When and if this happens, I will post about it. I hope you get a slicing tomato soon as there still is a little bit of growing time. XO

  26. Hi Diane,
    Love your blog! About me, my superpowers are researching things online and parallel parking. An elderly gentleman in his 80s taught me when I was 14 —before I’d ever even been behind a steering wheel— with a deck of cards.
    I’d like to hear about you writing to your husband and meeting:)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Susan – Thanks. Being able to parallel park for sure is a super power! Very good visual using playing cards to demonstrate how to do it. I am sure if the elderly gentlemen knew what an impact his teaching has had on you, he would be smiling now. I. updated the broken link in my post to the post about how I mey my husband. You can read it by going here: https://bit.ly/3BgaYKt

  27. I’m a crossbody fan too and I love my Baggalini crossbody bags! Nice thick strap, zippered pockets, lightweight and comfortable to carry. They are pricey but I never pay full price. TJ Max, Marshalls often have them for a steal. They are also washable, designed by airline stewardess! No, I don’t work for them- just a 72 year old that knows what I like and eager to share a good thing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debbie – I love Baggalini bags too. As you wrote, they are a good thing! I have quite a few and like you, have bought them at TJMaxx. Ed got me a purple one for Christmas for when we travel that is a little larger than my everyday ones. When at the Charlotte, NC airport, there is a Baggalini store. I always pop in to see what is new, but have never bought one at full price either. They are so well designed. I don’t think I will ever use anything but one.

  28. What a wonderful way to begin this 1st Tuesday morning in September! I loved “meeting” you while drinking my drink of choice ( coffee) & checking in with my “morning friend”.. my MacBook Air. You have brought a few smiles & nods while I look outside my window at yet another “dreary” weather-like day here in Highland Park, Il. I love seeing lots of birds eating at my bird feeders!
    #1…. LOVE birds visiting.. especially hummingbirds & cardinals… for me they represent my ancestors checking in on me.
    #2… LOVE reading blogs… they are like reading a good book
    #3….. LOVE reading… & I facilitate a book group ( for now virtual).
    #4… LOVE libraries as well…. I find them peaceful… surrounded by books, they represent
    #5 MY fav quote is “When ONE teaches “TWO learn”
    #6… ALWAYS put on lipstick.. my children make fun of me that I cannot get up from the table withOUT applying. I never did find that elusive lipstick that did not transfer onto a mask. I WILL be searching out your Lancome suggestion later
    #7… I am also a GREY hair-ageless badass woman. I woke up one day 3 years ago & decided to go for it~ and embrace my “wisdom ” highlights. Love it. Live it. Through this transition, I have become the woman I subconsciously knew I was at my roots.
    #8… I am an EMPATH
    #9… Some more of my fav things ( in no particular order): gardening, farmer’s markets, fresh flowers, a beautifully set table, travel, mindfulness, family, sunsets, ( & sunrises), and beach time.
    #10… I LOVE following you ( even if you cost me $$)
    Thank You for getting my creative juices to flow today !!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patti – I love your list. Thanks for sharing it so I can learn more about you. We like some of the same things – like almost all of them, especially everything listed in #9. :-). I love birds too, but sadly we had to remove the feeders we had in our yard as they were bringing in mice and other rodents that then brought snakes. I do miss seeing all the cardinals, blue birds, Woodpeckers and more. We still have our hummingbird feeders up and have quite a few that hang out all day long. We enjoy watching them. Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to share yourself with me.

  29. Pamela Caudill says:

    By far, your best posting to date! So good to get to know you better and to appreciate you even more! Thanks Diane!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Pamela – I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the post. Thanks for reading.

  30. Get the black frames. Great look🥰. I have identical twin brothers. Twins are so in tune with each other!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Siouxz – I think I am going to get the black frames. I want to get a pair with transition lenses so I don’t have to have both my glasses and sunglasses when out an about. As a sibling of identical twins, you know first hand all about how identical and different they can be.

  31. What a wonderful post, and I am enjoying all the readers’ comments. What a great group of friends. I’m from central Iowa, 66 years old, stopped coloring my hair at 60, and I’ve been retired from the corporate world for 4 years. Diane, I think you were the first blogger I started reading many years ago.

    One thing to know about me….I would enjoy living in a lake home, but I will not go in the water. Ankles deep is as far as I’ll go. No natural bodies of water for me! My legs were nibbled on as a child by tiny fish at a lake. Scared to death now of what is swimming in them and what prehistoric lake sharks might be living on the bottom. BUT, I would enjoy hours of sitting on a deck or beach watching water.

    All my music and artistic abilities come from my mom. Funny fact about her is she was born on Easter and nicknamed Bunny. A lot of people thought that was her legal name. She died of the C19-virus at the age of 93. We are celebrating her life this Friday.

    I would love to travel more if I could get my husband out of the house. His favorite vacation is a staycation. We recently finished an 8-month remodel of our home, top to bottom. We’ve lived in our house for 22 years, raised our family, and finally brought it out of the ’80’s. Now our house is filled with Sunday dinners and 6 grandchildren; the latest two born this year.

    Many blessings to you, Diane, and I’m so thankful your granddaughter is doing well.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Heidi – Thanks for taking the time to tell me a little bit about yourself. I understand not wanting to go in the lake as I have a few friends that don’t like going in either. Most of the wildlife in the lake is afraid of humans and don’t ever get close. Even though I don’t mind going in the water, my favorite thing to do is just sit and relax just looking at it like your wrote – a water watcher. :-)

      Sorry to read that you lost you mom to Covid at the age of 93. I hope the celebration is beautiful for her. XO

      When I stopped dying my hair, it was such a big relief. I had enough of the chemicals, cost and maintenance. Your remodeled home must be lovely – the best part is that is is filled with family and grandchildren. How lucky you are. Enjoy every minute. Thanks for reading my blog.

  32. Hello Diane! My name is Linda and I am 71 years young! I was a nurse (second career) for 27 years, ending up as a Director of Nursing for 11 years. I also served on the Board of Nursing for my state for 5 years. I love reading, decorating and spending time with my grandkids. I am a Board member for the Historic Lewes Farmers Market and I love it. I handle all the volunteer recruiting, training and retention. I do this in a town 30 minutes away from where I live because I love it so much. I am fairly outgoing and recruiting new members is fun and suits my personality. I also like trying out new recipes but it is often hard as my husband has a very limited diet so I don’t have anyone to cook for but myself. I was the first of 30 grandchildren to graduate college (my grandmother couldn’t read). I hope your granddaughter is doing better.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – Nice to meet you. :-) My twin sister is the director of a Nursing program. She has held many nursing jobs before landing this one about 18 years ago. I wish where I lived that there was a vibrant local farmer’s market every week. I love going to them also. When I visit my younger daughter in Charlottesville that is one thing we always do – head to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning. It sounds like the Lewes one is very much like this.

      You should surely be proud of being the first grandchild to graduate college and must have been a great inspiration to your siblings and cousins. My granddaughter is now through year one of her treatments and doing well. I wish they lived closer so we could see her all the time, but Zoom calls are the next best thing.

      Thanks for reading and taking the time to meet and chat with me. XO

  33. I’m so happy to be re-connecting with you and your blog! I have changed my email lately and thought about subscribing to your blog again. I’m so glad I did. And I’m about to try that banana bread in the very near future!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathleen – I am so happy to hear that you have re-connected to my blog. Thanks. The banana bread is very good and easy to make. It can be made with different mix-ins – raisins, nuts, dairy-free choc chips are a few I have tried.

  34. How fun to read these things about you. Bloggers are simultaneously ‘out there’ but fairly anonymous at the same time. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Barb – Maybe someday technology will be able to allow us to be even more connected through our computers and phones.

  35. Teresa Emrich says:

    Loved reading the 25 things about you! If you have posted an earlier blog about how you finally met your husband ( following letter writing), I would love to read it. I think that is always interesting! And, your hairstyle is great!!! Thanks for today’s blog. Have a great week

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks for reading Teresa – Sort that the link to the post about how I met my husband went to a photo not the post. Here is the correct link: https://bit.ly/3BgaYKt

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Teresa – Since it was in the beginning of the pandemic and no one would see it, I just kept learning via lots of YouTube hair cutting tutorials and purchasing really good hoar cutting scissors and tools. It may now be perfect, but I like it much better and have saved hundreds of dollars. :-) I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

  36. I’m so impressed that you can cut your own hair. I wish I could do my own. I have tried but I am not very good at it. Like you, I always feel like a stylist cuts it too short. Thanks for another interesting post.!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jane – The first time I cut my hair, I made a few mistakes. Since it was in the beginning of the pandemic and no one would see it, I just kept learning via lots of YouTube hair cutting tutorials and purchasing really good hoar cutting scissors and tools. It may now be perfect, but I like it much better and have saved hundreds of dollars. :-) I hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

    2. Hi Diane! I’m about to turn 62. I retired at 60 from working for a federal judge to marry a farmer in far West Texas. I live in a very small town, drive 35 miles to grocery shop. Made a big life change but I love it. During the pandemic my husband asked me to cut his hair. I had no experience cutting hair except using an electric razor to give my son a “burr” cut when he was small. But I guess I did okay because I am still cutting his hair! Loved your post!

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Jeanine – It sounds like you are loving life in a small town. I started cutting Ed’s hair after I got the hang of it. He has been very happy with how I cut it. We thought we would go back to getting our haircut at a salon and barber for Ed, but we don’t see a reason for it anymore. Thanks for reading my blog.

  37. I keep coming back to see if there are any new replys to “What you may not know about me.” So many fun responses. I lived my first 60 years in St. Louis, a great city, but had to move for my husband’s job to Indianapolis. Not a big difference between the cities, tho St. Louis is larger. It is a three J. Jill store city; Indy is only one. Our house is located on a lot that is shaped like a piece of pie. I am indecisive and a perfectionist. I love to clean. I like to do laundry. I don’t like to cook. I never got a manicure or pedicure till I was 55. I only use clear toothbrushes. I spend as much time organizing my craft room as I do making crafts. When I drink margaritas, all the salt is gone from the rim before I finish the drink. I haven’t watched a scary movie since I saw those flying monkeys on Wizard of Oz.

    1. Hello from this Hoosier girl to you and yours! Very much enjoyed your blog. I am going to have a yard sale soon as I am de-cluttering after a move.

  38. Wow Diane, what a cool post, I so enjoyed reading about you and everyone else! I’m alittle late here, but I’ll go ahead, as all the other responses have been so interesting.
    I live in Omaha Nebraska, I’m an RN, 54 years old and have a very handy husband and 2 grown very handy sons. I have an amazing 8 yr old grandson and I am going to his school to visit this afternoon and I can’t wait.
    Your blog was one of the first I ever found. I felt a connection with you right away.
    I started coloring my hair about 15 years ago when it started turning a mousy color from the reddish hue of my youth. I would love to stop, but the mousy is still there underneath! So I do color it red and I get tons of compliments and hairdressers don’t believe me when I tell them it’s colored.
    I don’t drive through parking spaces usually but I do try for “rock star parking” up close.
    I am not a twin but there are several twin sets in my family. I was born on my maternal grandmother’s bday and named after her. That is very special to me.
    I don’t mind tight places but I can’t ride amusement park rides any longer. I get sick.
    My husband and I live in my childhood home that my father built, an we have been updating. My sons recently put vinal wood floors down similar to what you did Diane and it is the best thing we ever did.
    I love to shop thrift stores and decorate with thrifted stuff, sew, walk, garden and read. I love old movies (I’m currently watching all the “thin man” movies with William Powell and Myrna Loy )
    I am trying to figure out this capsule wardrobe thing, but not quite there.

  39. Hello Diane & fellow readers!
    I really enjoyed this post and reading the comments, to get to know fellow readers.

    I am 50ish, married to one of those crazy Christmas-lights-to-music guys. We spend half the year prepping for the holidays, so it’s holidays all year with us, and we love that. I’m a family historian/genealogist, also indexing archival records, so I guess that makes me a card-carrying nerd! My birthday is late October, so I’ve always claimed Halloween as part of my birthday – lucky I found my very own Clark Griswold! He now warms up his Christmas lights extravaganza with a Halloweenapalooza for me.

    My dad is an identical twin.

    I have 4 kids from 13-27, live in the Metro St. Louis burbs, soon to be moving to a mini farm, and excited about that relocation. I’ve been following with enthusiasm your entries about your move/staging.

    I’m transplanted from MI to MO, and prefer cold and snow to anything over 80 degrees.

    I used to bite my nails until I took a wheel-throwing pottery class, when I was told I could NOT have long nails. For some reason that negative psychology forced me to stop biting my nails.

    My everydays, when I don’t go anywhere (ok, farther than school or Starbucks) are yoga pants. Leggings are a close second.

    My newish minivan has a backup camera that I can’t possibly watch AND spin my head around to look as I back up, so I avoid backing up like the plague! So much for technology advances.

    Gave up on carrying a purse after I left my legal assistant job to raise a family – traded purses for diaper bags, and then to knitting bags, with occasional messenger bags for library/courthouse work.

    As you can probably tell from my email address, I’m a very enthusiastic knitter, hence the everyday knitting bag. Always have knitting with me wherever I go. I knit year round, mainly for me, a few pieces for gifts and more for charity knitting. I have so much yarn, I decorate with it – can’t bear to hide it away in a closet. Before we started moving preparations, I changed my yarns out seasonally, rearranging their display baskets. Don’t have any qualms about knitting in public – I read in public too.

    My knitting “handle” is a play on Mrs. Fezziwig from “A Christmas Carol,” the character I am lost like in that story, and most-fitting name since we’re year round Christmasers.

    Thanks, everyone, for sharing! Have a Fizzyknit Day!

    1. Teresa Emrich says:

      Ma’am, you need a blog, too!!!

  40. I swore when someone could call me grandma I would stop coloring my hair……now I have three grandchildren and I am trying to make the switch, but so far I have just lightened the color to a dark blonde. I am learning to live with being blonde.

    I love to read your column and would love to be more crafty, but I have a full-time high stress job and add to that my love to see my grandchildren and there are not enough hours in a day. When I am not at work, I am visiting and helping with them.

    My son is a contractor, and he has redone my home outside and in, making it a place I totally enjoy and am very proud of.

    I don’t have a twin. My only sister is 18 years older than I am! I guess that is about as opposite as you can get.

  41. Cristy Cochran says:

    Reading your blog makes me feel relaxed. I don’t know what’s there. Perhaps, I just want to get to know you. A woman whom I admired a lot and just discovered her blog few weeks ago. You seemed down to earth and very homey. Thank you for posting more information about you.

  42. Becky in 'Bama says:

    Found your blog about 16 months ago, and happy to see you moving ‘south’ even if it’s not Alabama. Be forewarned about the sticky hot summers – although living on the water will help a bit. I’m 60+ years old – looking forward to retirement and maybe doing some ‘crafty’ stuff, but as it is I mainly live vicariously through all my favs in blog land. AND I’m not particularly crafty – though I do enjoy writing which is a sort of craft. Enjoy reading your posts and keeping tabs on the revamp you guys are doing on your new place. I don’t bite my nails but I hi-lite my hair to hide the grays. Thankfully I got the not-going-gray yet genes so my hair color is mostly still my natural brown. I’m not sure I get the ‘pulling’ through the parking space thing, but I’m not squeamish about parallel parking or backing up, etc.. Married 40 years with one daughter and five grands who live out of state and don’t see but maybe twice a year. :( Happy Easter Season. He Is Risen!

  43. Harriette says:

    Diane, thank you for sharing yourself with your followers; I feel like I know you on a personal level having read this.

    Also, thank you for being so kind in responding to me personally when I have a question for you on a project I’m planning to do, as in the white high gloss paint. Until you responded to me on that question, I had no idea you could get a latex in high gloss, so thank you again for being so nice and for all you do for the DIY’s!!!

  44. Denise McDonald says:

    How nice of you to share so much of yourself with us viewers and so brave of you to admit that you bite your nails when stressed! Just love your decorating style and thank you for bringing us along for the ride.


  45. HI Diane!

    I love that you named your car after your mom! It’s a perfect way to keep your mother close in your heart. I lost my mother to cancer when I was 11. Oddly, I think your blog helps me feel closer to her. You and your sister resemble her, and the optimistic enthusiasm with which you tackle projects reminds me of her. I know it sounds crazy, but this is part of why I follow your blog. Thanks for that!

    I’m a 36yo doctor in the DC-Baltimore area. I picked up nail biting in my 20s from my ex-husband. My hair started greying a couple years ago, and I color when I start feeling too old.

  46. 1. I quit coloring my hair when I noticed the front was absorbing the color differently than the back; I thought, “you’re not fooling anybody anymore.” I got a short, sassy haircut to speed up the growing-out process. My hair is silver around my face and gray elsewhere. I like both it AND the sassy haircut! I’ve had strangers of all ages compliment my hair, which never ceases to amaze me.

    2. I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, where seemingly EVERYBODY pulls through in parking lots. I drive a car in a world of pickups and SUVs, so not only is it “genetic,” it allows me to see way better than does backing out.

    3. When my emotions are high, my Pittsburgh accent reappears.

    4. I am consciously reintroducing the Pittsburgh idiom “redd” back into my speech. When you go through things, you are redding out; when you clean, you are redding up. You’re welcome. :-)

    5. I have a low tolerance for bad spelling and grammar. My son once sent me an image of a badge that said “Grammar Police: To Correct and Serve.”

    6. It bothers me to throw out anything I can recycle. At a particular friend’s house, I’ll often take empty pop cans or food packaging home with me to recycle so they don’t end up in the trash.

    7. I have a talent for silly accents and love to use them at unexpected moments to make people laugh. I can parody a song or poem ridiculously quickly, which I call “Bad Poetry While U Wait.” I am also good at making up stories that end with horrible puns.

    8. I inherited what DIY skills I have from my dad, who can do ANYTHING handy: he added a room onto their house, doing everything but the roofing because he has a fear of heights. I’m currently trying to learn how to enjoy yardwork the way my dad does!

    9. My grandmothers laid the arts and crafts foundation in my life. My mom can do ANYTHING: fantastic seamstress, all kinds of needlework, drawing and painting. She started an oil painting of me when I was five. She says she didn’t like it and threw it out, but that woman doesn’t throw anything away, so I don’t believe her. :-) I hope to find it and frame it.

    10. I like all kinds of creative pursuits — crafting, cross-stitch, sewing, cooking — but I LOVE knitting, which I took up again in 2008. (I learned from my grandma when I was young, but hated it because it was slow and awkward). Now, I am a total knitting nerd, wanting to learn about the fibers and the math and the history. The nerdiness is so strong that I am awaiting a shipment from England of yarn spun from sheep whose wool is still similar to that of the Vikings’ day, just so I can see what wool was like in the Vikings’ day. :-)

  47. I’m 66 and married, never had children (two adult stepsons) but I am a grandma and I have the best time inventing stuff to do with them. Treasure hunts, baking for tea parties, and hiding pennies…

    I love travel. My husband and I have traveled on six continents (skipped Antarctica). We love going to live theater and have subscriptions to three local theater companies.

    We live in Seattle and will be moving in about three years so I’ve loved your posts about prepping your house for sale.

    I’m giving the capsule wardrobe a tryout. I picked out about 27 neutral pieces of clothing (not counting shoes and scarves in my total) and am dressing each day only using the capsule. So far (three weeks in), it’s working great! I’ve only had to go outside the capsule once; on St Patrick’s day … didn’t have anything green. My hope is this will help me let go of a lot of my too big wardrobe. I’m finding I’m being a lot more creative and am actually dressing better.

    I don’t drink coffee, I just don’t like the taste. I like being organized. I love to read and always will make time for that.

  48. Pam Clark says:

    Hello Diane, I’m Pam. In a nutshell, I’m a southern girl, born and raised in Macon, Georgia, then spent 18 years living and loving in New Orleans. My husband and I moved to his hometown – a very small town in Ohio, with our then 8 year old daughter, in 2001. I teach 7th and 8th grade Language Arts, love painting furniture, getting on various craft kicks, playing in the handbell choir at church, and spending time with my talented husband and daughter. When I discovered blogs, about 5 1/2 years ago, yours was the first one I followed. Enjoying seeing the projects in your lake house!

  49. Robbin Miller says:

    Hi,Dianne,my name is Robbin,I live on the coast, north of Sydney,Australia.I have
    a blog called Lifestyle of a Solo Senior which is a mix-up of what I am doing now
    that I’ve retired from running my own Hair Salon.I love fashion,home decorating,
    keeping fit through yoga and socialising with my friends and family.I also share
    my tips on how to live on a fixed income and look good while you are doing it.

  50. Elisabeth says:

    Hi Diane,

    Such a joy to get to know you! Thanks for that. I subscribe to many blogs, but yours is one of three which I absolutely love. The way you write is so personable and friendly, and informative.

    I live on the South Coast of NSW Australia, in a small suburb called Woonona Beach (pronounced Wenoona, and being Aboriginal for ‘place of young wallabies’) . My parents moved here in 1961, after migrating from England 4 years earlier. When both my parents died my husband and I bought the property and built a new home. I would rather have retained and improved the old house, which was one of the oldest in our area. So! I have the unenviable task of making a new home look old… one room at a time!

    We have 6 children aged from 35 to 16, and four grandchildren to our oldest daughter. After many careers (RN, horticulturalist, radio and newspaper journalist, teacher, et al…..), I’ve recently registered a business name, (All Things Paint and Beautiful), and, inspired by many bloggers, will start my own blog. Still trying to find my way on that one! I simply LOVE finding old and daggy things and making them beautiful and useful again, and always have a project on the boil. Finding the blogging world, 2 years ago, was like coming home for me! I felt like I had found my people!

    Thanks so much for your wonderful blog! If you’re ever in Australia, please come and stay and let me show you a part of our beautiful country.
    Cheers, Liz.

  51. Patricia Wilson says:

    Diane, loved this post. As I’m sure I told you in my very first comment about your blog, “I just love your smiling face,” which greets me each and every time time and just makes me happy. Don’t know why and can’t explain my response. I guess, it’s just “It is what it is,” and I love it. We share a few things in common, like “pulling through” when parking and for the same reasons. Most important to me, is I very much like “your style,” and most of all, I like the “person” who very definitely comes through on your blog. I just know that if I were to meet you in person, I’d feel exactly the same way. In fact, if you’re ever “appearing” somewhere, I’d love to know, just so I could, perhaps, meet you in person. I’ve been paring down the blogs I follow to those I truly learn from (like yours) and just enjoy (like yours) and make me happy (like yours). As an aside, I’ve been living with and thoroughly enjoying subscribing to a 10-item (major wearable items) capsule wardrobe for at least three years now and find I enjoy my higher quality clothes and accessories, and being able to put myself together in no time while still feeling chic and appropriate, and having a pretty closet as well. And, I find I’m getting more compliments on my small mix-and-match
    wardrobe than I’ve ever gotten before. Quality over quantity I’ve found is the key.

  52. The reason I don’t like elevator—they make me dizzy. The reason I don’t have a mini —my husband won’t buy me one. The reason I don’t know my hair color–it’s been colored more years than it was natural. My shoe size did not change after childbirth—but my husband’s did! I have a bulging closet but I only wear the same few pieces. I like to pull through my car also. I don’t bite my nails, text, sing, dance,sew or decorate,but I’m a lot of fun.?

  53. Mickey Wood says:

    That was a fun post. I also color hair. I don’t want to scare my kids. I keep it light so the roots dpn’t show as quickly. I’m still working full time & commute 2 hours round trip. I consider this ‘down time’ that I can listen to discussions on the radio, or CDs that I like , or just think without interruption. I enjoy the solitude. Tons of unfinished projects surround me in every room. Sometimes I get sick of the whole DIY trip & say to myself, “just hire someone” – one of these days I think I will. I want this stuff done.
    I am not a blogger, but have a few blogs (yours among them) that feel like a few minutes with a friend whenever I read them. Thank you.
    Mickey Wood
    Nashua NH
    mews978 on Instagram

  54. Deb Brennan says:

    Hi Diane, and everyone! I’m from Ontario Canada ( near Toronto) , married with a 22 year old son, and 16 year old ( egads) daughter. In my ” work ” life I was an interior designer ( store planning) for the Hudson’s Bay Company, which was the quintessential Canadian Department Store until it was not! I love all things design, and found you when I began the happy task of refurbishing a waterfront cottage we bought 18 months ago.

    My life took a happy about face when we adopted our daughter as an infant, and I became immersed in learning about adoption and all its complexities. I wrote a book on the subject that was published in 2009, and have since volunteered for the Adoption Council of Canada, now as board Chair. It is my passion to bring public awareness to the over 30,000 children and youth in Canada who are eligible for adoption. ( In the U.S. the # is at least 125,000) Every one of these kids deserves A FAMILY.

    I have continued to nurture my creative side by establishing an online business that offers hand crafted cards and gifts for the adoption community…that honours adoptees, birthfamilies and adoptive parents. It has had its share of critics, but I believe families however they are created, should be celebrated. So that’s enough I guess, and while this is a shameless plug, if any of you want to learn more, you can find more at http://www.laboursoflovedesigns.ca

    my hair gets more grey every day, as dyeing it would take away from one of my guilty pleasures….design magazines!! Diane, thanks for the inspiration! Maybe we should all come to your finished house for tea to celebrate!!

  55. Diane!
    Who knew we had so much in common? Early grey hair, claustrophobia…I’m not a twin…but my grandmother’s middle name was Genevieve – and her sons (my father and uncle) are twins… a bunch of other things on your list too.
    You know – I just recently discovered that I’m NOT actually claustrophobic – I can stand to be in small spaces as long as I know I can get out. I’m ACTUALLY afraid of BEING TRAPPED. Almost doesn’t matter what size the space is…

  56. Hi Diane Loved your chat I live outside Belfast in the country, if you where here we would be having coffee or tea with a wee scone or a bun. I to hate reversing my husband bought a BMW 4×4 it is a dirty great big car I nearly need a step ladder to get.
    I also have grey hair which I don’t colour. We have 2 sons one is 37 and the other is 34 he lives in London. We gave the boys a bit of land beside us and they have built houses each eldest is moving in soon with his girlfriend and we are going to sell the other and our youngest is going to buy something in London. My husband was brought up in our house and she when we got married Ci lived with my mother in law which who I loved to bits both my husband and myself are only children. Like you CI love crafts etc CI can’t decorate any more because I have arthritis and had a knee replacement so CI can’t get down on my knees. Do drop in for tea again lovely to chat with all of you. Linda x

  57. Hi again Diane!
    Please tell me about the CAPSULE wardrobe! I am in desperate need to shrink my closet! I try to purge but it’s never enough! HELP!

    1. A capsule wardrobe is were you buy basic items skirts, trousers in black or navy even brown choose just about 3 colours and then pick a few accessories like shirts, tops or jumpers that you can mix and match you don’t need lots of clothes say one skirt and 2 or 3 things to go with it One good coat that you can wear at different occasions One jacket the same do you get what I mean few bits that can make up different outfits. Hope this helps.Linda x

  58. Michele H says:

    Hi Diane, I didn’t realize you are a twin. It’s nice reading what the other posters have shared of their lives. Here is a little about me:

    1) I have 3 sisters and a brother. My mom passes away in 2014.

    2) I was 20 years old when I married. I married a teenager! He was 19 :)

    3) I had my first daughter when I was 21. I have a total of 4 children, 2 sons and 2 daughters. I have 3 little grandsons all from my oldest daughter.

    4) My children and grandchildren have Hawaiian middle names.

    5)My poor hubby died of a brain aneurysm at age 33 when our youngest was just a year old.

    6) I live on an island but I dislike the beach. I prefer the mountain area and trees.

    7) I worked in the dental field for almost 30 years and now babysit my grandchildren and care for my elderly father.

    8) I love to read. Kindle is the greatest invention.

    9) favorite color: green; favorite candy: Reese’s peanut butter cups; favorite soft drink: coca cola; favorite drink: white wine or a margarita; favorite food: Thai; favorite actor: Colin Firth I could go on and on…….

  59. Love this post. Genevieve was my Grandma’s name and it is one of my daughter’s middle name. Add me to the list of people who hate backing up! I have been trying to let my hair go gray but it’s getting to the point where I have more gray than my mother. Not happening. I have an appointment next week for color. Have a great weekend.

  60. Hi Diane! Loved this lovely post of you!
    We have so many similarities! I could definitely see us chatting a long time over a cup of hot tea!
    I too am moving into a new home! We are moving in the beginning of April!
    So I have been thinking of paint colors, furniture placement, and today I trim some white panels with Greek key trim with Fabric Tac just as you suggested! Thanks!
    I own a Lakehouse in Maine! We will be opening it up in May after we get settled in our new home! I love it there! The quiet, the loons, the way life should be and having so many visitors who love just as much as I do!
    My hair would be white too if I didn’t work a little magic on it every 3 weeks?.
    I love decorating and being the family decorator! Love Home Goods!
    Thank you for all of your DIY and sharing yourself with all of us!

  61. Hi Diane, I love your blog!
    I also wear leggings every day – crops in the summer, and heavy ones in the winter. Like you I color my own dark brown hair, trying to cover the increasing gray. I am also a bit claustrophobic and hate elevators, but am better if someone is in the elevator with me, then I feel I’d best behave myself and not act so scared. I’ve been working at de-cluttering and am motivated to pare down my wardrobe, but I don’t see it happening in the near future. Finally, I love the photo of you and your twin in your purple fleece tops, another favorite of mine!

  62. Oh the parking thing made me laugh! My husband, Daniel, almost always parks at a “pull ahead” spot and says that “that’s the way the nature intended it!” :D I just learned to drive last year (where I came from it wasn’t needed because taxis were plenty & cheap and drivers on the road are crazy) and I have noticed that I have picked up the pull-ahead-parking habit from him too. Not ALL the time, but often enough for me to notice!

  63. Hello ! so fun to learn more about you.
    I miss my mom everyday.. she lived with us in her last months .. wonderful Christian Lady (1925- 2013).
    she taught me to cook, bake, sew & craft anything I wanted too .
    I also pull through :-)
    I used to bite my nails..
    I love old movies & old TV shows..
    My favorites are True Grit, the Quiet Man & Life with Father .
    I love peace & quiet , but also ck the lane to see if hubby is home:-)
    i’m a grandmother to a 13 yr old boy.. MAX :_) we share a birth date..
    we have 2 Daughters, one married , one in college.
    we homeschooled our youngest all her years of school. best decision we ever made. Loved it.
    ( Our oldest hs her son also.
    I was born & raised on an old fashioned farm..
    we live on 10 acres now. had ckens for 13 of our 16 yrs here.
    we have a Matiff named Little Ricky :-) & a Chihuahua named Gibbs.

    we are Christians & love the Lord ,. most important thing about us :-) LOL

  64. Hi Diane, I enjoyed reading all about you. I follow several blogs but have only two or three that I really enjoy and comment on. Yours is one of those. I read every thing you post.

    I’m a Christian and my faith is the best thing about me. Hubby & I met in high school and will celebrate our 49th wedding anniv in Sept. I have a son and a daughter and one grandson. I’ve been retired from the Fed Govt since 2002. Flower gardening is my passion. I love to travel and hope to go to Italy this fall with my daughter. I like to do projects around the house. I’ve recently removed wallpaper, sanded, primed and painted 4 rooms in my home. Hubby does help out some. I enjoy the computer and wish I were more skilled at it.

    I’m looking forward to seeing your latest project. Have a blessed Easter! Vikki in VA.

  65. Hi Diane, I enjoyed learning about you! Well last fall I turned 60 and my daughter asked me to write 60 things to know about me to post at my party……so I thought that is the best way to get to know about me!

    1. Loves coffee
    2. Feeds the birds and enjoys their visits
    3. Is a Crazy Cat Lady
    4. Zac Brown Band…her favorite
    5. TVS shows she watches: Raymond, Andy Griffith, Project Runway, Shark Tank
    6. Can’t tolerate scrub brush during a pedicure
    7. Was going to name Kady: “Luna”
    8. Is a Beach Girl
    9. Chokes on anything coarse: kale, spring mix.
    10. Loves to give advice to her daughters
    11. Can’t stand anyone shaking their legs
    12. Teaching 13 years for Penn State and LCCC
    13. Theme song: Young American- David Bowie
    14. Drinks: Bloody Mary’s and Martini’s
    15. Fav daily outfit: sneakers, leggings, tank top
    16. Nutrition is her passion
    17. Favorite smells: coconut or cocoa butter
    18. Call her GLAMMA not Gramma in time
    19. Loves peanut butter banana smoothies
    20. Will never cut her hair real short
    21. Sleep machine is required every night
    22. Has a long list of movies to watch
    23. Has a long list of books to read
    24. Does not understand football
    25. Does understand a bit about basketball
    26. Does not like to drink from plastic cups
    27. Misses her cats Jigsy and Romeo
    28. Dislikes grocery shopping
    29. Favorite colors: Shades of peach or teal
    30. Played classical piano for 10 years
    31. Likes to write with blue pens
    32. Misses the lake house in the Pocono’s
    33. Would like to move someplace warmer
    34. Lived in the Wyoming Valley for 60 years
    35. Worked for Geisinger for 27 years
    36. Worked for Blue Cross of 10 years
    37. Loved to skateboard when she was young
    38. Loves Hershey’s Gold Chocolate Bars
    39. Does not drink tap water
    40. Does not like to drive 81 North to Scranton
    41. Hopes to get an Iphone soon but is scared
    42. Can make homemade pierogi
    43. Was a good artist in high school
    44. Dislikes chain restaurants
    45. Likes to organize things
    46. Likes pools, not lakes for swimming
    47. Would like to learn how to sell on EBay
    48. Loved to play darts
    49. Likes calendars and making lists
    50. Loves Disney World
    51. Turned down a job in Bay Pines, Florida
    52. Cannot believe she is 60
    53. Sang in the church choir for 10 years
    54. Does not like the elliptical machine
    55. Worries too much about everything
    56. Is amazed at her four adult daughters
    57. Loves recipes especially vegetarian
    58. Loves Scrabble
    59. Likes to label things
    60 Does not like fast food

  66. Good thing you didn’t move to Florida. We only have tags on the back of our cars so it is against the law to back into a parking spot! No one knows about this apparently because everyone still does it. Not enforced either, except at some beaches. Love reading your posts. I don’t like parking garages, scare me too death!

  67. Elaine Williams says:

    Hi – Elaine here. I like to make jewelry and wear what I make. I hate selling it though. Despise doing craft fairs. I have given my best pieces away to anyone who admires them! I have been coloring my short side swept hair light blond since I was 18 – at 61 I’m pretty good at it – I made all the home coloring mistakes long ago. There is lots of gray in the front and sides which gives the blond it a multihued effect. I was a red head about 15 years ago for about six months. Not one person I knew liked it – in particular my husband. I love dogs. We have one – yellow English Lab. I adore him. I like to paint in the house and am good at it. It’s all about the prep as you know! I tried chalk painting – not a fan of my own work. We live in a water access community and love love love to boat – so does the dog! Have zero fear of deep water such as the bay. I grew up boating unlike my husband. I learned from my father (also named Ed) to have respect for bays, oceans and rivers and their power. I love sailing and have a little 16 foot day sailer. I love to swim every night in my back yard pool with the dog. We live in Maryland. I swam up until September 21 this year. The dog and I can hardly wait for June! Hubby thinks July is too cold for the pool. I can back up any vehicle including a stick shift but not a trailer or a camper is attached . That’s tricky! Elevators don’t bother me unless they are all glass and go up more than four stories! All glass becomes a problem after about 40 feet. Would love to hear how you met Ed!

  68. I’m having coffee now reading your post and saying “I know just what just mean”.

  69. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    About me: (In no particular order)
    -I love dogs. When asked “Why do you have 3?” , the answer is, “Because it’s the limit our city allows per household.” ;-)

    -I prefer warm weather over cold. Even though I’ve lived my life in the Upper Midwest I still am not a ‘winter’ person.

    – I have a music education major with a vocal emphasis. Taught voice, trumpet and piano in my own private studio. Though I majored in voice, my favorite instrument is piano. I have a 1924 Mason and Hamlin 5′ 8″ grand that I named Millicent after one of my favorite college music teachers.

    – I hate milk! I use if for cooking when necessary but get positively sick even looking at it in a glass!

    -LOVE Chocolate and nuts. I mostly like milk chocolate but any kind of nuts will do. :-)

    -I love going to costume events. The last event hubby and I dressed up to attend was a Downton Abbey event.

    -I worked on a theatre major in college but never got to complete it. I found I liked more of the ‘backstage’ things better than acting. Set design, costume design, lighting design. These all have helped greatly in my interior decorating business.

    -Though I grew up on a cattle ranch, I’ve sort of become a “townie” since getting married. I still enjoy the wide open spaces of my parent’s ranch though.

    -We have two sons, both in the military, that I would say are by and large my “best achievement”. They make me very proud (as do their wives and children).

    -I’ve been married to the same love of my life for nearly 39 years! We’ve run our family business together for the past 26 years. (Piano tuning, repair, rebuilding)

    -I’m a faithful and funny friend (so my friends tell me) ;-)

    -I like to hold special events (Christmas parties, outdoor garden tea parties, etc.) though I don’t get to as often as I’d like.

    – I like to go boating, but am slightly afraid to get in the water. (When I was a kid, some nasty kids tried to drown me in a lake!)

    – I’m highly patriotic and one of my regrets is that I didn’t join the military like I wanted to. I did however serve in Civil Air Patrol for 10 years, the official volunteer auxiliary of the United States Air Force, achieving the rank of major.

    -I enjoy reading other’s blogs very much :-) I used to subscribe to many. Now I’ve limited myself to only two or three of my favorites: One being yours Diane :-D

    -My Christian faith is important to me. I’m sure God has a sense of humor because He’s constantly giving me more chances to “get it right” ;-)

    – I enjoy sewing, music, traveling, flower gardening, reading. I am NOT a crafter. Hahah! I’m learning to golf again.

    – I often wonder what I’m going to be when I grow up. Hahah! Given the chance, or when asked, I usually tell too much about myself. (I’m sure you’ve already figured that out!) LOL!

  70. My husband always gets excited when he finds a spot where he can pull-through. He even says “pull-through!”
    I don’t color my hair and it mostly looks good. It’s ever-changing as the grey overtakes my brown and I think it’s interesting. I have a friend I haven’t seen for awhile and just a couple hours ago I ran into her and her grey hair looks great, and we simultaneously said “I like your hair!” We said grey is better than a bad dye job, which so many women in their late 50s have. Silver jewelry, avid gardener, pillow-swapper.

  71. I am anxiously awaiting your project to paint wood trim white because my house needs that so badly, yet I am scared and a little lazy about tackling it. I hope you can motivate me to get going. Love your projects and creativity, I express my creativity through cooking and easy gardening, not so much through home décor, so I enjoy learning from you. I love your new lakeside location too!

  72. Loved your post! Blessings!

  73. I guess the parking issue is true for a lot of people. I do the same when I can and I call it “the old pull through”. It’s funny because my son’s girlfriend was complaining to me that he does this wierd parking thing that he calls “the old pull through”. I had to laugh and tell her he gets it from me. I guess it’s a common thing, I had no idea! I love your blog and can’t wait to see what else you do with your new house!

  74. Linda Weeks says:

    this post was great! If I didn’t like who you are, I’d never have signed up for the blog! I feel as though I know you, but I’d never have guessed your shoe size!
    I trust your suggestions as if we were good friends. I’m happy that you and Ed have a wonderful new place to settle into. My husband and I are semi-retired, so we don’t always have the cash to make big improvements to the house, but I love the ideas that you send about making improvements that don’t require major moola. I love gardening until my back hurts, painting, and I do pen and ink and calligraphy. I also try to face out in a parking lot.
    If you lived a wee bit closer, I’d take you out for lunch! Best regards!!

  75. It’s wonderful to get to know you! I love your blog and look forward to it popping into my in box! I’m a retired military spouse and wish I had knowno you years ago! My 17 moves in 30 years would have benefited from your great ideas and styling tips. I’m not in my forever home yet, but when I get there I will use your great advice to have the home of my dreams. And I don’t like elevators either!

  76. Wow…2 peas in a pod comes to mind when I look at you and your sister. Thanks for a peek into your non blogging world! Oh, I pull through too, ’cause I couldn’t back into a parking spot even if a million dollars was at stake!!!!!

  77. Hi Diane,
    I too, in my older age of 58, do not like to back up. So I pull through. I also just purchased a 2016 Camry Hybrid so I park out in the boondocks so that PEARL won’t get hit. The funny thing is everytime I come out of the store someone has parked next to me and I get a little upset and then laugh. I dye my white hair, I did try the natural look for two years but once someone thought I was in my 70’s I started dying it again. I wish I had the ambition that others have. I have a million ideas floating around in my head but rarely act on them. I also wish I was retired and I am working on a plan to retire early. I love your blog and I have been following you for 3 years now. Thank you for the inspiration you give. – Lisa

  78. I too like cross body bags for the same reason. I’m a purseaholic though. I have 2 resist the urge 2 buy. I have since found a bucket bag that I love & carry all the time.

    Love dishes. A lot of my friends use paper plates/cups for dinners, but I like real dishes.

    I wear a wig. I have hair—it’s gray, which I don’t like, but mostly I find that a wig is more convenient than fixing my own hair. Just spritz, shake & go. Plus I get 2 wear the styles my hair would never do on its own.

    Like the idea of a capsule wardrobe. Worked with a woman in the late 80s who was always impeccably dressed. I was young then. The culture I grew up in–wearing the same thing was unheard of. One day I noticed that she was mixing & matching the same two outfits with various style shoes, blouses, jewelry etc. It was an epiphany. All I realized though is that she always looked ‘rich.’

    I’m a ‘winter.’ I like deep colors—classic black/white/blues/purples. I found that I like silver better than gold. Sounds like you’re a winter to.

    Love jewelry. Sadly, when my weight goes up, I don’t wear it. When it goes down, I wear it. So, I’m more of a ‘collector.’ Recently found some vintage Sarah Coventry! Speaking of weight, when it goes up, I discovered I ‘dress my house.’ When it goes down, I dress me.

    I’m a perfectionist—it’s all or nothing. Very frustrating.

    A twin—I’m envious!

    Love old black and white movies. The old classics. Interestingly, I now watch them for the furnishings and the clothing styles. Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, even Phryne Fischer!

  79. Hi there, My name is Robin. I live in Victoria BC Canada and enjoy reading your posts very much. I have one older brother and so far, I am lucky enough to have both my parents. I am almost 52 years old and have been with the same guy for 34 years next month. We do not have any children of the usual variety, just four-legged ones…two purebred Siberian Forest Cats. They are our family and we are both home-bodies and spend tons of time doting on them. I come from an extremely handy/crafty family, mom, dad and my man is the ultimate handy guy – we make a great team!
    I enjoy paper crafting, mostly cards, some scrapbook stuff, woodworking, jewelry making, making stuffed animals – the real nice mohair kind, and I will try almost anything if I see something I like and don’t want to pay the price being asked for it! I LoVe gardening and spend sometime almost every day outside. I am very house proud and keep the yard looking camera ready! We are living on just under 1/3 of an acre on a cul de sac in a lovely forested area but are always on the look out for a piece of property that will enable us to have a studio for me and a shop for my guy. I work for municipal government and will have 25 years in very soon….so retirement may be in my near future. I do not pull thru when parking as I am a super confident driver (used to drive a backhoe for part of my previous posting) but I do park in the far reaches of the parking lot, mostly because I am super crazy-anal about people’s lack of respect for other people’s property and do not want my car to have door dings…it’s almost 11 years old though and looks brand new inside and out! I will stop now as I am sure I could ramble on and on forever. Thanks for sharing and giving us the chance to share as well. Enjoy your new place and I can’t wait to see how you make changes to it!

    1. I agree with you about the cars dings. I make sure I don’t get too close to cause a door ding also. UR right–it’s about respect for other people’s property.

  80. Well…I’m a 65 year old, happily married lady…who has highlights added to her hair! And I prefer to pull through in my parking spaces too…because other people are driving too fast in parking lots! I prefer gold jewelry over silver…but I’m still very minimalistic…rings and earrings. I’m a very casual person all around….I really don’t like to get all dressed up! And, I share a love of affordable interior design…that’s why I come here, Diane! This was fun…enjoy your day! ;)

  81. Home hair color and fear of elevators! We both have something in common :) I like the idea of pulling through and walking more.

  82. Hi Diane…now I know why I love your blog so much…besides seeing your amazing projects.I do feel that I know you.
    We have lots in common…nail biting when nervous…size 10 shoes…black leggings…same studs and silver jewelry every day…pulling through to park so I won’t have to back out…straw tote bag.
    I don’t have a Mini Cooper … but have wanted one since I saw “The Italian Job” ha ha
    I wish I had your wonderfl imagination and ability to design and decorate your home. I have enjoyed following
    your blog for years and always love what you do.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful life with us. Can’t wait to see all you do to the lake house.

  83. Hello Diane,
    I have followed your blog for quite some time and while you have shared many things over the years it was wonderful to learn a bit more. I am 56 married to my best friend of 37 years with two adult children and two grandchildren. I have enjoyed various hobbies over the years and they forever change it seems. I enjoy sewing, papercrafting, card making, reading, travelling, scrapbooking and now teaching myself a bit about mixed media.
    Imagine my delight to learn that I am not the only one who “pulls” in to her parking spot so I face out, because I do not like backing out either. Everyone is always rushing and walking past your car as if waiting for me to hit them.
    Leggings/yoga pants love them! Enough said about that. While I wish I had pencil thin legs, I know that just isn’t going to happen anytime soon. So I go for comfort now! lol
    Anyway, thank you for sharing a bit more about you and looking forward to all of your posts….

  84. Hi Diane.
    I used to bite my nails, but now I just pick at them. I can never seem to grow them out much. My way of dealing with stress I guess!
    I also color my hair. I am sure I would have white hair if I stopped. Not ready to see that!
    I ONLY carry a cross-body bag now. I hate dealing with purses, so this is so much easier. I stopped carrying a purse when I was in nursing school many years ago, especially when we were doing our clinicals in the hospital. There was nowhere safe to store a purse. Just put my car keys and some money in my uniform pocket and away I went.
    I enjoy crafting, but mainly I like bead weaving. I don’t wear much jewelry and seem to give away most of the jewelry I make to my sisters, cousins, and nieces.
    My wardrobe will be pared down very soon as I am going through things and packing up for our big move from AZ back to my home state of SC. I have been out here 28 years, and, yes, I still have my southern accent! I get comments all the time out here in AZ about my accent. Once I move back to SC I will finally blend in. LOL!
    I like hot Chai tea latte in the wintertime and iced tea in the summertime when I sit down to chat with friends.
    Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better.

  85. Lois Van Haaften says:

    Hi Diane, I love your blog. I am not much of a handyman in our house and neither is my husband. But I love to see what you have done with your house. It is beautiful . And that lake view -WOW! I too bite my nails and have all my life but it seems that once a year I am able to grow nails. Weird! I like your idea of parking your car. I might try that. Especially in Walmart – I have had a couple of mishaps there, nothing serious. I look forward to your next blog.

  86. Jackie Pilo says:

    Loved your column today and clicked on the links to the other “what you dont know about me” that you had written over the years. So you peaked my curiosity when you said one if these days you would tell us the story of how you met your husband. So, how DID you meet your husband? Maybe we can find out the next time you do an “about me”. If you already told that story, sorry I missed it?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Jackie – I don’t think I ever did write a post on how Ed and I met. It is a good story. :-) I will write a post about it for next Friday.

  87. Forgot to mention that I bleach my hair white and have kept it that way for a couple of years as I have a lot of grey underneath. When I want another color I wear wigs and vintage hats. I went thru a craze of making jewelry and selling it also, but my life is too crazy right now to make any lately. I do collect jewelry, vintage and modern but have been sharing my jewelry with church people, and the Rwandans. They love the flash! Now that I am not working, I only really dress up for church and then I go hog wild.

    1. I love hats too but my head is too big. Unfortunately. I tell people that but they think I’m joking. I’m not.

  88. Holly Rigby says:

    Wow, I feel way less quirky! I have actually hit things 4 times backing up. In my 50 years of driving…not my long suit..and live in total fear.I don’t even trust my back up camera! It is supposed to be a gas saver to pull through, so that’s MY justification. And who are those people who drive right behind you when you are backing up? Uh oh, curmudgeon alert!
    So happy for you in your new house…we spend our summers on a lake in NH…and winters in TX…and we justify the expense (!) that we have one child in each area. And…my hair…I keep threatening to let it go natural, as I started to go gray at 19,…but my family looks at me in horror!…
    And I am inspired by your posts..you are creative, sensible, and I aspire to have your energy!

  89. I am a young, soon to be 68 year old. I also was a Display Merchandiser for a big department store here called Elder-Beerman. I worked 3 stores and still search out ways of decorating in and outside my house. I just befriended a shop owner here in Beavercreek and because of health reasons she is pretty worn out, so I have been making suggestions on what she could do on the outside of the 120 year old house/shop to make it even more inviting. It is just a darling place called “This Old Couch”. I will be taking my antique plates over there to “plant” in her flower beds soon. Got to get it done soon as the garden will be going in soon and I will be “married” to it till next fall as I pick and can food. Canning was on my “bucket list”. It reminds me of a better time when love was put into all the work a woman did in her home. I hang clothes out and wear aprons to honor my grandma. I used to be a nail biter but now, hard work just keeps them short. I have two dogs, Penny a Jack Russell and Tink a Shih-tzu.

    I help Amerlcanize Rwandans that now go to my church. I have befriended them and have plundered my home to share whatever extras I have with them. This year my husband is sharing his gardens with them as they have no papers yet and that means no income, so he will teach them to be a gardener.

    Love your blog, would love to share decorating ideas with you.

  90. Jen @ Rambling Renovators says:

    So interesting to learn more about you Diane! Me, I’m 45 and find new grey hairs every day but I’m resisting and holding on to my natural long black hair as long as I can. I recently Kondo-ized my drawers and it is life changing. On the upside, I’m able to store more but on the downside I’ve come to realize that I really only wear about 25% of my clothes on a regular basis. I am still on the lookout for the perfect cross-body bag! Have a great weekend!

    1. You can get beautiful cross body bags on shoe-buy.com. Mostly leather ones. I live in Mexico and had
      my bag and large size shoes delivered to my grand daughter in Chicago and she brought them down.
      Mexicans have smaller feet than mine

  91. I am very interested to see your capsule wardrobe and how it works for you! I would tell you that I am a 40-something divorcee with no children, a great job, a lovely brick ranch home that I happened to be so lucky to buy next door to my sister and her family and that I have four (!!) dogs… and that I am always looking for the next great hobby, which I soon master and then get bored with, so on to the next hobby! My latest hobby is sewing!!

    1. Ah, sewing. A lost art.

  92. I have found another soul mate in so many ways. Claustrophobia is a biggie for me too. As are heights. Same thing with the black leggings. I need to cut down on my wardrobe also. Quit dying my hair. But on this I am lucky that at 55 I only have some white hairs. I also make jewelry, but it seems the older I get the less I use. Love silver better than gold. So thank you for posting the above to let us know there are other “like us” out there. Have a beautiful day.

  93. I do the exact same thing with pulling my car through so I don’t back up!! There’s one Kroger parking lot especially where people cut through and drive too fast and so I just try to reduce all likelihood of an accident by pulling through. I justify the extra distance walked as exercise too haha. I’m glad I’m not alone.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Emma – It makes me happy to know that I am not alone about not wanting to back up in a parking lot.:-) I never like lots where they don’t offer a pull through option or the parking spots are staggered. I will never understand the reason behind that.