Friday Link Love: Inspiring Links
When my weekly calendar page turns to Friday, my mind goes directly to the weekend and this weekend I have lots of plans to enjoy it. It is my youngest 28th birthday, so we will be celebrating with her. Before I sign off though I wanted to share a few things I found inspiring on line this week.

But before I do I want to know if spring fever has hit you yet? Seeing spring flowers when I was out and about this week and in my neighbor’s yard has me eager for the end of winter and has me in spring cleaning and decorating mode. I still have a few more touches to add and I will share it with you in a few posts next week.
Now onto…
What Inspired Me Most This Week…
Remember my small pantry reveal post? Check out THIS amazing pantry that is on a whole other scale!
Are You Addicted To Interiors? A fun read if you like all things decorating.
How cute is this DIY pillow?
Excellent post to read when you just can’t figure out why a room just doesn’t seem right.
Look what you can do with something so basic and use it in a decorative way.
Have empty space above your bed and don’t know what to do with it? Ten ideas, here.
Clever DIY… and so easy to do with an old frame.
Easter is a month away. This is one cute way to fold a napkin for your Easter table setting.
What Opened My Eyes This Week…
Surprising Facts for All Cell Phone Users
What I Could Not Live Without This Week…
When late afternoon hunger sets in…. this allows me to eat something good and not feel guilty.
What I Found Frustrating This Week…
Do you have a good toaster, one that toasts bread evenly on both sides and will last longer than a few months? I have gone through more toasters in the past few years. I have bought expensive and inexpensive brands and none of them toast evenly. I just bought a new one this week and right out of the box it only toasted one side and one half of the other side. I returned it, but need a new toaster soon.
Thats a wrap for this week. Enjoy your weekend. I know I am in the south where spring shows up sooner than the rest of the country, but I hope you see a few signs of it in your neighborhood soon.