Why I Like Neutral or White Walls

I have been spring cleaning this week. It is my favorite time of year to clean since I can open the windows and let fresh air back into the house after it has been closed up all winter.  While I was at it, I decided to give my guest bathroom a new color scheme.

Spa like bathroom

It took less than 30 minutes!

It was quick and easy because the room has neutral walls and fixtures.  All I had to do to change it up was to replace the fabric on the valance, hang a new shower curtain, and hang new towels in vibrant colors.

Bathroom makeover on a budget

You may remember when I posted about how I made over the bathroom for $265 three years ago. (above)  I liked it this way, but a few weeks ago I noticed the shower curtain was getting faded in spots.  I had a new one on hand and got to work.

Decorating a room with neutral walls and color pops

A few months ago, I had bought a white shower curtain at a thrift store. It was brand new and only $2. I figured I would use in someday. Well that someday became yesterday.   It became my inspiration for the rooms new whiter and brighter color scheme.

Many readers have asked me how the $10 floor makeover I did in the room has held up.  The diamonds on the floor used to be green. I changed them to black using craft and wall art vinyl. After 3 + years, it has held up perfectly. I use a Bona Mop to clean it.

Bathroom decorating idea

I shopped my house to find something new to place on the toilet tank.

Shop your home decorating ideas

I found a few items, but am not sure if I like any of them. I am envisioning something wider and not as tall. I think a trip to the thrift store is on order again. If I don’t find anything there, I will check out HomeGoods, IKEA, and Marshalls.  If I don’t find anything, I will put something decorative on the counter between the sinks and leave the toilet alone.

Now that I cleaned and updated the room, I have one more task to do before I can call this room spring clean.  This task is going to take a little bit longer than 30 minutes though.  It is the last space in my house left to declutter.  It is this…

linen closet organizing… the linen closet in the bathroom.

I haven’t cleaned it out in years.  It is way past due for a good purging and reorganization. I also have to figure out how I am going to fix the floor.  The brown spots are where rubber backed bath mats were stored when we first moved into the house. I found out the hard way that rubber discolors vinyl.

I will show you the “after” of this linen closet purge and makeover next week.  I am excited to get started.

Neutral colored walls with color pops

Do you like the fresh feel of your house after a day spent spring cleaning?


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  1. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I love the new look and colors. Did you y any chance use grasscloth for your cornice board change? I like that you have both a white and a cream color, because it gives you even more color options. The towel colors you used are my very favorite.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – The fabric I used is a solid loose weave in a pearly creamy tan. I bought it at JoAnn Fabrics. I chose the towels to represent my favorite colors. I love the colors…they are such happy colors…sounds like you agree. XO

  2. I love your “new” white bathroom. My linen closet is also due for purging and organizing — but I’ve given myself until Monday to tackle my last spring cleaning job. Like you, I feel so good when I finish my spring and fall deep cleaning. The downsize is that after all the cleaning is finished, I have a long, long list of things to catch up on ’cause I didn’t have time while purging and organizing!

  3. sharon / theprincipledtype.blogspot.com says:

    Exactly right with the neutral/white walls. Preaching to the choir! Lol.

  4. Glenis Ebbett says:

    This looks so amazing, great style and colour choices.

  5. I love how light and airy it looks!

    I also love that quilt in the top left of your linen closet – pretty pastel colors!

  6. I do love your classic and clean bathroom. Very pretty!
    If you happen to have any extra towels and even bath rugs, animals shelters and vets offices can always use donations. Blankets too! Good luck with your great clean out, it will feel freeing ;)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lynn – What a great idea! I will call my vet and the local animal shelter. Thanks for telling me. I am going to start the closet clean out tomorrow. :-)

  7. Terri Waterman says:

    You are motivating all of us! I had those same yellow and blue Laura Ashley sheets years ago when my bedroom was in those colors and I still have the pillow cases, too. Waiting to see your results.

  8. the picture just screams fresh and clean–it’s so lovely–

  9. Linda Weeks says:

    It looks wonderful. You have a way of going from “best” to “even bester”.

  10. Your bath looks spring fresh! I did a lot of cleaning before Easter…but I still have a few places to tackle. It’s hard to find something that fits on the toilet tank top…I’ve settled on a fake IKEA plant in a basket, and called it done. Seems to be the right height…and it won’t break if bumped! ;)

  11. I love your white bathroom. We just repainted our hall bathroom, in RH silver sage, including the ceiling. It was RL light blue before. But everything else in the room is white, white toilet, white tub, white shower curtain, white blinds, etc. Love the whites! You have inspired me to spring clean. I also recently cleaned and steam vac my walk in closet and decluttered after 10 years of having live in the house. Now the floors are mostly bare and cleaned. Even got dear hubby to hang up some hooks on the walls for clothes, getting rid of a coat tree we were using, which took up floor space. Still waiting to run into you one day in Lansdale or North Wales. :)

  12. I love your honesty Diane, to see that your lovley home has its messy bits too. I wish I had the organisation you appear to have – and I only have to look after myself :)

  13. Lindsay O. says:

    This is fantastic! Thanks for showing us how easy it REALLY can be to make such a huge difference!

  14. I love your style! Everything looks so wonderful. I wish you could come to my house and work your magic.