A Guilt-Free No Dairy WFPB Sugar Free Dessert

I am always on the lookout for whole food, plant based desserts that taste delicious like banana whips and cakes. After eating a WFPB diet for the last 2 years, what surprises me most is that I now crave whole food sugar free desserts and no longer want cake and pastries. For real!

This didn’t happen overnight, but took time and lots of testing along with trial and error on finding the foods I like best and ways in which to prepare them to my liking.

What I have found is that simple is the best and this frozen dessert recipe fits right in as it uses only one ingredient and tastes just as good as ice cream.

Ice Cream alternative - Frozen Whipped Grapes

When trying to eat healthy, I have found that the best vegan and organic desserts are the ones that use only a few ingredients – like fresh fruit.

Yonanas Frozen fruit maker on kitchen counter.

This Yoananas Frozen Treat machine makes it happen! It turns any frozen fruit into an ice cream/sorbet treat that I know you and your family will love, even if you are not WFPB eaters.

It makes healthy, guilt-free treats in minutes. It is inexpensive and one of the best items I bought to help me eat healthy. A blender or mixer just doesn’t create the same light whipped texture as the Yonanas machine does.

The Yonanas machine works in that it whips the fruit with air as you push it down through the machine and comes out in a creamy texture like ice cream. You have to use frozen fruit that you allow to thaw about 5 – 10 minutes before running it through.

It may take some trial and error getting the fruit thawed just the right amount. If it is too frozen – it comes out chippy – thawed too much – comes out more like a smoothie. I let my fruit thaw for 5 mins. Once you get it right – it is so good and the texture is just the same as ice cream.

frozen vegan treats - red grape sorbet - one ingredient

Banana whips made in the machine are the most popular, but when I tried frozen grapes – WOW! The taste and texture made me smile – yum!

A bowlful of frozen whipped grapes is kind of a cross between a grape sorbet/sherbet and one of the best non dairy desserts I have ever eaten.

I was truly surprised by the taste and texture. Even if you don’t like red grapes, I think you will like this.

The fun thing when making frozen fruit whips with the Yonanas machine is that you can mix frozen fruits together and other ingredients to come up with many different tasting frozen desserts.

One of my other treats I make with the machine is using frozen bananas to make a banana whip. Once the banana goes through the machine, I add some cocoa powder and PB2 powder which is a peanut butter, but made into a fat-free powder form. When these two ingredients are added, the result tastes just like chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

No Dairy WFPB Sugar Free Dessert – Frozen Grape Sorbet Recipe

Frozen Grape Sorbet

This one ingredient frozen treat can be easily made in minutes. It will become a family favorite when you want to offer your family healthy dessert alternatives. It is dairy, vegan and wfpb with no oil free.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time6 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: fruit, healthy dessert, oil-free desserts, vegan, WFPB
Servings: 2 people
Calories: 104kcal
Cost: $2.00


  • 1 Yonanas Frozen Treat Maker


  • 2 cups red grapes frozen


  • Clean grapes and pull stems from each. Place in a large baggie in the freezer for at least 8 hours or longer.
  • When grapes are frozen, remove from freezer and let thaw for about 5 minutes.
  • Run the grapes through the Yonanas machine and into a bowl.
  • Scoop into serving bowls and enjoy!


Serving: 1cup | Calories: 104kcal | Carbohydrates: 27g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 3mg | Potassium: 288mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 23g | Calcium: 15mg

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  1. Hi Diane, I have a question about the PB2 powder. I bought both the peanut butter with cocoa and the peanut butter powder. How much powder do you use with your bananas? I have never seen this product before, so not sure how to use it. Thank you for posting this. I have a horrible sweet tooth and I’m diabetic so I am always looking for healthier options to help my cravings.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kim – When I make a banana whip and add the peanut butter powder, I use about a tablespoon per one banana. Sometimes more if I want a more peanut butter taste. Same for the cocoa. I mix both usually and add more until I like the way it tastes. Start with 1 tablespoon. When using the PB2 powder to make peanut butter, I just follow the label directions.

  2. Elaine Heron says:

    Hi Diane,
    Yonanas is smashing, your right we love it! Made mixed berries and banana first. Looking forward to trying pineapple, banana, and coconut! Thank you so much for the recommendation. Love your new link SHOP, saves me loads of time. Want to get the pom pom dust bed ruffle now! 👍❤️

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Elaine – Pineapple would be delish! I am going to try that next. I love the pom pom dust ruffle. I hope that it is still sold in the bed size you need. Let me know. I may have another resource for it.

  3. Elaine Heron says:

    Just ordered one of these from the UK Amazon Diane. The video was very impressive, so fingers crossed 🤞 it works ok. Will give feedback when it arrives.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Elaine – You will love it. Remember to let the frozen fruit thaw about 5 mins to get just the right texture. And experiment by mixing fruits together to come up with your own favorite combinations.

  4. I almost didn’t read this because I thought you were going to use bananas, which literally make me ill, very ill. I don’t have this machine, but will have to get one and try this. Thank you for sharing. Have you tried any other fruit and mixings beside grapes and bananas that you can share with us?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pam – You don’t ever have to use bananas – using them is what is most popular, but any frozen fruit tastes great and gets the whipped smooth texture. There is a recipe book you can buy, but I just try different fruits to come up with my own combinations.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Alison – Frozen grapes whipped up in the Yonannas always hits the spot when I need something sweet. How are you doing? I hope all is well and you are enjoying staying inside all nice and cozy during the cold spell.

      1. We are good and hope we can get together soon. Bathroom reno is happening! Frozen grapes are my new fav thing! Would this work in my ice cream maker?

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Alison – Looking forward to hearing and seeing your bathroom when it is done. Using the frozen grapes may work in your ice cream maker, but you would have to pulverize them first in a blender. I am not sure it come out the same. The Yonanas whips and adds air to the frozen fruit – hence giving it the creamy smoothness of ice cream.

  5. Yonana. I have it! Stored wayyyy back on laundry rm.shelf! Did bananas before sent same machine to ,y nephew in KC for his kids. Thank you! (Reminder as much as our dogs love frozen treats, ourVet says NO to grapes for dogs.).

  6. Diane, I bought one of these the last time you mentioned it but sadly returned it because it didn’t create the nice creamy texture I was hoping for. It also took a long time to get it to make a very small amount of ‘nice cream’ and didn’t ‘cream’ the amount placed in it..only did part of it. Please share your secrets to using this machine since there must be a trick to using it! I’d be game to try it again. 🤞🏻😊

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – I can understand why you may not have gotten the creamy texture. The fruit can’t be hard as a rock frozen or thawed too much. After some use, you will get the hang of it and know when the frozen fruit is ready. I let it sit out about 5 – 8 mins before using to get just the right creaminess. On the Amazon site – there is a video showing how to use it, did you watch it? It may help: https://amzn.to/3rdxgHL

  7. Well, I was almost sorry I opened this when I saw that delectable looking dish! But, I am impressed with this machine. I read several scathing reviews on Amazon before I got to ONE positive review. They were verified buyers. How long have you had yours? Is it really that easy to use? Clean up easy? I was worried about the number of carbs bc of my diabetic husband, and I don’t need a lot either. Just because it’s fruit doesn’t mean you can pig out on it! I know you know that, some people don’t. Going to have to think about this machine. PS I just ordered Kristen Hong’s new book due out February 1st. I’m excited to get it!

    1. Well, I ordered the machine and love it! I used frozen peaches for a sorbet, nice creamy texture. I set a timer and defrosted the fruit 7 minutes. Easy clean up, I will use it often and not relegate it to the small appliance graveyard in the cabinet, lol.

      1. Thank you, Elaine! LOL, I really want this jewel but I know I don’t “need” another gadget on my counter tops or in my cupboards. But then, what does need have to do with anything, right?

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon –

      I have had my machine for 7 years. My daughter asked for it for Christmas one year when she was in college, so I knew about it even longer. Cleaning the machine is easy and it can be done in the dishwasher, but I always hand wash mine. The chute section comes off the base in one piece and then you unscrew this to take it apart to clean. Once clean – you lay the parts on top of each other and screw it together. At first you may forget the order, but after a few times it is so easy.

      I ordered Kristen Hong’s book also. I am excited to get it. Enjoy it.

      1. Thank you Diane! I know I’ll probably end up with this, sooner or later. Lol
        Kristen’s book arrived on Feb 1st. It is gorgeous to look at.

  8. this desert looks wonderful, thank you for all the Plant based recipes, I am always on the lookout for new ones.

  9. I bought one of these last year after you mentioned you liked yours. I love it! I’ve tried all different kinds of combinations, but not just grapes. I’ll try that next. But not this weekend. It’s going to be too cold here in NC!

  10. It is always such a treat to get a WFPB recipe from you but this one really looks like a winner. I need to get the machine but can’t wait to try it.
    My marble powder should be in tomorrow. So excited to try it. Thanks so much for your help. You are such a blessing and I always look forward to your posts!

  11. Diane,

    THANK you so much for sharing this little gem! I’ve been WFPB for about 4 years now and have made “nice” cream in my food processor many times, but I am going to order one of these as it really does make it easy and looks very creamy.

    Been a long-time reader/follower and always look forward to your posts and ingenious ideas! It’s also been fun to follow your journey into the plant-based lifestyle.

    Wishing you and your beautiful family a healthy and prosperous 2022!

    Cheers and warm wishes,

    Stacey :)