Holiday Candleglow In The Windows

Christmas decorating ideas showing how to use and display candles both real and electric in your home’s windows.

If there is one thing I love about Christmas time, it is the candleglow that comes from the twinkly lights on the tree and the candles in my windows.

There is a song from the movie Home Alone called Somewhere In My Memory  by John Williams. 

This is one of my favorite Christmas songs as the lyrics express exactly how I feel about Christmas.  It makes me so happy, nostalgic, and gives me that warm Christmasy feeling.

Christmas Decorating Ideas

In all the front windows of my house, I put an electric candle.  I remember as a child how excited my brother, sisters, and I were when we came home from school to find that my mom had put up the Christmas decorations that included candles in all the windows.  It was magical getting tucked into bed at night and dreaming of all the good things you knew were coming your way in the following weeks – I could barely sleep.

Falling asleep with candleglow = bliss.

I continued this tradition in my own home and I am happy to say that my daughters will happily continue it.  When each of them went away to college, I sent them a surprise package in early December with a candle for their dorm room window so they would not miss out on that magical feeling as well as have a little bit of home while they were away.

I don’t put candles in the windows on the back of my house, but I also don’t want to miss a good opportunity to add some candleglow, especially to a place where I spend a lot of time – my kitchen window.

I might as well make cooking and washing dishes as pleasant an experience as possible during the holidays.  I dim the lights, light the Kosta Boda snowballs I have lined up on my windowsill, put on some Christmas music, pour a glass of red, and I am good to go.

 Ahhh!…  I love candleglow.

Candleglow Christmas Decorations

I snipped some pine branches from a tree in my side yard and placed the glass snowballs on top…and of course added a touch of purple.

Christmas candleglow ideas
Christmas Songs

Candles in the window,
shadows painting the ceiling,
gazing at the fire glow,
feeling that gingerbread feeling.
Precious moments,
special people,
happy faces,
I can see.

Somewhere in my mem’ry,
Christmas joys all around me,
living in my mem’ry,
all of the music,
all of the magic,
all of the fam’ly home here with me

Candleglow holiday decorations

Do you put candles in your windows?

Here is another great candle glow idea to greet your holiday guests at the front door – Outdoor Holiday Candles.


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  1. Still rolling through your archives and having fun. I have a kitchen window over my sink that I have plants on but want to convert to a seasonal display. You’ve given me great ideas with the candles and seasonal greenery/ deco. Thanks so much…love all your ideas.

  2. I love candles and we have them in our front windows. I love the candles in your kitchen window.

  3. pk @ Room Remix says:

    I don’t put candles in my windows, but this makes me really think I should! It’s SO pretty and welcoming.

  4. Bonnie@Creative Decorating says:

    I would love candles in the window. I think they are such a traditional part of Christmas!! I stopped because I used the electric ones and there were cords everywhere!! I like the idea of solar ones that I read in a comment!!

    I wanted to thank you for becoming a follower of my blog and I am doing the same to you! I am looking forward to “browsing” through your home!!! Have a great day!

  5. Melanie J says:

    Thanks for stopping by and visiting. What a beautiful post, I love candles in the window and buy them every year. I always have issues, I have alot of windows so the electric ones didnt work for my anymore (hassle) I then tried battery operated and they burn out so quickly, not to mention running all over the house to shut them off. I heard they have solar ones but havent found them yet. I think this year I will just do the front windows (5)lol. Thanks for reminding me to get them out again.

  6. Khrystine says:

    I want to start putting candles in my window.

  7. I love your post – This is one of my favorite sites -I use candles and I also use the candles that aee now on a timer -we keep candles in our window all year round. -A lot of people in my town keep the candles glowing ,. -There once was a joke going around that said you know you are from Pennsylvania if you have candles in your window and it is the middle of the summer . :-) But I think we are all going to buy snowball candle holders just like yours -I know I have seen them in different stores but never lit -they are beautiful!! Cheers from one red lover to another

    1. Hi Kathy-

      Thank you so much for your comment – it’s nice to hear that IMOS is one of your favorites. You truly have made my day. Since I am a Pennsylvania girl myself, I think what you said about the white lights on in the summer is so true. There are a few of my neighbors that do keep them up year round. Most of the houses on my street put up white lights and wreaths with red bows on the windows at Christmas, as well as white lights on the trees and bushes. It looks pretty magical at night driving down the street.

  8. Cranberry Morning says:

    I absolutely love the look of candles and especially the Kosta Boda snowball votives you have on your window sill. What a warm, homey, inviting glow they cast! I’ll have to keep on the lookout for those. What I’ve always used is little glass votives and tea lights in all the windows. One year, before going with the tea light IN the glass votives, I simply set the tea lights on the window sill. They burn a long time, and when I went to collect them at the end of the evening, I saw that two window sills had been scorched! Good way to burn down a house. Needless to say, I don’t do that anymore. :-) Your display is simply beautiful!

    1. Hi Cranberry Morning.
      Have you seen the battery operated tea lights? The sell them where I work. They run about $10 for twelve. I bought them for my sister who has a cat that thinks the candles are to play with. They do produce a glow, not as pretty as a real flame, but are not bad in situations where you are afraid they may burn something around them.

  9. Love the candles in the windows! I remember my mom having that and loved it. Need to do the same for mine. :)

    Have a Merry CHRISTmas!

  10. Susan @ Some Kind of Wonderful says:

    Yep I have the battery operated LED lights that flicker in my windows. I just love them.

  11. Hot Pink Dahlia says:

    THis looks so great..I love the snowball votive holders..where did you get them from.

    Enjoy the holiday season.

    I am having a blog give if you want to head over!

  12. Lilianna Grace says:

    “I dim the lights, light the Kosta Boda snowballs I have lined up on my window sill, put on some Christmas music, pour a glass of red, and I am good to go.”
    That sounds just perfect! That certainly sounds like it would make cooking and cleaning in the kitchen ALOT more fun! Guaranteed my sills will be decorated and the wine will be flowing by the weeks end!

  13. Diane, I always put candles in all our windows too (yep-even the back). My duaghters have taken up the tradition too…and it is one I love. I don’t know what the Kosta Boda snowballs are (showing my ignorance here) but they are beautiful. Okay…WHERE did you get them?>) Hugs-Diana

    1. Hi Diana-

      I got my first Kosta Boda Snowball from my brother when I was still in high school and have 8 of them. Kosta Boda is a maker of glassware. I think it is a Swedish company. They make all sorts of decorative glassware for your home. I found most of mine at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s.

      1. Diana-

        I just looked them up and you can get them on They are 18.00. I bought mine for around $7 each, so look around. I am sure if you go online and put in: Kosta Boda Snowball Votive you will be able to find some.

  14. I love candles in the windows too. I REALLY LOVE the ones you used in your kitchen. Much better than the candlestick type. SOOOOO cozy!! I am going to do this in my kitchen for sure. Thanks for sharing!!!!!! Have a wonderful holiday season!!!!