Creativity 1… 2… 3… Take a Chance
This is Part 3 in a 3 part series on how to become more creative. If you missed Part 1 and 2 of my creativity exercise, you can read them first by following these links:
“Where there is fear, there is no creativity? – Christopher Lowell
Creativity Step 3: Take a Chance
When you want to do something creatively, you know that you have to take note of your ideas no matter how silly they may seem, keep them handy, and ask yourself What If…
I think the 3rd step in my formula to becoming more creative is the hardest one to master. It is conquering the fear of failure. No one wants to fail at anything we do in life, but that fear stops us from reaching our full potential.
You can’t let the fear of failure stop you from proceeding to “work” an idea. You must have faith in your convictions and decide to take a chance and listen to that “little voice” in your head that keeps whispering to you to take action. Knowing full well in the back of your mind that the idea might not turn out as planned, you do it anyway as you will never know if you don’t try.
I like to think of the “little voice” as creativity trying to tell me something – it is nothing more than instinct – our 6th sense. Over the years I have found that “little voice” is pretty astute. It is only when you listen to it and conquer the fear of failure that creative genius can strike. The hardest part of the process is moving past the fear, once you do and have success, moving forward with each new idea becomes much easier and your creativity will be unleashed.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes – it is an acceptable option. Design is knowing which ones to keep.
“Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde
Don’t let fear of failure stop you from developing your creative potential – take a chance and see where it will lead you.