Free Monogram Fonts

Today I have part 3 of 3 for you on How To Make a Printable Monogram to embellish decorative accessories and gifts. I am sharing my favorite free monogram fonts that will help you get the projects done in style.

I originally planned for the series to be one post, but as I started writing about how I made monograms on my computer, I realized it was going to be way too long for one post.  To answer all the questions I receive about the process – it morphed into 3 posts.  Dividing the topic into 3 posts also helps makes it easier for readers to find the exact information they are looking for.

If you have not read the first two posts you can find them here:

Below are the fonts that I have found work well when creating a monogram to print.

Free Monogram FontsFree Monogram Fonts

1. Debonair Inline   2. DF Kai SB    3. Aparajita    4. Niagara Engraved  5. Lucinda Bright   6. Bodoni Condensed  7. EcuyerDAX  8. Agency  9. Agency  10. Gills Sans MT Condensed  11. Monogram KK  12. Ecolier 13. Cursif   14. Little Lord Fontleroy NF

The word –Monogram Fonts is:  LD Corsair  – It is not free.  I paid $3 for it.   The word  FreeCK Cursive 

When downloading fonts – please take note of the “READ” files. These contain any specific details about the font – if it is only for personal use, etc.  On many sites, you can also donate some $$$ to help the designers that make fonts accessible for us to use.

A few tips to consider when you create your own monograms.

  • Any font can be made into a monogram, but fonts that are vertical, not slanted, work better.
  • Mix lower case with upper case letters for a modern take on the traditional.
  • Add 2 smaller letters on top of each other, the third larger.  See font #8. It is the same font as #9, just arranged differently.
  • Add Wingdings above or under the letters, or bullets on each side.  Most computer word processing programs come with Wingdings.  Go down to “W” in your font list to find them.    Choose Wingdings as your font then – Click on the letter S on your keyboard to make a diamond shaped bullet:  S =s   L=l N=n Z= There are many more swirls, dots and dashes that would work well with monograms, so experiment until you find one you like. 
  • Another way to add embellishments around your monogram is using the font “Nymphette”   No letters in this font, just swirls and pretty embellishments that can be made as easily as a keystroke.  Like the purple swirl  above – under the list of fonts links.
  • There is no right way – create something truly unique in your own style. That is what makes DIYing so much fun.   You get to do it your way.

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  1. Diane Pennington says:

    cannot wait to try this.

  2. Hi Dianne, today I am going through all the blogs that I have subscribed to over they years and unsubscribing as they take up so much of my time (which I don’t readily have). I am unsubscribing to most of them but there is no way that yours will ever be deleted. I have learnt so much over the years and every post is so worth reading. Thank you so much. Best wishes, Suzanne (Australia)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Suzanne –

      Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me this. You have made my day. :-) With so many blogs online, this means more to me than you can imagine.

      Over the summer I am on a more relaxed posting schedule, but will get back to my normal schedule in a few weeks. I have a lot of ideas for posts and hope to keep inspiring as long as I can.

      My best – Diane

  3. Maria Steedley says:

    I received a cursive initial hanging and wanted to know how to prep before painting it and what kind of paint i should use?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Maria –

      If the initial is made from balsa or birch plywood then all you need to do is: lightly sand over any rough edges, clean off the sanding grit and then use acrylic craft paint. You can find the paint in the craft store. 2 oz bottles in any color you desire. :-) I would use 2 – 3 light coats of paint, letting each one dry before applying the next coat. Once you have good coverage, apply 1 – 2 coats of water-based sealer over it. You can use any of the water-based sealers sold where craft paints are sold, or you can use Minwax Polycrylic. It comes in a few sheens. I would probably use satin or semi-gloss on it.

  4. Hello Diane

    Where can i find your blog?

  5. Diane,
    I found your blog by accident…so glad I did.
    Love all your ideas and especially your specific directions and all the detail you go into.
    Your info has been so helpful… Thank you so much!!!!!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Deb – You are welcome…and thank you for taking the time to leave me the nice comment. It is always good to hear that what I write about is helping others. I am so happy you found my blog. If you ever have questions about anything, just ask.

  6. ora exacta says:

    Am aflat aceasta pagina, dupa ce am cautat despre Free Monogram Fonts – In My Own Style
    pe Google. Se pare ca informatia dvs e foarte valoroasa, mai ales
    ca am mai gasit aici si despre ora, ora exacta, lucruri interesante si folositoare.

    Mult succes in continuare!

  7. caroline @ c.w.frosting says:

    Thanks for sharing! Needing to monogram a gift ;-) xo

  8. SOOOO helpful! I missed the little button that said “install” and your post helped me to see it! Thank you!

  9. Sorry, should’ve spent a little more time on it. Figured it out!


  10. You are a lifesaver! Downloaded the swirls (Nymphette font) and see it in my fonts, but where do I choose which of the swirls I want to use?

    Thanks so much!

  11. Can the free fonts be used as .pes files for machine embroidery?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Tiffany – I am not familiar with that file format or an embroidery machine, so I am not sure. I would Google the question and see if an answer shows up.

  12. gail wilson says:

    can ai download to my computer and transfer to my cricut expression

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      HI Gail –

      Yes you can download any font to your computer. I don’t have a Cricut, but I do have a Silhouette and all of the fonts I have downloaded to my computer show up when I open up my Silhouette software on my computer. It could be the same for the Cricut.

  13. Channing Harper says:

    I was wondering if you knew where to download a circle block monogram font. the only place i can find one is and its asking for $19.95

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Channing –

      I wish I did as I would love to use it on so many things. I have only found it where you need to pay for it. I will keep checking and if I do find one, I will definitely post about it.

  14. Thank you so much for this helpful post! Love the fonts you chose to feature!

  15. Thanks for sharing, the fonts look great! For you info, you may find a lot more free impressive fonts on this website They have more than 13,000 fonts of all kinds.

  16. I am trying to figure out how to get a circle font to cut on the Silhouette…in other words, the three letters of the monogram form to make a circle. I have seen one that is pricey…are you familiar where to get a free font like this?

    What sites are you finding safe to download free fonts? I previously downloaded a free font and got a virus. :(

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Cheryl – I know the type of monogram letters you want. I have not yet found a site with a font like that yet. If and when I do, I will be sure to post it. As far as free font sites – is the best. I have never had a problem downloading fonts from there.

  17. We may return it to get a silouhette. Does it do alot of stuff also?

  18. hey, I downloaded this and found it in Microsoft office. Can I transfer it to my cricut? I’m in desperate need of this type of font for decals and stuff. HELP!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sarah – I am not sure if Cricut software brings up the fonts or not. I have a Silhouette and all the fonts on my computer come up in the Silhouette software. I didn’t have to do anything – they just show up when I go in to make something on the machine.

  19. anonymous says:

    Can I use these fonts with an apple laptop?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Yes – Uploading them is a bit different from a PC, but you can use them on a Mac.

  20. Jenni Smith says:

    How do you create the templates that the monograms go onto? Is it a software package? An example I’m thinking of would be a chevron background with a scalloped circle in the center with the monogram within the circle. I see those everywhere, but have no idea how to create them, where people get those graphics, etc.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jenni – You save the images that you find online or make your own in photo enhancing software programs like Photoshop or PhotoShop Elements, Illustrator, Picasa, Pic Monkey or digital scrapbook sites. On Etsy and scrapbook sites, you may be able to buy images or they may even offer free printables for you to download and then customize as you like. For instance, to make the chevron with the scalloped circle I made for my phone, I scanned a piece of chevron scrapbook paper I bought. Uploaded it to my computer, opened the scanned image in Photoshop Elements and used the tools in the program to change the size and color. I then made a circle image, added the scallops and dots again using the tools in PSE. The monogram was using the font KK Monogram. I added that image on top of the chevron and then saved the image. I can then use it for an online image or print it out. I hope this helps. When I first started blogging, I didn’t understand how it was done either and bought Photoshop Elements so I could learn how to do it. Pic Monkey is free and so is Picasa and GIMP. Do a Google Search for them and you can download them for free.

      1. Jenni Smith says:

        Wow. That is amazingly helpful! I will get Photoshop Elements right away! I had no idea. Maybe I can actually tackle this! I didn’t even know where to start. Thanks so so much!!!!!!!!

  21. Can you transfer these fonts into svg to use with your cricut machine?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lauren – I don’t have a Cricut, so I am not sure. Wish I knew more and could help you out. Try “Goggle”ing the question and see what turns up.

  22. wait! it worked!!! thank you!

  23. hey! so i got the cursif font and i downloaded it then installed it… then i went to microsoft word and i could’nt find the font anywhere!! please help ASAP! :)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Did you restart your computer since downloading the font? It may be as simple as a restart and then it will show up. I know the way my computer is configured Windows 7 with Firefox as my browser the fonts just show up. What operating system and browser are you using?

      1. i use google chrome and i think windows 7!! thanks.

  24. How do you use the font once you download it? I’m new at this and having some trouble!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Anna – You can use the fonts you download in your word processing program, Photoshop, and software on your computer. I have Microsoft Word and Photoshop. When I click on my fonts tab in these programs- a font list appears so you can choose what font you want to use in your document or in an image.

      When you download the fonts you may have to restart your computer for the new fonts to show up in your font lists.

      Having a variety of fonts to use in your documents, email messages, and on photos and creative applications adds more style than just using the basic fonts that come with your computer and software.

  25. Trakala Michelle Crowell says:

    Please make me one

  26. Felt So Cute says:

    Thank you so much!

  27. Stacye Hixson says:

    Diane, I have just spent over 2 hours going through your blog and I am in love with it. You are brilliant. I will definitely be a follower from this day forward.

  28. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Diane you are just FABULOUS!

    I want to share you on my FB page……so hope you all read it…. love you Diane.

  29. Kelly @ Eclectically Vintage says:

    I love all things monogrammed! This is fabulous – definitely pinning and will be making my own and monogramming everything in my path!