Fitness Room Mirrors

How to affordably decorate a fitness room in a home.

I am almost finished…2 more projects and then the fitness room I created for myself will be done.  Now with the holidays behind us, I finally got the mirrors I bought back in November hung on the wall.

If you are new to my blog, I transformed an unused bedroom that was once one of my daughters (she no longer lives at home) into a bright and sunny place to work out every day. I used to work out in the basement, but never liked it – too dark with little airflow. I always ended up rushing through my workouts because I felt a tad of claustrophobia kick in when I was down there.

Fitness room mirrors

I am enjoying the energizing feel of this almost-complete room when I work out now.

It was my goal to make the room clean-lined, open and airy. The 11′ x 14′ bedroom had been unused for 3 years and was just collecting dust.

It felt like a waste not to put it to good use, so I moved the furniture out and boxed up the stuff my daughter left and took them to the basement. Kind of a room flip.

I have documented the steps so far. You can find them in these posts:

Dream Vision For Fitness Room  |  Progress Slow, But Going  |  Storage Basket on Wheels |  Fitness Room Artwork  | How to Paint Subflooring


This is how the mirrors have been since I bought them…leaning against the wall. Hanging the fitness room mirrors was made easy with my trusty laser level and large picture hanging strips.


supplies needed:

  • Mirrors – I bought mine at Walmart for $4.97 a piece
  • Large Picture Hanging Strips – 3 for each mirror
  • Laser Level
  • Painter’s tape
  • Ruler/measuring tape
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Optional:  Razor blade and Goof Off to clean off label and price stickers on mirrors

1. The hardest part about the whole job was removing the sticker label from each mirror.  Why manufacturers do this is beyond me. I wish they would put the labels on the back of items.  It is so frustrating even using Goof Off and a razor blade. I only lost one finger… just kidding, but it is never easy. I made a production line out of removing the labels. Most of them came off with the razor blade and then I cleaned off the sticker residue with Goof Off.   A few spritzes of Windex and they were ready.

Affordable mirrors for a home gym

2. I played around with the height placement and spacing between the mirrors. The height ended up being dictated by the electrical outlet – to clear it, I placed them 19″ above the floor. I spaced them 1-1/2″ apart.

3. I used picture hanging strips to hang the mirrors. When using these strips, you should always use rubbing alcohol to clean the surfaces where they will be attached.  I wiped the back of the mirrors and the wall with rubbing alcohol. Once the alcohol was dry, I attached 3 picture hanging strips to the back of each mirror. One in each top corner and the other on the center bottom of the mirror.


To ensure the mirrors were perfectly in line, I used my laser level. If you don’t have one of these, it is the best invention ever. It is very inexpensive.  Ed bought mine online many years ago, but you can buy them at any home improvement store and even the dollar store.  Mine takes 2 “AAA” batteries.

3. To find a level line along the wall, I first used painter’s tape to mark the height I wanted the mirrors.  To use the laser level, you simply hold it against the wall. It has a bubble level in it and suction cups to hold it to the wall once you find level placement.

Move the laser level until the bubble is in the center of the glass tube and then push the level to the wall so the suction cups stick.  A red laser line will show up along the wall.  You can see it in the photo above.  This line is level. I used it as a guide to place the top of each mirror.


4. To make sure the mirrors were spaced evenly next to each other, I taped my ruler along the top of the first mirror and then placed the second one 1-1/2″ away. I moved the ruler to the next mirror until I had all the mirrors hung.

Make-over-a-bedroom-into-a-home-fitness-room-or-gymAll done.


Now all I have to do to finish the room is to figure out how I am going to cover the cords coming from the TV.   Ed bought me it for Christmas so I can do my workout videos.   XO  It was a total surprise.

To hold the DVD player, I found the little rolling table I had in my living room was perfect. I will be making a new table for my living room to replace it. I will post more about that soon.

I have been using my Pilates reformer in the room since the summer, but now I am a little discouraged, not because of the TV or table,  but the fact that I have a stress fracture in my right foot.

Long story… made short. I was hit by a car when I was bicycling in Hilton Head, SC in November. To keep from going under the car, I jumped off the bike, landed on the car’s hood and bounced off – I landed on my feet, but my right foot took the brunt of the landing. I didn’t feel any pain initially, but did begin to notice it a few weeks later, especially after exercise or walking a distance.  I am not supposed to exercise for about 6-8 weeks.  :-(  I can do Pilates, but no stepping, jumping, etc.

I am looking forward to the beginning of March when I can hopefully start jumping around again doing workout videos and be able to enjoy the room to the fullest. :-)

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  1. Thank you for the helpful hints in hanging mirrors. I am so sorry about your accident. That sounds awful, so glad you weren’t more seriously hurt.

  2. By any chance did you try to take the frames off

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Am – I did not try to take the mirror frames off for my fitness room. If you want to remove them it shouldn’t be hard as the backing it just cardboard. Just wear work gloves so the edges of the mirrors don’t cut your hands.

  3. Fonda Rush says:

    I’m curious. What purpose do the mirrors serve in the exercise room? The room looks very light before adding the mirrors.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      I wanted to create a gym to resemble a fitness club you join. The mirrors are so when I do certain exercises and moves I can check that I am doing them correctly.

  4. Debbie Volz says:

    Just wanted to say your accident was very scary as my husband and I were also vacationing in HH, riding bikes and got caught in a rainstorm. We ended up having to ride our bikes in the dark back to our Disney condo on Shelter Island. The biking trails were not lighted and it was pitch black as we came upon the shaded parts of the path. We had to go out on the main road and our rented Disney bikes had no reflectors or lights !!! Praying the whole time, we made it back without getting hit by a car… But we were so scared, we know we’ll never do that again! Glad yu were not hurt badly!
    Also I too get so frustrated with those stuck on labels on products. Somewhere I decided to use a hair dryer to warm the label. Only takes a few seconds but most of the time labels then peel right off! Lovely workout room! Great ideas. Stay Safe!! Thanks for all your tips!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Debbie – I did notice that there were no lights on the paths in HH. That must have been scary ride since there is not a lot of light coming from stores or homes – they are all hidden by the trees. Great idea using the hair dryer, will have to try that, along with some veg oil that another reader suggested.

  5. Michelle James says:

    Your fitness room is really coming along. I love the idea of a row of mirrors instead of just one big guy. iIt all looks beautiful. I wish I had the space for one. Maybe someday.

  6. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    I’m so jealous that room is perfect for a workout and I always wanted one of those pilates contraptions

  7. Diane, Hit by a car! What??? Oh my ~ how scary ~ thank God you are okay. Please take care of yourself so you can get the most out of that beautiful room you made. One of the things I love most about how you decorate is your desire to be as smart as possible with your money. Some would never “admit” that they bought those mirrors at Walmart. The way you have them hung make them look so upscale. I always thought those laser levels were expensive so I didn’t even check the price! I’ll be getting one of those soon. I hope you don’t mind if I share something about Walmart with you and your readers that some may not be aware of. Walmart has a $$$ savings program that enables the shopper to enter the receipt number from their most recent visit and if, after comparisons with other local stores, a lower price for an item is found you will get the difference back. If you sign up for a Blue Bird Card and apply your savings to the card Walmart will double that amount savings.

    1. P.S. I don’t work for Walmart :)

  8. Your room is looking great! Stickers and labels can be removed by rubbing vegetable oil in them. There are no stinky chemicals to deal with – just wait a bit for the oil to loosen the sticker (after having pulled off some of the top layer of paper).

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Dianne – Thanks for the tip. Easy and something I have plenty of right in my pantry. I like the “no smell” part of using the veg oil the best. :-)

  9. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    Oh Diane, it is such a beautiful room. And you have definitely rubbed off on me…. I had the most difficult time today in Walmart, because I had to walk away without those mirrors in white. I had already bought two of them for my bedroom, but I wanted at least two more for behind my front door (very tiny entrance way. Anyway, they are nearly $6 here in Florida….. but still a great price and I love the look of the frames.. much nicer than they used to have in Walmart. But I am so broke till next month it is not funny. If I have a flat tire I am dead….. lol.

    I love the color you chose for the floor…. but then you probably know how much I love that soft turquoisey blue. And if I can’t live in a glass house, then mirrors are my next favorite item to bring bright, shiny and lots of light in.

    I am happy for you to have a bright, airy room to work out!

  10. What a scary accident!!! And, what is wrong with people driving?! What are they looking at?! Where I live, we had a terrible case of a driver killing a bicyclist and then driving off … has never been caught (over a year now) and if brings me to tears every time I think of it . I did not know the bicyclist or her family but it is just heartbreaking all the same.

    Your fitness room is a delight! It really is just so inviting I’ll bet it makes exercising hard to stop!!! :-)

    Heal well and thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and inspiration!

  11. Love the bright and airiness of the room! I especially love the ceiling fan! So cute!

    As far as the cords, and if they were my cords, I’d run them through the wall… it’s pretty easy, you just need make a hole behind the television and then again at the (or behind) the baseboard and then fish the wires through. From here you can either run them along the baseboard or again, behind them, although they still have to come up to the power. As a side note, you should really connect all your electronics to a surge protector, especially with fitness equipment on the same circuit.

    Just my $.02!

  12. Hi Diane. First off I am glad you were thinking straight and reacted quickly so your injuries were not worse than they are. How scary it must have been.

    I have an extra spare bedroom that I was going to turn into a craft room. Now that I see this post, a combination crafts and gym room sounds great. I even have an exercise trampoline that sits in my garage and was going to sell which could go up there. Thanks for the idea and inspiration.

    You always have such good projects and room re-dos.

  13. Stephanie @ Casa Watkins says:

    I love the colors of this room! The mirrors are a great addition. If I only had a room to transform into a gym. :(
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl says:

    Nice score on those mirrors! Your exercise room is coming together so beautifully! Makes me want to kick one of my kids out of their bedroom to create one for myself ;-)

    1. Brittany aka Pretty Handy Girl says:

      Forgot to say, I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. How scary!

    2. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Brittany – Your guys will be grown before you know it. It was a little sad taking Kelly’s room apart. I asked her in the early summer if it was OK and she was fine with it. When she was home for the holidays she slept in the guest room.

  15. Taylor @ TayRose says:

    What a lucky girl you are to have a work out room! Good use of that bedroom especially if not in use for anything else! I was designing the same sort of room, but for a client’s girls who wanted a dance space. I was thinking of using the 2’wide mirror strips, but I also like the framed ones you have here. Where did you purchase the fun ceiling fan? That would be great in their craft room!
    Hope your foot gets better soon…when you think of how much worse it could have been! Scary!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Taylor – I wrote a post about how I striped the ceiling fan.

      When I was getting hit by the car, I remember saying to myself, OMG…I am actually getting hit by a car, this can’t be happening. It all happened in seconds. If I had not been quick to push off the bike, my injuries would have been a lot worse. :-)

  16. Rachel Ison says:

    I love this room!! I’m thinking of bright white now for my walls!! Love the mirrors.

  17. So sorry to hear about your fall! I know exactly how you feel–I slipped on the ice around Thanksgiving & couldn’t work out till the new year. Still can’t run because of the concussion, though. I love this room, though, and very jealous over that Pilates thingamabob. Where did you get your shades? They look like a nice crisp white I’ve been looking for.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathleen – I bought the roll-up shades at True Value hardware. They are made for outdoors on porches. I liked the way they looked for the room and the price was right. I write for the True Value blog and the post I wrote about them will go up in February. I will post a link to the how-to post when it is live. In the meantime, here is the link to the shades:

  18. Sharon Hoham says:

    Sorry to hear about the accident and your foot. Love the way the room is turning out, it is so you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sharon – I know when I hear the comment…”It is so you”, I did it right. It is music to my ears. XOXO

  19. Diane , I always find wires unsightly.
    In our den I was lucky to find styrofoam tubing to match the flannel covered wall.
    You can buy the tube at any hardware store I believe cut it to the desired length, slit the back of the tube
    To place all the wires in and let it blend in. From there I am sure there are other decorative things could be done.
    For me I just left it as is, because it was a shelving unit, and blessedly it blended in so well.
    Just a thought.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Marsha – That is a great idea. I am heading to the hardware store tomorrow and will check the tubes out.

  20. Love the mirrors and the room….that basket on wheels looks like a project for me next. Can’t wait to see how you hide the cords….they are an eyesore!