Fitness Room Mirrors
How to affordably decorate a fitness room in a home.
I am almost finished…2 more projects and then the fitness room I created for myself will be done. Now with the holidays behind us, I finally got the mirrors I bought back in November hung on the wall.
If you are new to my blog, I transformed an unused bedroom that was once one of my daughters (she no longer lives at home) into a bright and sunny place to work out every day. I used to work out in the basement, but never liked it – too dark with little airflow. I always ended up rushing through my workouts because I felt a tad of claustrophobia kick in when I was down there.
I am enjoying the energizing feel of this almost-complete room when I work out now.
It was my goal to make the room clean-lined, open and airy. The 11′ x 14′ bedroom had been unused for 3 years and was just collecting dust.
It felt like a waste not to put it to good use, so I moved the furniture out and boxed up the stuff my daughter left and took them to the basement. Kind of a room flip.
I have documented the steps so far. You can find them in these posts:
Dream Vision For Fitness Room | Progress Slow, But Going | Storage Basket on Wheels | Fitness Room Artwork | How to Paint Subflooring
This is how the mirrors have been since I bought them…leaning against the wall. Hanging the fitness room mirrors was made easy with my trusty laser level and large picture hanging strips.
supplies needed:
- Mirrors – I bought mine at Walmart for $4.97 a piece
- Large Picture Hanging Strips – 3 for each mirror
- Laser Level
- Painter’s tape
- Ruler/measuring tape
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Optional: Razor blade and Goof Off to clean off label and price stickers on mirrors

1. The hardest part about the whole job was removing the sticker label from each mirror. Why manufacturers do this is beyond me. I wish they would put the labels on the back of items. It is so frustrating even using Goof Off and a razor blade. I only lost one finger… just kidding, but it is never easy. I made a production line out of removing the labels. Most of them came off with the razor blade and then I cleaned off the sticker residue with Goof Off. A few spritzes of Windex and they were ready.
2. I played around with the height placement and spacing between the mirrors. The height ended up being dictated by the electrical outlet – to clear it, I placed them 19″ above the floor. I spaced them 1-1/2″ apart.
3. I used picture hanging strips to hang the mirrors. When using these strips, you should always use rubbing alcohol to clean the surfaces where they will be attached. I wiped the back of the mirrors and the wall with rubbing alcohol. Once the alcohol was dry, I attached 3 picture hanging strips to the back of each mirror. One in each top corner and the other on the center bottom of the mirror.
To ensure the mirrors were perfectly in line, I used my laser level. If you don’t have one of these, it is the best invention ever. It is very inexpensive. Ed bought mine online many years ago, but you can buy them at any home improvement store and even the dollar store. Mine takes 2 “AAA” batteries.
3. To find a level line along the wall, I first used painter’s tape to mark the height I wanted the mirrors. To use the laser level, you simply hold it against the wall. It has a bubble level in it and suction cups to hold it to the wall once you find level placement.
Move the laser level until the bubble is in the center of the glass tube and then push the level to the wall so the suction cups stick. A red laser line will show up along the wall. You can see it in the photo above. This line is level. I used it as a guide to place the top of each mirror.
4. To make sure the mirrors were spaced evenly next to each other, I taped my ruler along the top of the first mirror and then placed the second one 1-1/2″ away. I moved the ruler to the next mirror until I had all the mirrors hung.
Now all I have to do to finish the room is to figure out how I am going to cover the cords coming from the TV. Ed bought me it for Christmas so I can do my workout videos. XO It was a total surprise.
To hold the DVD player, I found the little rolling table I had in my living room was perfect. I will be making a new table for my living room to replace it. I will post more about that soon.
I have been using my Pilates reformer in the room since the summer, but now I am a little discouraged, not because of the TV or table, but the fact that I have a stress fracture in my right foot.
Long story… made short. I was hit by a car when I was bicycling in Hilton Head, SC in November. To keep from going under the car, I jumped off the bike, landed on the car’s hood and bounced off – I landed on my feet, but my right foot took the brunt of the landing. I didn’t feel any pain initially, but did begin to notice it a few weeks later, especially after exercise or walking a distance. I am not supposed to exercise for about 6-8 weeks. :-( I can do Pilates, but no stepping, jumping, etc.
I am looking forward to the beginning of March when I can hopefully start jumping around again doing workout videos and be able to enjoy the room to the fullest. :-)