How to Make Stackable Floor Pillows


I have been craving color… I thought it might be a Spring thing, but right after the holidays when I took the colorful Christmas stockings down that hung on the mantel, that area around the mantel was looking a bit bland.

I have been wanting to add color in some form or another, but with the big screen TV on the wall, anything too little just ends up looking like clutter. I finally came up with a solution that is not only decorative and colorful, but that serves a purpose, too.

I made big floor pillows.  Big dense 24″ square ones. Not too big, not too little…just right when you want to lay on the floor to read or watch TV and need something to place under your head. I made a pillow cover similar to these when we had four legged furry ones napping all over the house.


I have smaller 18″ pillows on my sofa, but they are not big enough to really get comfy when I want to stretch out on the floor.

I made the pillows using scraps of fabric I had left over in my basement stash.  I picked out the most colorful and festive scraps and used two different patterns on each pillow.  I added the pom-pom trim to make them FUN!


When they are not in use, I have been stacking them by the mantel.  I don’t want them on the sofa since anyone that goes to sit down there will just pick them up and put them on the floor to make room to sit comfortably.

How to Make Stackable Floor Pillows

supplies needed:

  • 24″ square pillow form
  • 2  – cut pieces of fabric that measure 25″ x 25″  I used two different patterns of fabric for each pillow
  • 2 – 1/2 yards pom-pom trim to coordinate with fabric
  • Thread
  • Pins
  • Scissors


Start by placing your cut-to-size fabric right sides together.  Place the pom-pom trim along the inside edge of the fabric so that the pom-poms face into the center of the fabric.


1.  Pin the fabric and trim together around all 4 sides of the cover using straight pins.

2.  Using a sewing machine, sew a 1/2″ seam along all sides, but leave half of one side open.  ( You will need this opening to put the pillow form into the cover.)

3.  Turn sewn cover so the right sides of fabric are on the outside. Make sure all the pom-poms are free of the seam and dangle freely.  Smoosh pillow form in half and place it into the opening.  Just keep wiggling it in a bit at a time. Once it is in, place your hand inside the cover to straighten the pillow form and fabric.


4.  To close the opening: Fold over the edge of each side of fabric 1/2″ and place the pom-pom trim between the folded edges.


5. It should look like this.  Sew it closed, stitching about 1/4″ from the edge. Remove pins and fluff to straighten the form inside the cover if needed.


I only had two pillow forms in my basement stash, but may buy one more so I have a stack of three. When decorating with grouped accessories – odd numbers always look more pleasing to the eye that even numbers.


I played around with them  – not only are they great as floor pillows, but I like they way they look placed on the ottomans I have in the room, too.   Options are always good.


Need more pillows ideas?

EZ Pillow | N0-Sew Dish Towel Pillow | Label Pillow

Sharing with:  Living Well Spending Less

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  1. Hello! i stumbled upon your blog on Pintrest, and clicked through to find your lovely site! I really love these DIY pillows. Do you happen to remember what the blue floral fabric is called, or where you may have gotten it? I love the pattern! Thanks for a great post!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Abby – I wish I knew the name of the fabric, but I don’t. I bought it at JoAnn Fabrics last summer.

  2. Carolyn pedrotti says:

    I make these pillows out of Mexican dresses

  3. Love these…those bright and cheery…that that Pharell song “Happy”!

  4. Suzanne of Simply Suzannes at Home says:

    Beautiful pillows. They’re so bright and cheery.
    I love the pom poms . . . They add charm and whimsy!
    Thanks so much for sharing,

  5. I Love these! Great tutorial. I’m now going to search for such fabric to make my own. The colours/patterns would look awesome with my newly painted/ decorated sitting room. Wish me luck! ;-)

  6. Sharon B. says:

    Diane, thanks for sending out the email tonight about Feedburner not working since mid April. I had noticed a while ago that I wasn’t getting most of my blog emails and wrote to Outlook (Hotmail) to find out why. They said nothing wrong at their end, so tonight I started unsubscribing and resubscribing to a few of the blogs to see if that solved the problem. Then I go back into my email and there’s your message! Thanks for the explanation. I look forward to receiving your blog by email again soon. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Just a note, I wasn’t able to click into your blog from the email you send tonight. I had to open a new window to go to your blog. Hopefully we’ll be able to click through to your blog with your new service.

  7. I have two big Euro pillows I was wondering what to do with. This will be great!

  8. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    I thought it was just me…… missing your email updates. Whew, glad to know you got it fixed.

    And those gorgeous pillows. I love them! And oh yes, we are going to keep them on the QT around here…… cause little Sunshine Mommy Maltese just adores them as well………. uh oh and glad she can’t get to your beautiful stuff. She thinks all pillows are for her and her alone. Really she does.

    And I must be totally (yes it is confirmed now) out of my flippin mind with planning a white bed cover with all of my furry crew……… lol.

  9. Sandra Schneider says:

    Thank you for all your inspiring ideas. I missed your email updates, and am glad to know it wasn’t something I said! Yours is the only blog I follow regularly, so it has been a little lonely in my inbox. Darling pillows, by the way. Your usual, creative, colorful take on a basic for the home.

  10. I adore these COLORFUL, comfy floor pillows! They are a nice big glass of lemonade for the color thirst I’ve been having. For some reason, after the holidays, I just kind of “neutraled” everything and didn’t put my more colorful accents back out. I’d look at them occasionally, but they did not quench my thirst. These do, with their riot of colors and whimsical ball fringe; I want to make some right now. Thanks for freshening my mind with your generous creativity!

  11. Krista @ the happy housie says:

    These are so cute Diane- I love the Pom Pom trim!

  12. Michelle B says:

    Thank you for the information on Feedburner. I have been wondering what was up with all the missing email blog updates. It’s been surprising that most bloggers haven’t even addressed that there is a problem. Glad to see you back up and running :)

  13. Lisa Hewitt says:

    I would like to thank you for your e-mail also. All of my subscriptions “went missing”. I was (and I do mean was) in the process of trying to e-mail these bloggers, assuming this info would get out in the blogging community.It did not. I was told it was me. I have several blogs, but do not actively blog. You are the first blogger to actually post to your readers that something was/is indeed wrong. I appreciate and will remember it. Mad Mimi seems to working fine. Others – not so much.

  14. Miriam Schulman ( SchulmanArt) says:

    Diane- Thanks for your email today concerning the Feedburner not working. I had missed your posts. I also noticed a few other blogs were missing and found those posts in my spam folder. I am very concerned because I am a blogger too… who is using feedburner… yikes. I guess I will have to make a switch to a paid service, like feedblitz. How did you find out it wasn’t working?–MIriam

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Miriam – The first way I discovered it was when I didn’t get it in my own inbox and readers started writing to me that they were not getting me emial updates. At the same time, I started seeing the topic come up on a few few blog tech sites I read to keep me on top of things. It has also come up in a few bloggers Facebook groups I am in. There was a fix, and I tried it but it did not work for me and many others. Google who owns Feedburner stopped support for it last April. This April, Yahoo, AOL, Gmail and others changed something technical to help for safety issues. When they did that it was the final blow to Feedburner. It may still work for some, but for the majority it is a mess and with no support for it -you are left with no option except to go with another email service. I went with Mad Mimi. Very user friendly and lots of tech help. Email me if you would like more info.

      1. I love technology, but sometimes it can be a beast. I’m glad to see my favorite bloggers recognizing some of these changes and working on resolving issues for your readers. This makes me love reading my favorite blogs even more. :-)

        I LUHVE the pillows. Unfortunately, I have a dog who would think they were chew toys if I let them any were near the floor! One of my beautiful Italian leather couches has been destroyed at the base by that silly dog (anyone want a 2 year old blue healer?!!!). Thanks for your post and your email about the problems.

  15. Yvonne @ StoneGable says:

    Oh, I love these pillows! So happy!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Yvonne – I agree – Happy is the perfect word! I love happy clear colors. :-)