How To Make Wipe-Off Labels for Organizing Your Stuff

Free Printable labels that you can wipe off and reuse

When paging through the Ballard Designs catalog a few years ago I came across little enameled re-writable name plaques.  They were white and outlined in black.   They were Oh, so French, and Oh, so expensive! I thought of so many uses for them, but knew I couldn’t afford them.  Not wanting to feel deprived of adding this stylish detail to my things, I created a less expensive, practically free alternative using paper and self-laminating sheets. These wipe-off labels will make it easy to find everything.  The hardest part will be gathering all of your “stuff ” to put into your new labeled boxes.

If you want to be able to wipe the writing off the label, use dry erase markers, otherwise use permanent markers.  I have included a pdf. document of my designs for you to print out.  You can easily resize them by taking them to a copy machine that enlarges and/or reduces.

supplies needed:

  • Label Pattern (download link below)
  • Card stock
  • Laminating Sheets- any kind with or without a laminator
  • Brass Fasteners
  • Dry Erase Marker or Permanent Marker

1.  Print pattern on card stock on your  printer.

2.  Cut each label out.

3.  Following manufacturers directions, laminate each label.

4.  Trim excess, but leave a small border of lamination.

5.  Punch 2 holes on either side of label, then attach with brass fasteners. You can find brass fasteners at your local office supply store.   You first have to make two holes in the item that will line up with the two holes in the label.  This is where the brass fasteners will go through.  You secure it by spreading the two ends of the brass fastener to either side on the back of the item.

6.  Write on label.

Free printable wipe-off labels to download
You can print out onto clear acetate sheets, paper, or card stock. You can re-size on a copy machine, if necessary.

Click the links below to download the pdf. files. You need Adobe reader to download these.

Free printable labels for organizing your stuff
Attach to presentation folders or whatever else you like.

Gift tag ideas

You can also use a cookie cutter to cut out a flower pattern to use as a gift tag. Here are some more ideas for gift tags.

Now you have your labels, what else can you put them on? Look through my Organizing Gallery for some great options.

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  1. Kasey Hernandez says:

    I love these ideas you are a GENIUS !!!!

  2. This diy is amazing. You nailed this project, and I hope to use your idea, and make it work in my home just as outstanding as your. Thanks to you.
    Happy holidays!

  3. Great idea for organizing! Is there a way that you can word process the words on the labels rather than handwrite them?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mary –

      Yes you can use software on your computer to add the names for each label instead of handwriting.

      If you have Photoshop Elements or even MS Word, you can upload the .pdf of the labels into the program and then place the cursor over the center of a label, type the word you want and then print a new .pdf out on your printer.

      I didn’t make the labels with words since every one will need different names and words for whatever it is they are organizing. If you don’t like your handwriting, you can use your word processing software. Type out each name in the font and size you like. Print and cut out. Glue these to the plain labels and then seal with a self-laminating sheet. You may see a small edge of the cut out word, but it won’t be very noticeable once sealed with the self laminating sheet.

  4. Help! I’m desperate to find a good way to organize my 8,000 family photo collection (I’ve scanned them all with a Pandigital scanner, and uploaded them onto my computer), however….about 350 files will NOT open, copy (for backup as well as to put on jump drives for my 6 children), move to my desktop, or even delete (some of them are empty, and I do NOT want to delete any that have pics in them). The reason these 350 files are NOT cooperating, is because the little pop up box says the titles/paths are too long. (Again, they won’t let me RENAME them!!)

    Do YOU happen to have ANY ideas about what I might do to either fix the problem, OR to put them into a SIMPLE program that will allow me to work with ALL of pics?

    I had hoped to have this project finished for Christmas last week! I’ve been working on it steadily since last JUNE!!!

    I’ll cross my fingers that YOU may have some expertise (or know someone who does) in this area. (The collection contains pics going all the way back to MY & my husband’s GREAT grandparents…as well as our childhoods, AND our children’s newborn, childhood, weddings and THEIR children’s pics!!)

    Thanks sooo MUCH in advance for your help!

  5. Love, love this idea! Especially that I can erase and re-rewrite them as needed. Out of curiosity, how did you adhere them to surfaces? Did the fasteners make the labels bulge from surface?

    1. Hi Tracy-

      I mark on the label where the fasteners are going to go and then make two holes in what the label is going to go o . The fastener then goes through the label and then through the holes in box, basket, or folder and the tips of the fastener are spread out on the inside. It doesn’t really add bulge. On file folders – maybe a little, but you can buy very small fasteners when adding labels to folders. I hope this helps.

  6. I am going to make these. They look great. Thanks for sharing them at We’re Organized Wednesday. I hope to see you again at the next party. You’re entered in the giveaway too.

  7. I’m hosting We’re Organized Wednesday this week and would love for you to join the party. This is such a great idea. There’s a giveaway also. Hope to see you there!

  8. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked to this post today from the new Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) My hope is to share many of the fabulous projects I see everyday with the vast CG audience. I hope you will not only stop by and subscribe to CG, but will tell your friends about the new category! Hope you see some traffic from it!

    Your feature will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a “featured by” button, you can grab one here!

    1. Warning! If you click on the link in this ‘Amanda’s’ post, it launches some pretty raunching adult sites, under the “homeandgarden…” link. I’m not sure why my anti-phishing or popup blocker didn’t catch it, but now I’ll spend tonight making sure no malware is installed, instead of making labels.

      1. Hi Emma, sounds like it’s your computer, not the Craft Gossip site. I just visited there and had no problems. You most likely already had the spyware on your computer.

      2. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Emma – I just checked this and had no problems. I even checked it on 2 other computers to make sure. It was probably something already on your computer – no fun having to deal with malware.

  9. Ali@honeyand maplesyrup says:

    These are so cute and such a good idea! Thanks for including the pdf file!

  10. I am trying to download labels (LOVE THEM!) and I keep getting 404’d page. Can you help?

  11. Diane at InMyOwnStyle says:

    Thank you so much for leaving me such a nice comment. It makes me happy to know you are enjoying my blog. You really made my day. Thanks Diane

  12. replica rolex says:

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

  13. This is such a Fabulous idea…thanks for sharing! And thanks for being the very first to link up to Frugalicious Friday!

  14. Nothing better than having your stuff organized and labeled. Lezlee

  15. I’m a sucker for labels – these are so great!!!

  16. What a great idea… thanks for the links.

  17. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    Love your labels and I love the storage boxes, too!

  18. Stephanie Lynn says:

    How adorable – thanks for sharing!

  19. Diane at InMyOwnStyle says:

    Hi Cha Cha-
    I painted the stencil on the floor 13 years ago with little pots of oil based stencil paint that I bought at AC Moore. When we moved into the house the hardwood was uneven, so the manufacturer came in and re-did the floor. The night after they spent most of the day sanding it smooth, I stayed up all night and painted the stencil around the kitchen and painted a rug in my mudroom. The next morning the workman came back and put the polyurethane on the floor. The floor is very worn and we hope to get it re-done soon. When that happens the stencil design will be sanded off.

  20. This is great. Love the idea!

  21. Thanks for the love on my site, you now have a new stalker. I have been loving your site for a bit now, the kitchen remodel was amazing, How did you do the painting on the floor? Can’t wait to see what you wow me with in the future.
    Cha Cha

  22. Well knock my socks off, I love this idea. It is so simple and out of things, I already have. You my dear have made my day. I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing.
    Cha Cha

  23. Linda@Coastal Charm says:

    This is one AWESOME idea…thanks sooooo much for sharing it!

  24. becca dulgarian says:

    I love this! What a great way to stay organized!