The Easy Way to How to Add Crown Molding Above a Door

How to add crown molding above a door in your home isn’t hard. If you gather a few basic supplies you can have the project done in a day.

How-to-add crown molding above a door the easy way

What can you do with a pine board, a piece of crown molding, and decorative trim this weekend?

You can separate two rooms that share a long wall with this combination of decorative molding.  This way the rooms can be painted different colors giving each room its own identity.


By adding this 1, 2, 3 combo of molding I was able to create a nice delineation between my kitchen and family room as well as add some architectural interest to the space.  I bought the beaded decorative trim at VanDykes Restorers.


This doorway used to look exactly like the one further down the wall until I installed the board, molding, and decorative trim above it.

I measured the space between the ceiling and the existing doorway trim and cut the pine board to fit. The board was the same thickness as the pre-existing door frame trim.

I attached it with liquid nails and a nail in each corner.   I then added the crown molding at the ceiling line and on top of the board.  I used the decorative trim piece to cover the joint between the existing door frame trim and the pine board.

How-to-install-decorative-molding above a door

A little Spackle to cover the nail holes, some caulk, and 2 coats of Sherwin Williams Alabaster and I was done pretty much 123…

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  1. BEAUTIFUL!!! What an awesome look. (I love your photo-bombing kitty)

  2. I am going to use this exact process over the doors in our kitchen to bring the eye all the way to the ceiling. Love the tutorial! I didn’t want to go through the hassle of removing trim, and this makes a beautiful statement. Bravo for your styling eye and creativity!

  3. Kris Grzywa says:

    Hi Diane,
    I love your decorative trim work you did to separate your kitchen and dinning room. I am looking for the exact decorative crown piece, but having trouble finding. Where did you purchase it from?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kris – The piece of crown molding I used is basic crown molding that is sold at Home Depot and Lowes. It is 3″ crown molding sold for 8-foot high ceilings. You can even buy it primed now. I bought the decorative bead trim online from VanDykes Restorers, but it seems they don’t sell it anymore. I did find it here:

  4. I am not too smart how many mouldings did you use, i am confused?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      2 pieces of molding – Crown molding and a thin piece of decorative trim. The 3rd piece is the plywood board that you attach to the wall above the door opening.

  5. Just want to point out that -although it looks great- it looks like an after thought. if you notice the pros, take the top piece off the existing casing off, trim the side pieces so they’re flat on top (not mitered), then add the header..

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Cathie – My background is in display, not a pro carpenter. Most of what I do is based on what I learned in the retail display trade where quick visual improvements were made using what we had on hand in the “display shop” of the store. It may not be the traditional way or perfect in a perfectionist view, but it works and is effective at breaking up a long wall in my home without the time of having to take the molding off, cutting, it and replacing it. I simply added a topper to what was already finished.

      1. Gina Jollimore says:

        I think you did amazing job. There is always going to be someone who finds something they can do better, that it call the ” critical person syndrome”. However your reply is graceful and well explained you are the highlight of this project for thinking of a easy to do solution. I just shared this with my client. Bravo and thank you .

  6. Katharine says:

    Now I see what you did above the bathroom window. Cool!

  7. Nike@ChooseToThrive says:

    Great idea! My kitchen and living room also share one long wall and I’ve been looking for a way to provide a visual break. This will work perfectly–thanks!

  8. This is a great idea, it makes such a difference. I wish I had known about it last year when I was re-doing my old house !

  9. Diane, I just think you are clever! Thank you for the great idea that I plan on using in our new home.

  10. I SO love this idea! It’s got my wheels turning for all kinds of “spruce-ups” in my house. Thanks for sharing!

  11. KM Family says:

    wowsers!!!!! that is fantastic!!!!!

  12. I love this! It makes such an impact! Bookmarking it!
    Scissors & Spatulas

  13. so cool! adding this to my home decor wish list!

  14. Now that is a great Idea!! Thanks for sharing!

  15. WOW! That really added alot to that wall!

  16. HI just letting you know I featured your awesome chandelier makeover on my blog post about chandeliers make overs. Probably one of my fave I have seen. I am now a new follower as well. I would for you to come by and check it out. Please feel free to join me as well.

    Thanks much.

  17. What a beautiful idea! I love how much money you can save by using trim in strategic accents instead of throughout the entire room, and you even get more of an impact this way :)

  18. I absolutely love this. You are very talented.

  19. Mom in High Heels says:

    What a great idea! It looks fabulous and give the door loads of character.

  20. Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal says:

    That is a terrific idea Diane. Gosh, it adds so much detail to the doorway now. I guess you used a different decorative trim as the one shown on top. I don’t see that beaded trim. I just can’t get over how great it looks.

    1. Hi Anita-
      I didn’t have any more of the thin decorative trim that I used, but I wanted to show the components of the project. You can use any thin decorative trim that will cover the joint. I got the type I used at Home Depot. It is the Ornamental Moulding brand – they have many different styles to choose from.

  21. Laura @ Ms Smartie Pants says:

    Oh Dianne, what an amazing idea! I need to add architectural interest to my home so badly. You should have seen me eyeing my house the minute I saw your post! Great job lady!!!

  22. Terrific idea and it looks so professionally done, cheers!

  23. Milk & Cookie Party says:

    This would never have crossed my mind! You are very, very clever and as always you inspire me!

  24. Diane, what a terrific idea. It looks great.

  25. Marty@A Stroll thru Life says:

    I am totally amazed. It looks fabulous. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  26. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    I love it, Diane! What a great quick fix to, not only give some separation but to enhance that doorway.

    1. Hi Kathy-

      I have some extra grasscloth wallpaper that is on the bottom portion of the wall in my kitchen. I think I may add it to the top as well. Having this molding in place gives me the perfect stopping point. Now I just have to find the time to get the wallpaper up.

  27. Madigan at madiganmade says:

    This is such a gorgeous and classic detail! Beautiful.