Smile Scouting

Not sure how these past weeks have felt for you, but the days have blurred into six weeks and I find that one day I am fine, happy and productive doing my thing and then bam!… I feel a wave of anxiety like an urgent call to make sure I have every aspect of my life in order and the need to start a huge sustainable vegetable garden, or to find ways to save money.

Trying to ease my heart and mind when this roller coaster of emotions hit, I looked for ways to brighten each day.

Positive Life quote

I make myself snap out of it and focus on everything positive…. like Pollyanna did playing the “Glad Game”.

So as we head into the weekend, I wanted to share some of the things I found online this week that made me smile.


Something about purple hydrangeas always makes me smile. When I came across this photo earlier in the week, it made my day. It was just what I needed to lift my spirits that have been sagging lately with all that is going on in the world. I love the simplicity and the pop of color of purple hydrangeas makes my heart go pitter-patter. If I was ever able to build a custom house, this would be my front door.

I like what John & Sherry are planning for their new house.


I am finding more to watch on Amazon Prime than Netflix lately. I binged watched the first season of World on Fire. Now I am sad I will have to wait for Season 2. I am currently watching an older series from Masterpiece Theater called Seaside Hotel. It started a little slow, but now I am enjoying it – the characters and the barren coastal scenery.


Vintage Hand Lettering – Handwriting and lettering and anything having to do with pens, pencils and drawing always peak my interest. I picked up a few new lettering ideas that I will be using on my kitchen wall chalkboard.

  • Giveaway Winner: Gail Peas


Bread making has been trending since our lives flipped upside down. I haven’t made bread, but have been baking and enjoying too many of these. Sooo good.

I haven’t had this since I was a kid. YUM… one of the best comfort foods in my memory. So easy to make which makes it double smile worthy.


I have been cleaning and organizing my studioffice and found this. It must have fallen behind my worktable. I have been looking for it for months. Now, not only am I excited that I found it, but all my scissors are happy again, too. :-)


One way to add a little cozy comfort to your day spent at home or to make for your mom for Mother’s Day.

Looking for a little color therapy? A free printable card to give your Mom for Mother’s Day. No need to have to go out and buy one.

One way to add more pretty to your yard.

A modern and fairly easy way to frame a canvas.


A sign of the times that will brighten up your yard and neighborhood. Signs of Hope Yard Signs

and lastly… one thing to be very “GLAD” about….

My best to you for a happy weekend filled with lots of positives. XO

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  1. Nancy Robinson says:

    I wouldn’t just LIKE to win a copy of that book….I’d LOVE to win a copy of that book! Thank you for the opportunity!

  2. I would like to enter to win a copy of the hand lettering book. I too am drawn to letters and different fonts! Thank you!

  3. M D Nicholson says:

    “World of Fire” also is on PBS – for folks who don’t have Amz. Prime. They also have a great series right now, a psychological mystery called “Baptiste”. (Episode 3 of six currently is airing. It might be tough to catch up at this stage of the game, tho, as many events/clues from previous episodes would be unknown to a new viewer. It has a darker side, tho. But, it likely will replay in a few months, so someone interested in this, and other “Masterpiece” shows either can watch it with current airings or become a “Passport’” member – you’ll hjave to check your local PBS station, but the cost is a lot less than any of the other streaming services, plus it’ll get you access to all of the PBS shows to be viewed at your convenience (including some great documentaries and other “nature” shos with superb photography, all Ken Burns’ series, and of course, it’s tax deductible! Oh, yeah, “The Windermere Children” is great – low key, yet highly repressed emotions related so wel on screen!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi MD – Thanks for explaining about PBS Passport. It is a great deal and tax deductible too. :-) I will be looking into your recommendations and other shows to watch on PBS now.

  4. I would love to win a copy of the hand lettering book. The lettering you tried was great!

  5. Gail Peas says:

    PLEASE sign me up for the hand lettering book give away! Would love to learn how to hand letter my chalkboards! Thank you for your encouraging words…it was great to know I’m not the only one who is fine one day and struggling the next! Keep calm and keep on!! ?

  6. Amanda Pennington says:

    I’d love to win the book! I’ve been working on improving my lettering and using some off your tips, like the ones for addressing envelopes. Thanks!

  7. Hi Diane thanks for some smiles this morning. Dreary here in PA so reading your blog always helps. Doing projects has been helpful to keep positive self talk chasing out the negative news. I’d like to create a chalkboard as I already have the paint but need help with lettering.

  8. I would love to win a copy of the book. I have always wanted to learn how to do this and now would be as good a time as any to do it!!!

  9. Jenny Young says:

    Yes I would love to read the book. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!

    I love danslakelelakehouse. She is so creative & adds such beauty to the world. I’ve saved her pattern.

  10. Thank you Diane for brightening my mornings. I’d love to read this lettering book. My handwriting isn’t the best ; ) I’m not sure if I could improve with lessons! Have a great weekend.

  11. I’d love a chance at the giveaway! I feel exactly the same as you….one day I’m fine, the next I’m spiraling. Trying to stay positive. Thank you for this post..

  12. I would love to be entered for the giveaway. I really .struggle with pretty writing. I usually do the print & copy trick. But currently out of printer ink. I need to make about 5 handmade cards for may. I have 2 small children and only time I feel sad is when my daughter wants to see cousins or grandparents. It’s hard to expect a 3 year old to understand why they cant see them right now. But we are doing well. Been trying to do more fun things around house. Hang in there. Hopefully we are close to an end to this pandemic.

  13. Marilyn Holeman says:

    Hi Diane, Yes, please. I would like to win the Hand Lettering Book. Thank you for the giveaway! And yes, I’m VERY glad I don’t have an angry alligator in my backyard! :-)

  14. I’m so excited to find your page and your blog! I hope to brighten your day by saying this! I found you on Pinterest link when I googled “painting outdoor furniture” and saw your patio furniture makeover. 2 hours later, I’ve learned how to make chalk paint correctly (the hardware store clerk said “just add plaster of Paris”) and I have an entire makeover planned for my “found” patio furniture and also for a weathered wood picnic table that my son built years ago (I’m going to use the technique you used on your planters).
    So I’d like to thank you for brightening my evening and filling at least 3 upcoming weekends with projects!
    ps: sorry if this posts twice-my computer just randomly rebooted

  15. I’m so excited to find your page and your blog! I hope to brighten your day by saying this! I found you on Pinterest link when I googled “painting outdoor furniture” and saw your patio furniture makeover. 2 hours later, I’ve learned how to make chalk paint correctly (the hardware store clerk said “just add plaster of Paris”) and I have an entire makeover planned for my “found” patio furniture and also for a weathered wood picnic table that my son built years ago (I’m going to use the technique you used on your planters).
    So I’d like to thank you for brightening my evening and filling at least 3 upcoming weekends with projects!

  16. How fun. Of course I would like to receive a copy ! Can envision many hours of enjoyment with such a book and some new supplies. Take care!

  17. I love every single thing. I can’t believe I forgot about John and Sherry. I followed them since they were practically babies! And purple hydrangeas! Like everyone else I would love the the lettering book. It’s going to be good week. Thanks, Dianne!

    I think I need some of those signs of Hope. Well, actually, one for each of my daughters-in-love and one for me. :-)

  18. Paige coggin says:

    I would love to win it! Thanks!

  19. I would love to win the book

  20. I would love to win the vintage hand lettering book! Thanks for a chance!

  21. Anne Marie says:

    I would love to win the lettering.

  22. I, too, love hydrangeas and pens and calligraphy! I’d love to read the hand lettering book as I’m planning to paint a corner of my kitchen in chalkboard paint for me and the grands! Thanks for a chance to win it!

  23. I’d love a copy. I did hand lettering or calligraphy, oh, 35+ years ago. Since retiring, it’s something I’ve thought about doing again now that I have the time, it no books,, no supplies … Choose me!
    Always enjoy your blog. Take care.

  24. Diane,
    I would love to win it…you are such an inspiration and I love your blog. I have been reading for it seems like forever. Be strong this too shall pass… Peace, Love and Joy to you,

  25. I would love for the “Positive” saying to be a printable….please!! Love your blog!!

  26. Kimberly Carnegie Bruhn says:

    Would LOVE a copy of the lettering book…I do my own “version” of fancy lettering but would appreciate having a better guide! Thanks!

  27. Janine Rolph says:

    Hi! I would love to be entered for the hand lettering book! I tried some online tutorials, however, I still need MORE help! Please consider me to receive your book. Thank you.

  28. Oh, what fun, fun, fun, I am learning art lettering now. It’s a very good way to relax after a stressful day. Good to know about this book, I have one but not vintage lettering.
    Thank you! I always find something from your post that I can do. So easy, inexpensive and doable.

  29. Thanks for continuing to put out your blogs. They’re always inspiring. It’s funny you should mention the ups and downs. I’m a pretty up beat person but this morning I’m sitting at my computer sorting through emails and I just started crying. No reason. Nothing has changed that should affect me this way. So receiving some positive messages via your blog helped. I’m still a little teary but this too should pass. As much as the world is in chaos now I believe that people will come together and be stronger than ever. We’ll help each other out. Thanks again for being here and doing your thing. It all adds up, doesn’t it.

  30. I would love the book. I am trying to learn handlettering. Thank you

  31. I would love to win the copy of the book on lettering!

  32. Jessica Renard says:

    I’m currently working on a hand lettered wall of quotes, so a book on Vintage Hand Lettering would be amazing!

  33. Your post is just what I needed today!! Always brightens my day. ☀️ The hand lettering book would be fun ~ I’m always looking for creative ways to address envelopes. Thank you!

  34. Still chuckling over George the Gator video. He probably loves that humans are sheltering in place so he feels able to roam a little more. Wish we could do that more too. Soon! I would love to win your Vintage Lettering book. During this time of social isolation, I have been hand making cards to send to people to help brighten their day. I’ve received phone calls and texts as thanks, and that in turn makes my day. I’m 65, call myself the Crappy Crafter, and could use some directive in hand lettering. I too have ups and downs. Your blog is a visual explosion of brightness and so welcome. Thanks for all you do!!

  35. Carol Gregg says:

    I understand the up and down! I have good days and then anxious days as well. Trying to stay positive! I would love the hand lettering book. I am a scrapbooker and would love to learn something new to use in my scrapbooks.

  36. I would enjoy receiving a copy of Vintage Hand Lettering. I received pens and paper as a gift, but have been hesitant to begin. I think that this book would give me the direction and confidence to try my hand at lettering. Thank you for offering the book to your readers.

  37. So many days when I feel that anxiousness…it feels so lonely. I miss the person to person contact with family and friends. Hubby working from home. I try to fill my days with books, magazines, blog posts, etc. Feels like we are alone until someone as brave as you admits that feeling. I am dramatically limiting my media time. Our Governor here in MN is doing an amazing job…I focus on what he has to say…and pray for those in states where leadership struggles.

    I cannot wait to try those muffins. If you get a chance check out Cookies and Cups site…her recipe for Banana Crumb muffins is insanely amazing. They freeze beautifully.

    Stay safe…thank you for keeping the blog going. I love your posts.

  38. Janis Hill says:


    Thank you for yet another great post. I know the moment I see In My Own Style in my inbox I am going to have a relaxing read and find a new idea or two to try at home.

    I would be so happy to win a copy of Vintage Hand Lettering. I have long had an interest in the beautiful fonts of yesteryear, not to mention the lovely embellishment they provide.

  39. Jan Reeves says:

    I would love to win the vintage lettering book! What a great thing to learn while sheltering in place.

  40. As always, Diane, your posts are great. Even as they range from beautiful hydrangeas to George, the gator.

    I would love the hand lettering book, especially as I shelter at home for the foreseeable future. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  41. Nancy Hammond says:

    Thank you for sharing your feelings! One day up the next day down. Super homemaker to TV binger. I thought it was just me!
    Everything will be OK!

  42. I would love a copy! Hand lettering is hard for those of us that have no artistic skills!