Smile Scouting
Not sure how these past weeks have felt for you, but the days have blurred into six weeks and I find that one day I am fine, happy and productive doing my thing and then bam!… I feel a wave of anxiety like an urgent call to make sure I have every aspect of my life in order and the need to start a huge sustainable vegetable garden, or to find ways to save money.
Trying to ease my heart and mind when this roller coaster of emotions hit, I looked for ways to brighten each day.

I make myself snap out of it and focus on everything positive…. like Pollyanna did playing the “Glad Game”.
So as we head into the weekend, I wanted to share some of the things I found online this week that made me smile.
Something about purple hydrangeas always makes me smile. When I came across this photo earlier in the week, it made my day. It was just what I needed to lift my spirits that have been sagging lately with all that is going on in the world. I love the simplicity and the pop of color of purple hydrangeas makes my heart go pitter-patter. If I was ever able to build a custom house, this would be my front door.
I like what John & Sherry are planning for their new house.
I am finding more to watch on Amazon Prime than Netflix lately. I binged watched the first season of World on Fire. Now I am sad I will have to wait for Season 2. I am currently watching an older series from Masterpiece Theater called Seaside Hotel. It started a little slow, but now I am enjoying it – the characters and the barren coastal scenery.

Vintage Hand Lettering – Handwriting and lettering and anything having to do with pens, pencils and drawing always peak my interest. I picked up a few new lettering ideas that I will be using on my kitchen wall chalkboard.
- Giveaway Winner: Gail Peas
Bread making has been trending since our lives flipped upside down. I haven’t made bread, but have been baking and enjoying too many of these. Sooo good.
I haven’t had this since I was a kid. YUM… one of the best comfort foods in my memory. So easy to make which makes it double smile worthy.
I have been cleaning and organizing my studioffice and found this. It must have fallen behind my worktable. I have been looking for it for months. Now, not only am I excited that I found it, but all my scissors are happy again, too. :-)
One way to add a little cozy comfort to your day spent at home or to make for your mom for Mother’s Day.
Looking for a little color therapy? A free printable card to give your Mom for Mother’s Day. No need to have to go out and buy one.
One way to add more pretty to your yard.
A modern and fairly easy way to frame a canvas.
A sign of the times that will brighten up your yard and neighborhood. Signs of Hope Yard Signs
and lastly… one thing to be very “GLAD” about….
- From Hilton Head, S.C.: The next time you’re having a crazy day, be thankful you don’t have an angry alligator ransacking your patio.
My best to you for a happy weekend filled with lots of positives. XO