Kitchen Makeover Update: Cabinet Hardware

With each pass of the roller and swipe of my paint brush I am making my way around the kitchen. Going back to standard time has slowed me down since it gets dark around 5 o’clock now.

I like to paint in daylight, using electrical lights casts too many shadows and I miss spots. It is also getting colder outside. I was painting in the garage, but the temps have to be above 50 to paint, so I brought my painting set-up inside.

DIY Kitchen makeover in progress

See that bottle of wine on the counter?  At the end of the day of painting… I flop down on the sofa and chill.

We plan to remove the wood valance over the sink and replace the light fixture behind it, but the start-up company that Ed is working with is starting to take off. I don’t think he is going to have the time to help me do it in the next few weeks, so as I was painting, I just painted it so it would at least look OK for the time being.

old kitchen-cabinet-hardware

I thought I would share what I used to update the cabinet hardware to bring the cabinets into the the present. Here is a close-up shot of one of the drawers. As you can see… they are lovely :-)

The cabinets were custom made using high quality plywood and are sturdy and well-made, but have not been updated since the 1970’s.  The house was a second home for the previous owners. When they came to the house, they came to enjoy the lake, not to work.  

how to replace kitchen-cabinet-hardware

Back in the 1970’s, big ornate center door pulls with back plates were the rage.  I removed the backplates when we first moved into the house and just kept the pulls on the drawers. I filled the holes with wood filler, then sanded smooth before painting.

I find it interesting that the builder of these cabinets stained the cabinets after they put the pulls on.

old versus new kitchen-cabinet-hardware

The previous drawer pull holes are spaced 3-inches apart. They are pretty color, but to my eye look wimpy.

kitchen-cabinet-hardware updating

I wanted to beef the look up without having to drill new holes to fit a longer pull. After an extensive search, I found these Chrome Bar Pulls at D. Lawless Hardware. I found all the cabinet hardware there. They had everything I needed, plus they offer a price match so you know you are getting the best price.

how to paint kitchen-cabinets and add new hardware

Hello 2016!  The cabinets are not perfect but they look 150% better.

I am in the process of writing up the post on the cabinet painting method I used and will get it posted soon.

octagon glass cut cabinet knobs

For the cabinet doors, I like to mix up the hardware and used glass knobs with a chrome accent.

cut glass cabinet knobs with chrome accent

I love the look of glass knobs. They add a touch of vintage… and a little bling.

pretty cut glass kitchen cabinet knob

I love the star/snowflake design inside the glass you see when you look at them straight on. They are from D. Lawless Hardware, too. They are called, Octagon Cut Glass Knobs in the color Clear.

DIY kitchen-makeover

I wanted white cabinet door hinges and didn’t want to paint the original antique brass hinges since they were rusty and crusty, plus painted hinges always get chippy since there are moving parts.

TIP: When I remove cabinet or furniture doors, I always mark where the door and where each hinge was placed. This makes putting them back up easy. If you mix them up, the doors may not hang correctly.

I knew I would have to get the exact hinge or the doors would not go back on correctly.

kitchen-cabinet-white hinges with chrome accent

With some trial and error and the help of Dave at D. Lawless Hardware, I found the right ones.  So many looked like exact matches when I held them up to each other, but I found I needed to use these Amerock hinges. They fit perfectly and have a little chrome accent at the top and bottom that accents the chrome drawer pulls.

kitchen-cabinet-hardware update

One side of the kitchen is almost complete. I was waiting for the backsplash tile to be cut for around the outlets, they are now cut. Now I need my handy electrician, Ed to move the outlets out 1/4″ so they are in line with the tiles. Once that is done, I am going to use white grout on the subway tiles.

I am painting the oven doors, too. You can’t really see the difference in this photo, but the top oven is painted. The previous owner of the house had them painted an off-white. They were originally avocado green. I used high temp car engine paint.

More on this soon and of course all the details of how I am getting this kitchen makeover completed.  That’s it for now.

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  1. Colette Waldowski says:

    Hi, it looks amazing! I am doing a similar project. Did you paint or replace your counter tops? Also I have great vintage hardware… A LOT of them. thinking of spray painting them.. any experience with that?

    Thank you for your time.


  2. Hi Diane….Glad to see you again and happy to see the progress on your lake home. I was a subscriber and then suddenly lost you about the time you started working on your staircase! I was afraid it had driven you away from your blog!! You showed up on another blog yesterday and now I plan to catch up on all I have missed. Thank you for accepting me again!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lonnice – I am so happy you found me again. :-) Did you subscribe and then stop getting my posts in your email? I would like to understand what happened if this is the case. Did you need to subscribe again? I did make a few tweaks about 6 months ago to my subscriber list and would like to pinpoint the problem to why you stopped getting the emails in the first place. Thanks for reading :-)

  3. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    I just love your new glass knobs. And your drawer pulls! But be careful in the mornings when making a full pot of coffee in a cozy robe. I walked quickly with my pkt and got caught on a knob and it was a rude awakening in more ways than one!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – Good tip…I have already done it…more than once. :-) I hope you have a wonderful holiday. XO

  4. So excited, I just found your blog! I just moved into a 1962 ranch that I love but the kitchen is in a time machine! We have a lot in common and a similar style, cant wait to see what’s next. Happy holidays!

  5. Jackie Deorsam says:

    Diane, this is so exciting! I can relate as I had a makeover much like yours ( from 70’s brown cabinets to white painted, but pulls are also painted….black.) that was 5 years ago and we are now in the process of making over a back bedroom into a walk-in closet and part of a bathroom/vanity area. I feel as though I should have taken pictures of the progress and posted blogs! I cannot wait for the finished product. I KNOW you must be feeling the same way about the beautiful kitchen you are creating…

  6. Diane, you are so talented and you always amaze me with what you are willing to do to get what you want. You have great taste and just go for it. I especially love the glass door knobs and will probably replace my current ones with them soon. Keep up the great work.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Carole – Thank you so much. I truly enjoy what I do. I think my background in retail display allowed me to see what was possible with a little elbow grease and some crafty supplies and paint. :-)

  7. This is looking amazing Diane! Love the hardware and knobs you got. Looking forward to the full reveal.

  8. Oooh, It’s looking so good!!!!

  9. Linda O'Neill says:

    All this hard work. Whew!!!!! I’m going to go get a glass of Chardonny and maybe think about doing our 70s cabinet. Want to come to Kauai and do my cabinets? Everything looks great. I’m envious. Can hardly wait to see the final reveal. Cheers!

  10. Melissa Leach says:

    Congrats on your results! Your vision is coming to life. I am amazed at how how you tackle these difficult projects (stairway) with so much ease. Wine helps, but your drive and execution is to be commended. I love the glass knobs!

  11. lindalw666 says:

    It is very pretty and growing prettier all the time~I love the ‘snowflake’ knobs! I have never met anyone who dared paint a stove before! I’d like to paint my fridge… just for fun! Besides, it’s not gonna live forever!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – I wanted to use high heat vinyl on the oven doors that I read about on A Beautiful Mess. The local places that install it around me, only do big jobs, so my second option was to use engine paint. I know a few people who have painted their fridge. You should go for it!

  12. This is looking amazing! I can’t wait to see the finished room. You continue to impress me with your creative vision, and I hope to one day be brave enough to try some of the projects you do.

  13. Joanne B. says:

    I’m exhausted FOR you Diane! You deserve every drop of vino that passes your lips, and then some! I am secretly thinking there might have been some wine involved when you even decided to take on this overhaul? Bravo for a great re-do! Great vision and even better determination!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Joanne – It is a lot of work and I will be very happy when it is all done. When I get tired, wine always helps, but what really keeps me going is when I think how it will look when I am done… that gives me energy to keep going. :-)

  14. The kitchen looks great already. Love your glass knobs and pulls and the new hinges. You are one busy gal Diane. I always enjoy reading your posts. Vikki in VA

  15. Jan Loehr says:

    Wow Diane your kitchen looks like an HGTV makeover…you always know just what to do for a spectacular look no matter what project you take on!! The space is unrecognizable from before you tackled this huge job!! Beautiful work…you are so talented!!

  16. Debbie Mayfield says:

    Diane, your kitchen looks amazing! You have done an amazing job and must be so proud of yourself. Job well done!!!

  17. Gosh, I hope you aren’t disappointed with your new drawer pulls. I had some like that and found that I was constantly catching my clothes on them. Hopefully because of where the drawers are you won’t have the problem. Keep an eye on any of your pants that have pockets. That’s what always used to catch for me.

  18. Luv, luv, luv it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my dream kitchen.

  19. Donna Dickey says:

    Your kitchen is looking great. Love the hardware!

  20. It looks amazing!!! You are so patient in doing it right. Can’t wait to get a tour.

  21. Fantastic and beautiful!

  22. Elisabeth says:

    Hi Diane,
    Your kitchen is coming along really well, and all that lovely light will be an absolute joy! Sadly, I have just a word of warning about the handles though. We had these in our kitchen, and they proved quite annoying. They’d catch on your clothing, especially blouses/shirts. That end of the front of button-through blouses, where the seam folds back would always get hooked onto the end of the handles! And pockets, too would get caught. This invariably ended up with torn clothing, as you continued to move away, not realising you’d been ‘caught’. We also live near the sea, and ours rusted over a few years, although that may be just an inferior brand. I lived with ours for about 4 years, then changed them all. We had them in our bathrooms, too, and they’ve all been changed as they were such a pain! I can see you love them, so don’t want to burst your bubble, but just thought I’d let you know. :(

    Keep up the great work! I love reading your blog, and it’s always a joy when I see your email in my inbox. Thanks Diane.
    Cheers, Liz (Australia)

  23. WOW! Just WOW!!!
    It looks fantastic!
    Could you clarify a bit what you mean by marking where the hinges go?
    On the door itself?
    On the frame?

  24. TerriC/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane,

    Thanks for sharing your progress : ) I love the choice of hardware you have picked!!

    Here’s wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

  25. I so need to do this to update my kitchen. You inspire me Diane!! I work three jobs though so where will I find the time!!! Maybe Santa’s elves will do it!

  26. from one do-it yourselfer; you’re doing an A-mazing reno. Thanks for sharing all your decisions and choices and well, it looks fabulous. It’s a long tough job and I hope you will be pleased.

  27. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

    Now this is the “Diane kitchen” I’ve been waiting to see. Lovely lovely lovely! I’m always so happy that often your ‘go to fix-it’ is paint…as is mine ;-) When things (such as cabinets) are well built, it makes so much more sense to paint them rather than throw them out.

    Always excited to see posts where you’re showing how your home is
    “brown is gone – to- bright white”. I too love all the knobs and pulls you chose!

  28. Sue Bauman says:

    Coming to your home, via your posts is always so uplifting. The transformations that you make happen are inventive, creative and tasteful. Thank you for sharing your particular style of genius with your readers. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looking forward to your future posts!

  29. You are doing a fabulous job!! Love them white and love that hardware!! ??✨??✨

  30. You are simply a miracle worker and have beautiful taste. I so enjoy reading about your projects. The results are beautiful.

  31. Your kitchen is beautiful!

  32. Wow, love the progress you’ve made ! Thank you so much for these posts , your ideas are wonderful and I love your style. The drawer pulls are lovely, just what I had in mind, but the glass knobs ? What a lovely idea, I have glass knobs on my interior doors, but hadn’t thought of using them on kitchen cabinets . LOVE it . Can’t wait to see the finished kitchen, what an amazing difference .

  33. Janette Deans says:

    It’s looking stunning, you always do such a brilliant job, so not surprised, fabulous make-over.x

  34. Elaine Williams says:

    Love the drawer pulls and glass knobs. I love the look of glass knobs too! I am so impressed that you spray painted the oven doors? They look great. As for that wooden valance over the sink – I would 86 that in a heartbeat! Nothing says out of date faster than that thing. Wondering if you could cut the ornate part off and maybe paper or paint with your pop color? What about under counter task lighting. I have halogen which are nice but also get very hot. I have seen others with flush mount hardwired fluorescent lighting which work just fine and a lot less expensive.

  35. Looks amazing, Diane! You must be thrilled with your bright, white kitchen! Enjoy Thanksgiving in it!!

  36. I love to see your work in progress! And I agree that the wood valance over the window looks so much better painted white, you almost don’t see it now. Funny story, I had a similar valance in my last house and as part of my kitchen refresh, I had the contractor knock that out and oh what a difference it made! I had only 1 tiny window in the kitchen and that stinking valance blocked so much light. Your home is much more open and bright with all the white now, thanks for sharing! You’re in the home stretch now!!

  37. Mary Heicher says:

    It looks wonderful.
    I’m a big fan of glass knobs, be it drawer pulls or door knobs.
    They’re a wee bit on the high end for me at the Depot or Lowes,
    so I went to a reclamation place. It’s hit or miss what they’ll have,
    but you usually can find what you are looking for.
    If there are any in your area, take a trip there and maybe
    you’ll spot your next inspiration.

  38. Beautiful kitchen-Love it. Would have never thought to use those knobs and they are just stunning with white cabinets!

  39. Very beautiful! great updated look!..

  40. Kristine Brown says:

    Wonderful job Diane! Your kitchen looks beautiful! I love the white with chrome and glass you chose, it looks so fresh. Amazed at the idea of painting the oven (twice!) – wow! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  41. MarianneB says:

    Love this! It makes such a huge difference! Your hardware choice is so inspired too, love the mix of vintage & sleek. Altogether such a clean shore-y look, can’t wait to see the finished product!!

  42. Peggy McDonald says:

    Hi Diane, I am so darned impressed with the work you are doing on your kitchen cabinets. We have high end oak cabinets painted in a washed white finish and they need a refresher too. I am going to follow your lead and try and do them myself. I am a novice at this but, you give such excellent instructions that I feel I can do it, starting in January. I want our island to be a dark, almost blue/black finish and the other cupboards done in white. Love yours. I am going to do the counter tops with the paint (Carrara Marble) if I can find it in Canada. I think Home Depot will sell it. I have one big problem. When we originally had our kitchen done back in 1987, they put corrian edging around the edges and I want it taken off. Do you have any suggestions on what to put there to replace it? A friend suggested putting a wood molding there and just painting it too. I just don’t know if it would stand up. Help! Love your great ideas. Thanks so much, Peggy

    1. Connie Nikiforoff Designs says:

      Peggy…… I would try to work with the Corian edging rather than replace with wood. Further, I would suggest that you try to ‘match’ the painted countertop to the color/veins of the Corian so it all looks like it was done as a whole. Just my opinion……. ;-)

  43. Your kitchen is looking beautiful. White paint is a miracle worker…so are you. I have an old 1970’s GE oven that looks just like yours. It’s a great oven and still works perfectly. I had the door, which was originally light brown, re-enameled years ago when I painted my kitchen white. It’s held up beautifully. I just wish I had two ovens like yours. Sure would come in handy for holiday cooking.

    I did a little google search to see what color my oven (and sink and cooktop and bathroom) used to be. It was called Mexican sand. I also once had olive green washer, dryer, freezer and refrigerator. Oh my, we thought we were really stylin’ back in the good old 70’s. I cringe when I see a photo of myself in the fashion of the day too. I miss my youthful look, but not the styles.

  44. Wow – it’s looking fantastic!! I’m looking forward to more progress updates, especially on how you’ve painted the ovens.

  45. You have tenacity Diane. And good taste. Love the hardware and knobs you got. I can see the difference in the top oven door also. Looking forward to full reveal.

  46. Wow, its looking great and really coming together. Did you use stick on tiles for the kitchen? I too have ugly hinges and have to tackle them. Do I just contact the hardware company and describe what I have? The cabinets in my home appear to be handmade by the original owner but the hinges are the black iron wrought look that was so popular back in the day. Love the glass cabinet knobs too!

    1. Beautiful as always!!! You are amazing!
      I am going to replace my builder cabinet knobs with the glass ones! Thanks for the inspiration!
      Happy Thanksgiving!
      Beat Army!!