My Favorite Free Fonts Vol. II

You asked for it, so here it isVol. II

I got such a great response from the font list I posted last week thanking me and asking me for more. I am amazed and so happy that the tutorial I posted helped so many of you.   I am no computer wiz, but I guess I have learned more than I think and took that knowledge for granted – thinking  that everyone must know how to do it.

I have a lot of fonts on my computer and went down the list and picked my other favorites for Vol. II

If you didn’t see the first post – My Favorite Free Fonts  and you don’t know how to download the fonts, click here for the step-by-step photo tutorial.

Free Fonts

1. Hand Times  2. Susie’s Hand  3. Castellar  4. Altast Greeting  5. Clipper Script  6. Doris Day  7. Architect
8. Alexandria – is actually Baskerville Old Face   9. Rosenkrift Clean  10. Is no longer free :(   Engravers MT  11.  Impact Label  12. Learning Curve  13. Offset Plain
14. Honey Script  15. Petunia Bounce  16. Freehand 591  17. Imprint MT Shadow  18. Respective Slant 19.  FFF Tusi




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  1. Susan Tranchina - Boardwalk Bridal, LLC says:

    CUT OFF FONT SOLUTION: Hi! I ran into the same issue while mail merging my clients’ envelopes for printing. I run into the problem all of the time with very “scripty” fonts. All you have to do is highlight the word that is being cut off — Right click and go to paragraph — then increase the space before and after your line. If you modify your text to a text box and set it behind your other images, it will not impact your design at all. Hope this helps! Great site btw! Feel free to check out my shop on Etsy – Boardwalk Bridal :)

  2. Hi! I just tried to download these fonts and when I click on ‘install’ it says they are not valid fonts. Any ideas how I can fix this problem? I’m using Windows 7.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Tara – I wish I was a computer geek and could tell you how to figure out why you got that message. Have you ever downloaded a font to your computer before? If so, then there is just a glitch and I would try again. If you haven’t, your computer may be configured to handle fonts in a way that is different from mine. I am thinking there might be a some setting on your computer that is bringing this message up. I have Windows 7 – it is effortless to download them with the way my computer is configured. Maybe do a Google Search on “Downloading fonts to Windows 7 and see what comes up. You may find an answer.

  3. paintergal says:

    Thanks for the tutorial! I never knew how to do this. I will be printing some place cards for my son and future DIL’s wedding and it will be so fun to play with some new fonts. :)

  4. Thank you so much for the tutitorial on how to download fonts! I am going to have so much fun with this!

  5. Carol in Minnesota says:

    I must be a ditz. I am unable to get any of these to work. (I do not have Windows7, I still have Vista.) I click the download and it is on my tray at the bottom, but when I click it — it will just open to a page that looks like above and gives option to Print. Never get a box offering location to place it. Frustrating. Such pretty ones. (although I see in comments that at least one is no longer free)

    {Sigh} at missing out.

    1. I’m having the same problem as you Carol.
      (I also have Vista)
      I tried moving/extracting the font file to
      the C: Windows/ Font folder, but it never
      shows up. sad now…

  6. diane in texas says:

    thank you soooooo much! what fun to play with, and your instructions helped calm the fear that i would blow my computer up. :)

  7. Stephanie Ann says:

    Freehand 591 Regular is no longer free :( This is very sad. It is SUCH a cute font!

  8. Thanks Diane-
    I am having trouble with the download of the fonts. I do get the box where it seems I should be able to install, but there is only a “print” button, no install button. Any advice as to how to troubleshoot this?

  9. Hi there, thanks so much for the font selection! So cute! :) They are SO EASY to download on my Mac!

    One thing I wanted to let you know is that the #10. Engravers MT url is not working…and after a few seconds a porno site pops up. YIKES!
    May want to delete that one if you can.

    Thanks again!

    1. Hi Jennifer – Thanks so much for telling me about the link. YIKES is right. I will get it changed right away.

  10. Hi – so excited to see your fonts on pinterest. I followed your instructions to download, but I don’t get a download button, just a print. Any suggestions?

    1. yeah me too…. Help??

      1. Diane Henkler says:

        Hi Wylee – Sorry you are having trouble. Vista is the hardest operating system to add fonts to. once you do it successfully once, it will all make sense. Are you left clicking on Extract file?

        1. hi, yes, I left clicked, and then I tried again, right clicking.
          right clicking does nothing. left clicking gives me a pop up box
          that says: Select a destination and extract files.
          and a browse button. I then browse to Windows, and fonts,
          and click the OK button. then I click the extract button, and I get a pop up asking me if I want to continue. and I do. then it just opens the Font file, showing all my fonts, but the new font is not there, and even if I refresh, or close it up and reopen to check for the new font, it isn’t there. I tried with 3 different fonts and the same thing happens.. : (

  11. Thank you very much for this.

    Number 11 is named wrong in the image though I’m afraid. Hand Times is the excellent hand drawn serif at the top. :)

    1. Hi Lee – Thanks for telling me. I will go back and fix the link.

  12. Oh my gosh! I happed upon your blog via Pintrest and saw this blog…good news, bad news. I have been sitting here, glued to the computer, going through every font on Finally, I had to give up and choose just the most popular ones to search. Whew!!! There were oh so many. Thank you for sharing…now I’m late starting my chores for the day! I am looking forward to perusing your blog and see what either cool stuff you have to share.

  13. I never realized how easy it was to download new fonts! Thank you so much for the information. I see a whole new world of creativity opening up before me!

  14. Thank you so much! i’m having so much fun :)

  15. I am searching for the free font: summit type calligri

    Any ideas?

      1. I just do not think it is available for free.
        I did find another very similar:
        Shelley Allegro Script…. free. ;0)
        Thank you.

  16. Thanks for all the cute fonts! I can’t wait to test them all out!!

  17. I found your pin on pinterest and I want to say thank you. I am struggling to save money on wedding invites and was planning on printing my own. I couldn’t seem to find any simple and easy sites to find the fonts I was looking for until now. Thanks again! :-)

  18. Thanks for all the great fonts. I’m a total font-geek.
    I was interested in Alexandria. Your example looks really traditional, but the link has a very slab serif look. Did I do something wrong?
    Thanks again. It’s like a little post from the crack candy store.

  19. FAST HOME says:

    Sistemas construtivos com sustentabilidade. Madeiras de reflorestamento com certificações FSC e membro do GBC

  20. OMG!!

    Thank you for writing me back! I’m just so in awe of you. I love your site, all your fun quips and projects are so so inspiring!! I just started looking at design blogs and found yours by accident and I’m so happy I did! You also helped me discover Google Reader so now I can have everything nice and neatly organized. You’re changing lives Diane!!

    I finally figured out how to find the fonts on Mac! Ok, so on Mac Office for some reason the fonts at times do not show up as they should. I don’t know why but if a MAC user has iWork suite (Mac’s version of Office) all the fonts come out perfect (Word on iWork is called Pages, Excel = Numbers and PowerPoint = Keynote). With Pages you don’t even have to restart it unlike Word. It automatically populates in your Font Book/List (located the Applications folder).

    So thank you again for getting back to me. I hope this helps everyone who has a Mac!

  21. Hi Diane! Just stumbled on your page and I am in love! Thank you for the font, I finally figured out how to download the fonts on Mac. You have to download the zip file and click and drag it to the font folder you would like when the Font Book “app” comes up. I added a new Folder “Downloaded Fonts” to make it easier. Some went directly to my list and some didn’t so this made it easier. Once you’re in Word just click on Font in the Tool Bar and you will see the new font. You must do it after every download (restart Word).

    Now my question to you (if you know is) Respective Slant font. When I try to write in it, the top and bottom of the letters are cut off. Almost as if the margins aren’t wide enough. I played with it and it still does it when I write in uppercase, lowercase and numbers come out fine. Any suggestions??? I really LOVE that font!! Thanks!

    1. Hi Arabella –
      Thanks so much for the instructions for downloading to a Mac. I know many readers who use a Mac thank you, too :)

      In regards to your question about the font Respective Slanted. I have never had a problem with it. I have used it in Word and Photoshop. Maybe delete it and download it again. Did you download both files? One is Respective and the other is Respective Slanted. I have both on my computer, maybe they both have to be downloaded to work properly.

  22. I can never load pages from – Is this a safari issue? I can’t even trouble shoot :( I’m all mac here. HALP!

  23. Katharine from Kat's Almost Purrfect World says:

    Thanks Diane for the tutorial. I went to the orginal post and followed the directions. Very easy to understand. I tested it by looking at my word program and found it. Wala!!!

  24. Ashlyn@Pinecone says:

    Diane, I LOVE finding new fonts – and you saved me some trouble – because I love all of these!!

    Thank you so much!! I hope all is well with your family!

    1. Hi Ashlyn – you use so many unique fonts on your blog. There has been more than one instance when I am reading one of your posts and have thought to ask you- what font is that? I just love them, too. A girl can never have too many :)

  25. Ahhh I love it when you post about fonts. I downloaded most of them. You are the best. thanks so much

  26. I’m so glad I found your blog. You always share the most wonderful projects and ideas. Fonts are one of my very favorite things. I am definitely going to check out some of these. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Jenna, SAS Interiors says:

    Thanks Diane. I downloaded most of the other fonts you shared and will be doing the same this time. Pinning! xo Jenna

  28. Kathy McCreedy says:

    What a terrific layout of fonts, pretty much every one make it to the top of my list, too! Being a calligrapher I am helpless when it comes to great letterforms. Thanks for posting such a terrific tutorial and example of great fonts!

  29. Diane! I am obsessed with fonts, so when I saw your headline, I assumed I’d have them all, but I don’t! I think I have only 2 from your list. I have some downloading to do. :)

    1. Hi Tara – that describes me, too – obsessed with fonts. I love them. Best part – they are free. I have looked at a few to buy, but never have bought one. If you keep your eyes open – a new free one surfaces every now and then.

  30. Very nice, thanks for sharing, Diane!

  31. Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions says:

    I love all of these, too, Diane! I seem to be drawn to the different scripts.

  32. You did it again. I a BIG fan of your free fonts lists. The other one made me a very popular girl on pinterest. I just pinned this one as well. Thanks for sharing!

    amy @

  33. Gay Ratheal says:

    Thank you. I just downloaded the fonts. Easy. Thank you again.

  34. Laura @ Laura's Crafty Life says:

    Thanks for sharing these! Such cute ones. :)

  35. Laura @ Ms Smartie Pants says:

    I don’t know how I missed the first post but I am glad I caught it this time! I think we are about the same age and yes I agree. I learned calligraphy years ago and had all of these books that were used for scrapbooking just showing you how to doodle and write in all different styles. These youngins’ don’t know how lucky they have it do they? ;)