Style Scouting: Vol. 35

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting where I share what’s up in my life and the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

Now that spring is here, it got me thinking of renewal and also thankful for what I have. Thankful that I even have a house to call my own that I get to decorate for each season.

A home like no other – one that is mine that I have had the freedom to infuse with my style to fit the way I want to live. Being able to make my house a home is the backdrop of my life. It is “my place” no matter how grand or how unremarkable it is. It is my home that is special in so many ways for me and my family.

When the seasons change is when I try to remember this and that I should make the time to never take my home for granted.

Instead of always wanting to update, remodel, improve, paint and more. This weekend, I just am taking the time to love my HOME just how it is, imperfections and all. Even more… remembering the fact that I even have a home to put my personal style stamp on.

I enjoy adding a vase of daffodils or favorite flowers from my yard or the grocery store to add a pop of fresh color to recharge the rooms I am in most. It is the best way I know to begin enjoying all that spring brings to our lives.

So before this first day of spring weekend ends… Give your home a hug to thank it for providing you not only a place for shelter, but also a place to create a life worth living in.

What You May Have Missed This Past Week:

Now onto inspiring links I found this week.


Look what you can use a set of pretty thrift store glassware for besides drinking.

This is one very cost saving and creative way flooring ideas I have ever seen!

This home is ready for Easter without even trying.

I wish I had the right wall in my house or door to add one or both of these.

I love the color of this and the weight, but wish it were larger in size.

A good deal for my kitchen counter or new wall plate. And this for displaying baked goods or a collection of candles on a table.

I would like to create a piece of chic art like this.

If you like decorating with plates….


Cute printable stands for your Easter eggs.

If you enjoy crafting, have you ever shopped at a craft store like this?

To colorfully keep all your cords organized.


An Easter treat that looks so cute.

I have made quite a few cakes in my life, but none like this!


What to plant when your yard is in the shade.

If you like to garden, you already know this fact.


I look forward to seeing this series on TV.

I know this is true.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

And… If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

As always, thanks so much for reading. XO

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  1. elizabeth@pinecinesandacirns says:

    So many great links! Those cakes are amazing as are the bunnies from Bakerella!

  2. Great ideas! So happy spring is finally here! :)

  3. Love the gratitude in your heart for a roof overhead…being thankful for not only a place to call home, but one you can decorate for the seasons of life. You put perspective on this in such a lovely way.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Char :-)

  4. I see an appropriately-sized Green Confit Pot in your future crafting plans! I really enjoy these posts and look forward to reading them on Sunday mornings.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Gayle :-) I really like that pot and will be keeping my mind open on how I can create one in the size I would like and for a whole lot less in cost.

  5. Thanks for these great links, I love your Style Scouting posts. The Scrappy Elephant craft store is awesome. I am so glad there is increasing interest in reusing and repurposing everything that can be kept out of landfills. I also loved the article on vegetable gardening in shade which is not typically what I associate with big plot gardens in full sun.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Michelle – I enjoy sharing what I have found online in the Style Scouting posts. There is so much information out on the internet, I like when I find good stuff that I can use to make life better.

  6. Diane, Thank you for the reminder to be happy with the blessings of having our own homes! During this very stressful past year our homes were our refuge and although it is fun to think of ways to improve or add to what we have it is important to be thankful. So many have lost their homes or are in fear of having that happen. That being said, thank you for all your creative ways to help us make our homes a bit more “us”!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      HI Margot – Thank you for the nice comment. It breaks my heart to read about so many losing their homes, living on the streets or in shelters. I always remind myself to never take having a house to call my own home for granted.

  7. I get so confused about the best light bulbs for a dark living room. Have you done a post I can read on that? Enjoy your Style Scouting posts. Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Alison – I have not done a post specifically about lighting a dark living room, only one about how to light any room in the best way. You can read that here: No matter what bulbs you use, following the tips in the post will help the lighting in your home look better.

      For light bulbs – it is getting harder and harder to find a lightbulb that I like the color. So many of the newer LED bulbs can give off a harsh caste. I always prefer using traditional bulbs when lighting my house, but they are getting harder and harder to find. My advise to find the right bulb for your living room, it to head to Lowes where they have a wide selection. Buy a few different types of bulbs and save your receipt. Once home, try them all out once it gets dark to see what looks the best to you and provides the light you need… cooler/warmer/intensity. Then return the bulbs you didn’t like.

  8. Marianne Anastasia says:

    I’ve said it before…I LOVE your style scouting pieces. I look forward to reading them! Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Marianne – I seek inspiration all the time. It makes my brain happy. I enjoy being able to share what I find on the blog. Thanks for reading my posts. :-)