Decorating Plan for My Casual Blue & White Bedroom

Casual Blue and White Master Bedroom Decorating Plan

After I mentioned last week how I plan to update the decor in my bedroom with new flooring, paint and a few other changes, a few of you wrote to me asking me to please share the accent wall color and wallpaper I was considering.

At the time, the wallpaper swatches I ordered had not arrived yet. They came yesterday, so I hung them up for you to see.

Blue and white bedroom before

I am not sure about any of them and am still searching for something that will add some color, but still keep the casual vibe. I really like white walls and feel good in rooms with all white, but I always like to consider other ideas before making a final choice.

Blue and White wallpaper swatches on wall

I like the top swatch the best. It may be a little too beige, especially when I have the lights on in the room. I think I want to use something that is more white-white based.

Small pantry closet makeover

In this photo taken from my kitchen, you can see into the bedroom and how having some color or pattern on the wall will make this view more interesting, too.

2 colors of Faux Grasscloth wallpaper swatches on wall

The middle wallpaper swatch is too turquoise and the bottom swatch is a piece of card stock painted with Liberty Blue Fusion Mineral Paint. I love the color, but don’t think I want it on the wall, maybe I will paint the headboard with it.

Swatch of Light-Blue-Faux-Grasscloth-Wallpaper

Here is a better look at the light blue grasscloth wallpaper. Every computer monitor will read the color differently, but overall it has a mix of light blue shades of color.

Once we get the flooring, I will lay a few planks down to see how the colors are affected and then make a decision. It is supposed to arrive on Friday, but Hurricane Florence most likely will delay that arrival.

Mood board for casual blue and white bedroom makeover

I had some fun in Photoshop to create this collage of a few of the elements I will be adding to the room.

I will be happy once the hurricane moves past so we can get the floor installed and the room back together again.

Hope to see you on Monday with my Fall Home tour post. :-)

Bedroom Resources: 

Channel-Stitch Velvet Navy Quilt – no longer available

Blue & White Comforter

Pom Pom Bed Skirt

White Fabric Roman Shades

Striped Rug

Fusion Mineral Paint

Baskets – Love these, but they are pricey. I plan to find budget-friendly versions at HomeGoods

Faux Grasscloth Wallpaper – Lt Blue

Faux Grasscloth Wallpaper – Dk. Blue

Laminate Plank Flooring



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  1. Hi Diane, I love the colors. I am one your silent reader for last 8 years. I have been with you when you were still on Blogspot. I am very impressed and inspired by you! I have recently started my own blog and I would love to have you on my site (In fact if I would like to interview you, Would it be an appropriate request?) I would love to hear if you have any advice or suggestion for a new blogger like myself!


  2. Nan Bowen says:

    First swatch, how big is the wall? Never been a fan of grasscloth, don’t like seams being so apparent. What type of window treatment? Stay safe & dry.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nan – The wall is 8ft x 22 ft approx. The bed and windows take up most of it, so only a section will show. Grasscloth does have seams, but it is a timeless classic. I have always liked it. I had it in beige in my previous house. As far as the window treatments. I plan to keep the white Roman Shades I installed when we first moved into the house. I like simple treatments that don’t block the windows. We don’t need privacy since there are trees along the side of the house where the windows are. The storm stayed just north of my town. We got rain, but no wind and damage. It was back to normal today.

  3. I like the striped rug. Would painting the wall in the same ‘random’ strip be too busy? I say that because wallpaper can be so ‘permanent’. I know they’ve come out easier to remove w/wallpaper, but I just can’t bring myself to use wallpaper-UGH!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Mick – I am not a big fan of wallpaper either, but I do like the warmth the look of grasscloth will add without being too busy. I like simple clean lines. Since it is just one wall and not even a big one, if I do decide to use the paper, it won’t be a huge job. :-)

  4. Megan Jenson says:

    Everything looks so gorgeous :)

  5. Love that light blue grasscloth! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Linda L Weeks says:

    It would appear that the consensus is definitely leaning toward the first swatch! And I love the idea that 1960s girl made, how about that? covering a part of your accent wall rather than the entire thing! I wish I had this much input when I go to change out my bedroom!
    Now do charge up your phone and draw some water in case… hugs and bunnies, Linda W.

  7. I like the grass cloth but I’m wondering if the large, palm leaf wallpaper trend would look good in your room?

  8. Betty BAKER says:

    All I can say Diane is that anything you will decide on will be gorgeous. You have a brilliant sense of colour and design. I will pray that you are not in the way of this dreadful storm. We are lucky here inOntario, Canada we have not had a threat of a bad storm . Happy decorating and keep very safe. Regards Betty

  9. Be safe & hope you won’t be without power for too long. Also hope you have a generator. We live in South Florida so we know what hurricanes can do. Like you said, some color on that wall will make the view from the kitchen more interesting.

  10. Love it all. Navy and white have always been a favorite of mine.

  11. Blue and white is my absolute favorite, so it’s such fun to see what you are planning! Stay safe and I look forward to seeing updates when you can!

  12. TerriC/HoustonLady says:

    Hi Diane,

    I also like the first swatch : ) Take care.. I hope you and your family are not affected by Florence.

  13. Debbie K Stanley says:

    I realize I may be the minority, but the bottom swatch really caught my eye! It makes the bed covers just pop. The lighter two seem to busy. Either way they are all lovely. Staysafe Diane.

  14. Mary Ann Howat says:

    I like the top swatch the best. You can always have a dark pop of color but lighter is more airy and beachy.

  15. Hi Diane:
    I love the top swatch. Your ideas are always spot on.

    Hope the storm does not hit as hard as predicted, stay safe.

  16. Hoping you stay safe, dry and don’t lose power for too long (or at all).

  17. The top grasscloth swatch would be my choice. It does not show beige at all on my computer, so you are the best judge as to whether it would work. I feel that the other two are too dark/stark with the white walls in a room meant to be relaxing. For me, the grasscloth wallpaper and bedding such as you already have, would be perfect with your wood floors and natural basket accessories.

  18. Barbara Dudas says:

    Stay safe Diane!!

  19. I liked the 1st watch even being more beige I think it makes the white pop more, making it crisper. the muted blues and not crisp white do make it more relaxed/beachy in my opinion. but truely your’s is the only one that counts :)

  20. I like the first one too, but will it really go with the beautiful blue & white comforter or will it all be too busy? I think something with more white!

  21. I love where you’re going with the grass cloth. Maybe a tighter weave and slightly deeper color. Great idea!

  22. I love the top sample of wallpaper…it definitely looks beachy to me and being a medium shade of blue, I think it would read nicely in the room, especially paired with all your other finishes. Can’t wait to see what you go with! =)

  23. I love that comforter set! I’m going to order it as soon as I post this comment.

    The top sample is my favorite but as our monitors can’t capture the true color and undertones, you are the best judge. Could you do the same technique to create the texture as on the walls in the hallway of darkness?

    My opinion is that you will lose the details of your headboard if you paint it a darker color. The white stands out even against the white wall.

    Stay safe.

  24. Love the grass cloth. The second swatch looks dark blue on my iPad….that’s what I would pick. Oh what fun you are going to have finding just the right accent. I hope you don’t lose power…good luck…stay safe! ;)

  25. 1960s girl says:

    I seem to have lost my first email I was writing…
    I love the 3rd swatch. I have a coverlet in that colour (Zara Home) on my pure white duvet cover and a few accessories in the same hues. And I never get tired of it.
    I feel I’m in a boutique hotel whenever I enter the room! It feels so peaceful and clean.

    The 1st swatch looks great. What if you installed a piece of it just as wide as the headboard, from floor to ceiling?
    Anyway, whatever you do, it will look good and I can’t wait to see pictures!

    Let’s hope the storm calms down before it touches down. Be careful!

  26. Kari Rogers-Miller says:

    Be safe my friend….I feel ya as we went through Irma here in SW Florida one year ago almost to the day.

  27. Gail Vernali says:

    Not that anyone else’s opinion other than your own counts, I love the 1st swatch it’s perfect.