Dress Up Your Doorstep

Here are a few ways to bring style to your doorstep without a big budget.



I chose to update all the exterior doors in my home.   Schlage door knobs and hardware come in many different styles from classic to modern and in a wide variety of metals – black, bronze, nickel and more. I had a hard time choosing, but since my house is a center hall colonial I chose to stay classic and went with polished brass.


When we decorate our homes, we tend to overlook the doorknobs in the process. We paint, hang new curtains, and add new furniture – but a good percentage of the time – the doorknobs remain.  I have redecorated all the rooms in my house at least 3 times each in the past twenty years, but have never changed a doorknob…until now.

They were looking pretty BAD as you can see from my front door. After 20 + years it still works perfectly, but needs a style update.


I first repainted the door, but that process is a whole other post – it was pretty BAD!!!  Once the new black paint was dry, I started to dress up my front door with a new door handle, deadbolt, knocker, and kick plate.


Easy to install since the holes were already in place from the old doorknob and kick plate.  A little shine makes the door look like the day we moved into the house.


To install the door knocker, I could not use the holes from the existing one since it was front mounted.  The new knocker is attached  back mounted and luckily it covered the old holes. Filling holes in a metal door is not as easy as a wood door. 


Everything I needed to install it was right in the package, even a handy-dandy template to make the placement for drilling the holes a no-brainer.


Knock Knock…  Who’s there?


After getting the front door all spiffed up it was time to tackle the other doors.The doorknobs all worked, but were in need of new updated shiny replacements.


I know – gross, right?    Even using these doorknobs daily at least 20 times a day…I just didn’t see just how bad they were.


Now they look BEAUTIFUL – all shiny and new.  When I grab one now to open a door – they feel so smooth and sleek in my hand as I turn them.


They also look and feel bigger, which I like.


 I chose to use the backplates for the deadbolts, too.

When changing all the exterior doorknobs in your home, have them re-keyed so you can use the same key to open all of the doors. Less confusion having to deal with only one key.  Home improvement stores sell re-keying kits to do-it-yourself. I took mine to my local hardware store to have it done.   


I feel the new door hardware is like adding shiny new jewelry to an old outfit that just needed updated accents.  If we end up moving – new door hardware is a must for re-sale so I will have that checked off my list.

front door

When I first moved into my house, the front entrance and foyer did not reflect what Ed and I were about. The area was in need of a clean-up and the doors were in need of paint or replacement.

old door knobs and worn wood front door

I couldn’t wait to get it set right, even though everyone that comes to my home knows that I am a DIYer and there are always “in process home improvement or decor projects” going on so I shouldn’t worry as that is who I am and part of a first impression.

Completed DIY cable railing on a brick front porch of a home.

Even knowing this I still wanted the first spaces visitor see would reflect us, not the previous owners.

I was happy when we finally created an entry we liked by painting the doors to look like wood grain, adding a slat wall, and most recently added a wire and wood railing to the porch.

Bronze double door knobs


gallery glass in front door sidelights
changing outdoor lights

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  1. Uleiuri volatile says:

    It’s hard to come by knowledgeable people for this topic, but you sound like you know what you’re talking
    about! Thanks

  2. Carolyn B says:

    Great looking door! I have been thinking of replacing all the knobs in my house. I would like to go with the lever type because they are eaiser on arthritic hands, and I’m going to be headed for that I fear.

    I don’t remeber the door lock of my childhood, but I can assure you it was not a Schlage…I could open it with a case knife! LOL

  3. Your front door looks fabulous! Where did you get the super cute flower boxes?!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jacque –

      I bought the flower boxes about 10 years ago at Rite Aid drug store for $14.99 a piece. They were one great deal.

      1. Dang it! O well..I’m loving your website :)

  4. Diane, I also feel compelled to address the comment above by “Kara” (if that’s her real name!). What a sad, unhappy little person she must be. To “think” what she wrote was pretty bad, but to actually leave it as a written comment……that’s just sad! I too remember the same type of details from my childhood. Visits to the local hardware store (Western Auto) were always a treat, but making the 45 minute trip to the Sears-Roebuck store in Birmingham, AL was really special. I remember my Dad buying new Schlage door knobs for our exterior doors. The key shape is unique and I always identify with it and recognize it whenever I see a Schlage key. Your attention to detail is just one of the many things I love about you and your blog. Keep it up….you’re awesome!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks so much Beth for your support and nice note. I too have fond detailed memories of trips to the hardware store with my dad and going with my whole family to Sears and Roebuck every Saturday night. Special times and memories I will never forget :) XO

  5. Joanne B. says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win the Lowes giveaway! How generous! Your new door hardware looks great, but at the same time, there is nothing like a well worn door knob to welcome you home. I think about all the hands that have touched that knob and it makes me feel good. Sometimes you have to look past the wear and tear and think of them as ‘antiques’! Living within 4 miles of the ocean, we battle our door hardware oxidizing and tarnishing regularly. I finally gave it and think of it as “patina”- that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it! But if I won the Lowes giveaway that would be another story!

  6. Grew up in the same town as Diane, and we had a Schlage house key too … probably still in my little cedar chest that we all got at high school graduation.

    I recently freshened up a few doorknobs inside and out with Rustoleum’s spray paint/primer in oil-rubbed bronze. You stick a key in the lock while painting so no paint gets in there. Didn’t think about a kickplate, but what a great look!

  7. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    You sure did a spectacular job on repainting your doors. If you had not told us that you repainted it, well I would have thought it a brand new door. Everything looks so perfect. I want new shiny, polished brass for my doors too.

    Is it the pictures or does your front door shine dark purple in the sun? I bet you have told us the color name before, but I keep wanting to ask you if it is just the pictures or it really tends to be purple?

    I like it, but could not use it for my door cause I already have yellow concrete block with light orangey red brick trim under the windows and Deepest Woodland Green shutters (or I think that is the color) and white fascia & soffits that I paid for with the brick red metal roof……. see what I mean? lol

  8. Diane- great tutorial showing what a great impact new hardware has on the exterior look of a home. I’m helping my father ready his home for to put on the market and now I know we will definitely be changing out the 40 year old front door hardware. Thanks for the inspiration! I feel compelled to address the above comment. If you are a regular reader of Diane’s blog you know that she is an artist and designer and notices the small decorative details of every day life. I have no doubt that she has fond memories of her house key- such that she has a copy hanging on her Christmas tree. I remember many brand names of things from my childhood that would have no meaning to anyone else. Another thing I remember from childhood- if you don’t have anything nice to say….

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks for your support Toni XO – I agree with the other thing you learned in childhood…if you don’t have anything nice to say….don’t say anything. You are the best!

  9. Oooh … I remember this key brand from when I was a kid and btw, they just gave me free stuff for my home.

    Seriously? What a lame suckup to a sponsor. I carried keys around when I was a pre-teen and teen and there’s no way I could remember the brand of key I got. That’s just ludicrous.

    I get bloggers working with sponsors to pay their bills, but don’t blow smoke at your readers in order to suck up to your sponsors. It makes you look less trustworthy and a complete sellout.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kara – You can think what you want – but that key was and always will be special to me!! I remember it vividly!!! I am a visual person – I remember things like this and the good feelings that went with it. It was a part of my life and reminds me of my childhood home!!! I am not blowing smoke or sucking up to a Sponsor. If I was then I would just write a post using the sponsors press release verbatim. I would write exactly what they want me to say – I don’t do that.

      I only accept a sponsored post if I can find a personal aspect to weave into the post. It makes me real. If I can’t, I don’t accept the post. I turn down 95% of the offers I get. When I was asked if I would like to take part in the promotion – that key was the first thing to come to my mind, so I accepted. It was a good feeling and I went with it. Sorry that you think I was sucking up – quite the opposite!!!

      1. Linda Weeks says:

        Wow, sorry, Diane, why would anybody give you a hard time about this post!?? I happened to be right in the middle of a front door renovation myself; we have thought about replacing locks and keys, but before we do, I’m going to try spray-painting the door knob, etc. with Rustoleum for metals. I found a real cool looking hammered bronze color, so I’m looking forward to trying it out.
        Diane is also known for her great attention to the details, so why wouldn’t she write a post about this project? I just love Diane, which is why I subscribe to her posts!

  10. Jeatonne Freeman says:

    Brass, so elegant looking…

  11. Karen at Little Red House Designs says:

    SUCH great inspiration. The hub and I were just discussing how to make the front of the house look ‘a tad better’ :) I think this approach AND the mulch are a good start.

  12. Yes, I have the exact same problem but haven’t gotten around to taking care of it. We inherited the house and the doors were put in using a shoe-string budget; none match, all have old used door knobs. Someday…hoping my post wins..!

  13. My front door is black but I prefer it with silver door knobs. I like classic style. Would love to add a kickplate!

  14. I am a colonial classic girl. Shiny brass and round door knobs please!

    I just repainted my front doors and had to fill a hole in a metal door. Using the right product made it easier, not as easy as wood putty but not much harder. Just took longer to dry and then to sand smooth.
    It’s ALL about the prep!

  15. Yvonne @ StoneGable says:

    WHat a wonderful transformation! I adore kickplates! So happy to see you use brass! Nothing is more classic!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Yvonne – the brass just shines. It is warm and welcoming and makes the colonial styling of the house look so much better than any other metal.

  16. Perfect timing. I locked myself out yesterday and already the locksmith was unable to open my VERY old and groddy locks. He had to drill one out and replaced it with a Schlage lock. I’m getting ALL of them done now and repainting my outside doors too!