My New House + The Shingles

Yay!  We finally made it!  After 6 months of hard work, starting with getting our house staged and sold and then going on two week long house searching trips to find just the right home on a lake, we finally settled and moved into our new house on Tuesday.

lake house

Here is a view of it from the water. The gazebo and dock are part of our property. It feels good to be able to say that this is home from now on.

house on lake murrray

This is the street side. I took this photo on the day the realtor first showed us the house.

front door

Here is a view of the front door. My mind is filled with ideas on how I want to update the exterior. A new color of paint for the trim and new doors are on my list.

Everything with our move went just as planned with only one snag. The snag happened to me last weekend when we were staying at a friend’s house during our “homeless period”. I hit my arm on a staircase banister very hard the first day we were there. It hurt but I didn’t think further about it beyond knowing that I would get a nasty black and blue mark.

Well… long story short…the hit on my arm affected the nerves in my arm and I broke out with a case of Shingles on my right arm and hand. If you have had or know anyone who has had Shingles then you know it is excruciatingly painful!  Can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t do anything but feel a miserable kind of pain!!!  The stress of the whole moving process probably added fuel to the fire in my case, too.

Since we moved using PODS, Ed and I knew that we’d be unpacking four PODS. With me out of commission, it was unclear how we were going to get it done. Thanks to the kindness and support of our new neighbors, we have unpacked two PODS so far and the fridge has been stocked as we are happily getting settled.

After a few days with narcotics, steroids and other drugs, I am feeling a bit better today and wanted to show you some photos of the house.

I am not quite up to par yet and my right hand and arm are still out of order, so typing is a bit awkward. Therefore I will show you the exterior of the house first and next week I will share the interior and more.

lake house

What we loved most about this house is that it is on a point lot and was built with the lake in mind.

lake side view of house

Every room has a sliding door with a lake view. The kitchen has a door and also a window above the sink with a view, too. The only rooms that don’t have a view of the lake are the master bath, powder room and foyer.

gazebo on lake

The gazebo with dock is more than we could have ever hoped for. We purchased a used boat that will fill the slip soon.

gazebo on lake

There is enough room for a table to enjoy dining alfresco.


This is the view of the dock from the gazebo and where watching the sunset (or sunrise) is spectacular.


There is even a palm tree in the yard. :-)

deck on lake

A wood deck runs along the back and wraps around to one side of the house.

lake house living
office door

This is the sliding door into the room that I am setting up as my new studioffice.


There is also a narrow deck off the second floor (left top of photo) to which each bedroom has access. It is wide enough for chairs so guests can enjoy.

front deck

The previous owner left all the flowering plants and planters. I will have to up my game in the flower garden department. :-)

The exterior is in great shape. The only updates I would like to do near term are painting the green a more neutral color and getting 3/4 glass doors for the front entrance that will bring in more light to the foyer.

I will show you that next week. Until then…

sunset view

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  1. Congratulations on your beautiful new lake home. I wasn’t up to date on your posts and was interested where you and Ed decided to settle. We have been in the Lake Murray area for over 20 years and will never move back to colder climate. Looking forward to seeing the changes you make on your home. Welcome to SC.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Beth – Thanks – We are loving life around the lake so far, even on this 30 degree morning. I have been going out every week exploring the area. This week I am meeting up with a friend who lives in the area. We are going to Southeastern Salvage in West Columbia. Have you ever been there or have any favorite shops or places to go?

  2. Laura Adams says:

    I have written comments to some of your blog posts in the past – mainly the ones concerning chalk paint – but I’ve never told you how much I enjoy reading your blog, & being inspired by your projects. We are in the same stage of life, though I think I’m a bit older than you. My husband & I also just bought our “last house”, which backs up to a wood, and is very peaceful. We also sold our house in a hurry – 1 day! A couple had driven by and saw the “Coming Soon!” sign that our realtor had put in the yard, and they asked to see the house the night before it actually went on the market. The next day they made a full-price offer, and we closed soon after. We were having our new, “last” house built, so we, too, were “homeless” for about 3 months, during which time we traveled and planned the interiors of the new house. I, too, purged A LOT, but also held on to many things because I didn’t know if I would need them in the new place. Since we moved in last July, we have installed gorgeous wide-plank hardwood floors (something our builder didn’t offer), and my dream kitchen (also, nothing like the kitchen the one the builder put in, which is now going into the basement entertainment area). I have lots of projects planned – reworking closets, adding built-ins to the study and my sewing room, and finishing the basement, in which we had them put 9-foot ceilings, so it would feel less basement-like. So, I say all this to say that, I feel like we are kindred spirits, more than any other design-centric blogger that I avidly read. Whenever I’m “stuck” with a design dilemma, I think, “I’ll bet Diane has already tackled this one. Let’s see what she did,” and almost always that is exactly the case. Thanks, sister, for all the inspiration & great advice. Much happiness in your new, “last” home! Laura


  4. Natalya Seabrooke says:

    Lovely home! The landscape is amazing! I am so happy for you. And the gazebo…amazing! Be happy in your new home!

  5. Linnea Rodman says:

    Love your new home! Best wishes to you and your family, and your new place. I look forward to seeing your new projects and ideas. Merry Christmas!

  6. Amy Bohner says:

    I am so happy for you . I will miss running into you around town but I understand your excitement as we have a weekend retreat on Lake Hauto, near Jim Thorpe. Enjoy your new place and say hello to the girls! Hope the shingles won’t slow you down. They must be terrible. Anxiously awaiting each and every project you tackle. It is a beautifu property!

  7. Kim - Today's Creative Life says:

    How exciting for you! Congratulations!
    I can’t wait to see all your projects!

    I’m so sorry about your shingles. I’ve had them before, years ago. My husband had them about 5 years ago and he was miserable. Heal up quickly!

  8. Kelly Dallas says:

    Hi Diane,
    First let me say that I have been following you since I found your beautiful monogram wreath. Love your style! I am very interested in purchasing a home on the lake but have no idea where to start looking. Would you mind sharing your process/websites ? Thanks so much and Happy Holidays!

  9. Genevieve says:

    Love, love your new home and the surrounding landscape. I am so sorry you have been down with the shingles, but glad you are better. I am anxious to see how you work your magic on this house. Have a merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I can just see the fireworks out over the lake!!!

  10. Looks lovely! And here’s hoping you’ll get better soon!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Eppu – Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling better and am now trying to get all the boxes unpacked. Happy Holidays.

  11. Darn! The shingles are never fun but the timing is particularly unfortunate; let this be the last ailment in the new house. Congrats! This house looks huge and I’m a bit envious of the whole setting but the dock/table/boat slip sent me into a squeal. So wonderfully bucolic…. best wishes from here on.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Monika – Thanks for the note. I, too hope that it is the last ailment in my new house. No fun being under the weather, especially when I was so excited to get settled. I am feeling better and am tacking the boxes. I am hoping to at least have the house moving box free by next week. :-) Happy holidays.

  12. Deb D'Luna says:

    Congratulations on finding just the right house for you. It looks amazing. I can only imagine the fun (and work) you will have with it when you are feeling better. I look forward to seeing all you will get up to!

    Do focus on recovering soonest! Hugs to you and Ed for a merry Christmas.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks so much for the nice note Deb. Today is the first day that I am feeling like myself again. I hope in a few more days I feel even better and can enjoy Christmas with Ed and my girls in our new home. I hope you have the merriest! XO

  13. Debbie Volz says:

    So very sorry about the shingles, Diane….terrible pain!! God bless Yu for all Yu do to keep your readership entertained. There was a time in my life when I did all the projects, creativity, and work it takes to do all that Yu do. There just wasn’t a thing called a blog to write about it. But Yu keep me interested and hopeful really that someday I can return to my hunger for creative pursuits. My dear husband sold his company and retired. He is now my BFF and he plans travel opportunities for us. We are gone right now from our lovely home overlooking a golf course since 11/12/15….have been on 3 cruises (now up to 30 of them)…and our home away from home is a studio in DisneyWorld as we are Vacation Club members for almost 25 yrs. No dishes, cleaning, decorating etc….boring I will say in so many ways….yet stress less for sure. We stay active riding bikes, walking, eating (no cooking either)…
    Your home is beautiful! Love the existing doors!! A little paint could make your entry stunning! Enjoy and take care of yourself….ill keep dreaming thru Yu!! Merry Christmas (we r flying home for 10 days to enjoy our large family and Christmas…shopped, wrapped, decorated minimally for Christmas before we left…can Yu tell I’m a bit homesick for the holidays)? As my hubby stares at me for being on my phone writing Yu, we are Headed out on another 5 day cruise this afternoon! Aww..retirement….for him :-()!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Debbie – You sound like you are enjoying all life has to offer. I have friends who own at Disney. We have stayed with them, it is lovely there. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and many exciting adventures in 2016 and beyond. XO

  14. I love your new home! The views are incredible!!! I am so sorry you aren’t feeling well. Take care of yourself…Merry Christmas!

  15. Your home is beautiful.
    What I wouldn’t give for a spot like this.
    Whatever you do, should enhance its value. Let me know when and if you ever want to sell

    Have a great Christmas

  16. My father suffered from shingles. So sorry for your pain. Your home is just stunning.

  17. Diane, your new home is so lovely! It looks like it will be the perfect “retirement” home, if and when you get to retire…..8-0

    I’m so sorry to hear about the shingles. I’ve never had them, but have had family members that were affected. In fact, one of my older sons had them, and my youngest, who was about 3 at the time, caught chickenpox from him. That was before the vaccine. It was strange. I knew it was the same virus, but I sent him to the doctor and talked to the doctor about her. Then when she was in high school, she had a mild (thank goodness) case of shingles herself.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery, and looking forward to the pics of the inside!

    xo Linda

  18. When I saw your title, I had my fingers crossed that you were talking about roofing shingles and not the virus. I’m so sorry that you have to go through that, especially when you really need to be able to work! Take care and get well soon. Your new house looks amazing!

  19. How wonderful that your dream of a lake house has come true!! Very happy for you! Looking forward to seeing how you decorate your new home. Too bad about the shingles but you’ll be better soon, I’m sure!

  20. Euna Sansoucie Ridenour says:

    So sorry to hear about the shingles. My DH has had them, and they are horribly painful!!! Glad you have meds to get you back to normal quickly! The house looks marvelous. Glad you found a forever home! I’ve been following your process of changing the house to sell it. We are getting ready to do the same thing, and I have learned a ton from you. I’m curious about the cost of the pods and had no idea they would bring you four instead of just one!!! Would you mind sending me an email and discussing the costs and the process associated with getting pods delivered/picked up and the storage issues? Thanks, Euna

  21. What a lovely setting for your new home.
    It will be great to see all your plans and pictures as you put your personal style to your beautiful new home.

    Enjoy your sunsets and try to get a little rest.

    Merry Christmas

  22. Beth@UnskinnyBoppy says:

    DIANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh wow, I’m so very excited for you! I cannot wait to see what you do to update the outside of the house. And uh, I know where I’d like to visit for our next girls weekend. ;)

    So sorry to hear about the shingles– oh that must have been terrible.

  23. Nancy Carr says:

    I forgot to mention the shingles in my post above. I had shingles shortly after my last move. I understand stress plays a role in getting them, too. After you recover and have talked to your doctor, please get the shingles shot/injection which will help prevent further shingles outbreaks. Hope you feel better soon and know you want to get busy in your new home. Until you feel well you can sit and look at the beautiful lake. Relax and enjoy every day. You will be better soon.

  24. Sally Berbert says:

    Your new home is wonderful! You are going to be so happy there! I can hardly wait to see what changes you make along the way. I love the idea of changing out the front doors to let in more light. Being able to see straight through the house will be special.
    I’m so sorry about the Shingles. Ugh. Here’s to feeling well soon. Take care and rest. You’ve been through a lot in the last several months.

  25. Nancy Carr says:

    Beautiful! I love your new home. Please do not throw those doors out. They would make great architectural pieces somewhere. Your new home is a great find, and I see many peaceful years of your life there. Blessings

  26. Paula@SweetPea says:

    It’s beautiful, Diane! I can’t wait to see more! I’ll have to say that I like the front doors. Your lake views are gorgeous.

    I’m so sorry that you got Shingles. I watched my grandmother suffer with it and remember well how much pain she was in.

  27. Sherrie's Lucky Quality Finds says:

    Oh Diane,
    So sorry about your arm!! What wonderful new neighbors you have!! Your new home is just spectacular!! Also beautiful decks and gabzebo to watch your gorgeous sunrise and sunsets for serene and relaxing times by being on the water. Awesome!! So very happy for you and Ed especially since your plans and dreams have come together!
    All The Best!

  28. Patricia Wilson says:

    Diane, my daughter had shingles when she was no more than a teenager, so I so empathize with what you’re experiencing. Pamper yourself and allow yourself to recover slowly.

    As for your new gorgeous home and environs, I am reminded of an old L’Oreal or other cosmetic commercial, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”

    I’ve loved your blog thus far, now I’m even more excited about following your newest endeavor.

    Take care, be well,

    Patricia Wilson, Columbia, CT

  29. Diane, So sorry that you’re in pain! I hope you get better quickly, and are able to enjoy setting up your new home. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

  30. What a beautiful home.
    It is simply stunning inside and out.

  31. Betty Baker says:

    Diane- I thought your other home was magnificent – this looks absolutely unbelievable – congratulations. Looking forward to seeing the whole of the interior. I will pray for fast healing of your shingles – Love Betty from Ontario, Canada.

  32. Therese Wescott says:

    Your new home is so exciting, best wishes as you settle in. Sorry to hear about your shingles. I had them on my arm once, the worst pain I have ever had. Worst than childbirth the six times I had a baby and kidney stones, and those were pretty bad. Kind of lingers for a while too. Take it easy!

  33. Congratulations and I hope you feel better soon! Your new home looks wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing you make it yours.

  34. Sharon B. says:

    Wow, what a view! Your new property is absolutely beautiful Diane. I’m sure you’re going to enjoy a LOT of sunsets in that beautiful gazebo. So sorry to hear about the shingles attack. My husband had shingles last year and I know it is very painful. Glad to hear you are getting over it and hope you are feeling much better soon. Don’t try to do too much too soon, which will be very frustrating, having just moved into a new house that you want to make “home”, but better for your recovery. I’m sure enjoying that beautiful view every day will help to make you feel content with your new home until you are feeling well enough to start on home improvement projects!

  35. Karen @ The Decorated Nest says:

    How beautiful, where is it located? I can’t wait to see inside. Hope you feel better soon!

  36. Oh Diane its beautiful and you all deserve it after all your hard work and creativity. I wish you and your family a Happy and retstful Christmas xx

  37. Barbara Jaeger says:

    You’re such a trooper, Diane! Your new house is beautiful! Congrats on making it happen. Hope your arm is better soon.

  38. So glad you’re starting to feel better. Your new house is so exciting. I can’t wait to see more of it.

  39. Welcome ya’ll! You are going to love it down here and as you’ve already discovered, it’s hard to beat the southern hospitality you’ll find around every corner. Sorry to hear about those nasty shingles… so, so very painful. Look forward to reading and hearing about this new adventure!

  40. Welcome to SC, you will love it here!

  41. Your new house is a dream Diane! I can´t wait to see all the things you’ll do to it.
    I hope you have a lovely christmas.
    Always reading you from Argentina!



  42. WOW!!! So happy for you and your family and can’t wait to see the improvements to come.

  43. Can I just say…you hit it out of the ball park with your new home! Congratulations! As to the shingles…you have my sympathies…hope you’ll be feeling better soon. Can’t wait to see more of your gorgeous home. Merry Christmas to you and your family! ;)

  44. I hope you feel better soon! Love your house and can’t wait to see all the changes you’re going to make. I love your style.

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to your family and your wonderful neighbors.

  45. Debbie Fitch says:

    Your new home is just lovely!! What a beautiful and serene setting! Looking forward to seeing the interior! So sorry to hear about your injury and the shingles. My husband had them about 10 years ago and they are miserable. Take care of yourself and get well. I believe lounging on the deck enjoying the lake and the sunsets are in order!

  46. I love your new home and the beautiful setting. When I saw the title of your post I was hoping there was a problem with the roof shingles and not the other shingles. Drat. So sorry. Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery! Can’t wait to see what you do with your new house!

  47. How very exciting! Love your new home! Wow, this makes me re-think retiring at the beach, just love your lake view and all. With your title I thought you were going to talk about your new roof :-)

  48. Vikki Seeber says:

    PS so sorry about the shingles I have had them and I was miserable!! Hope you get better soon.

  49. Vikki Seeber says:

    I wouldn’t trade those front doors for anything!! I love them and wish I had them for sure! I love your new place. I am from upstate NY and had a summer house at one time and there is nothing better than living on the lake! Good luck and happy nesting!!

    1. Christa H. says:

      I LOVE the doors too. Several people in our neighborhood have them and have updated them with new stain. They look gorgeous. Of course my house does not have them and I sure wish it did! I have a Mediterranean style house and they would be perfect. If you think of getting rid of them, I maybe interested in buying them from you :)

  50. Your new house looks lovely!! I truly cannot wait to see how you personalize it In Your Own Style! :) Praying you are back to fully functional very soon!

  51. OMG!!! How gorgeous! This already looks like a magazine and you haven’t started yet! I’ll be anxious to see where this all takes you.
    So sorry to hear about your shingles. It’s miserable and the pain is incredible as it travels the nerve pathways. No wonder with all the stress you’ve been under.
    On to getting settled in. At least you are finally there. Your family and friends will feel like they”re on a tropical island with all the spectacular views.
    Best Wishes and have a wonderful Christmas!

  52. Jen @ RamblingRenovators says:

    Your new home is beautiful! You must be thrilled. All those windows and that spectacular view… How exciting!

  53. Jane @ Cottage at the Crossroads says:

    Are you on Lake Murray? Leo and I used to live in the Columbia area and have many friends who still live there. Your home looks lovely and with your touch, it will be amazing! So sorry that you’ve had to deal with shingles during your move!

  54. Le sigh. That sunset. Gorgeous. Swoon! And those front doors are beautiful! I would take those off your hands but I am in PA.

  55. Are you taking reservations yet?

  56. Jeane Gallo says:

    Congratulations on your new home. You will enjoy all the new flowers and shrubs that can grow in the south. BTW, we do pansies and snapdragons in the winter!! They are fine with a little frost on them. You will love the crepe myrtles. The first magazine you need to check out is Southern Living. Hope you have a quick recovery from the shingles. We are all anxious to see the interior and hear all your ideas. Living on the lake is a dream most of us will never realize, so we are all living vicariously through you!
    Welcome to South Carolina. We are transplanted yankees, too. We live in Summerville, near Charleston. If you haven’t been to Charleston, you will have to put that on your list. It is really something to see, especially in the spring.

  57. What a lovely house that will become a perfect home for you and your husband. So sorry you got the shingles.
    Best wishes as you settle in and enjoy the lake.

  58. Catpainter says:

    Wow, how exciting to wake up to that view every morning and to be near water – even though you will be working hard on putting your own touches on the house, the house and site look more like a wnderful vacation home. Hope it gives you plenty of pause to sit and watch sunsets on the lake.
    One tip I learned from a high-end contractor/designer years ago. Paint the ceiling of your gazebo sky blue, or opaque stain it, and it will make the space lighter and airier and make the ceiling almost go away. Works on shallow dark porches, as well.
    Take some time for yourself to heal – new house and holidays can be stressful. Have a loving little Christmas for you and Ed and enjoy where you are and take time to renew. You’ve moved mountains in a very short time to be where you are. Start with renewed energy in 2016. Enjoy.

  59. Such a difference in style from your previous house, but so much more of a relaxed feel! You will thoroughly enjoy every moment.

  60. Melanie@WhimsicalCreations says:

    What a beautiful new home you have!!

  61. How beautiful. Congratulations! I am so sorry that you are not feeling well – hope the shingles pain goes away soon and you will enjoy your first Christmas in your beautiful new home. I’ve been following your blog for some time and was SO excited to read that you finally moved in. We’ve only moved a few times, but every time was filled with some amount of chaos. I’m sure if feels good to be settled in on spot instead of hotel life! :)

  62. Jann from Newton Custom Interiors says:

    Ouch! So sorry to hear that you have shingles! My son had them a few years ago, and he was miserable. Congrats on the new house. I can’t wait to see your updates. It’s a beautiful setting, and I’m jealous that you have a palm tree!

  63. Diane,
    Absolutely lovely! How fun and to be two weeks away from Christmas. So sorry to read about your arm – sending hugs your way. Have a blessed holiday season!

  64. Jennifer from Ottawa says:

    You LIVE here!!??! It looks like a resort!! I’d I lived there, I would never leave!! Congratulations on your new home! It’s incredible! It’s hard to do it justice in words! It’s extraordinary!

  65. Barbara Fox says:

    Beautiful setting on a lake! Congrats on getting through all that a sell/buy situation can bring. Can’t wait to see what you will do with your new space!

  66. Charisse Andrews at WHG says:

    Thrilled for you!!! The house looks lovely and I imagine that soon with all your ideas and ability to carry them thru, this will become a home! I will be interested in how you adapt to the south. When I moved from the Finger Lakes of NY to NC I was shocked at the summer heat and humidity and you will either love it or not. The setting is gorgeous and hopefully you will have light lake breezes during the summer. In spring,winter and autumn the weather can’t be beat. Take care of yourself and hopefully the shingles will soon be gone. Happy holidays to you and hubby.

  67. Congratulations! Your new home is beautiful and the location……Gorgeous!

  68. Your new home is truly beautiful – love your views. So sorry about the shingles. Please have Ed get a bottle of L-Lysine (1000 mg) for you. Unfortunately the pills are huge, but begin with two in the morning and two at night, then taper off to one a day once the shingles are under control. (This helps with cold sores as well.) Also try to avoid chocolate, nuts and stress (if possible). Hope you feel much better soon!

  69. I miss Lake Murray! You will love it, I know. And there’s such interesting history in that area of the state.

    So sorry about the shingles. I’ve had the shot, but not sure it would prevent what happened to you.

  70. Congratulations on your new home! The views are gorgeous. I’m so sorry to hear that you have shingles and hope that you feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

  71. Mary Hewitt says:

    Diane, How exciting a new slate is! And such a beautiful one too. Despite your unfortunate experience with shingles, you are a very lucky lady. Hope you are back to your energetic self again very soon!–Mary

  72. Diane, it is a real bummer that shingles rose it’s ugly head at a time you didn’t need any more bumps! Love your new home, but don’t worry too much about your master bath not having a window…my soaking tub is in front of a large window with a beautiful view of the lake while soaking. BUT, I do have to be careful and make sure no one is close out on the lake when I stand up to get out…especially at night. LOL

  73. Kimberly Bruhn says:

    Your forever home looks so wonderful…and I know it will grow to be even more so filled with your beauty-full designer’s touch. Take it easy…I’ve heard shingles are terrible.
    Sending you love and best wishes for a restful Christmas.

  74. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    First of all, I’m so so very sorry that you have Shingles. My mom had it not too long ago and she was in bad shape. Hope you are back to your old self soon. And second, your place is amazing. You have a plan tree!!!! And that view. This would certainly all be a dream come true for me too.

  75. Amy Abell says:

    What a beautiful home. I am so excited to see it evolve over time. I love your ideas! We have a home near a lake and its our favorite place to be. I have also had shingles and know just how debilitating it can be. Hopefully you are encouraged by your new community and find peace in the stillness & rest this christmas.

  76. Dear Diane, Your new home looks terrific. Growing up on a lake in B.C. Canada was a special time in my life. We didn’t have any palm trees though. Take care of yourself. If possible relax, sit and enjoy that lovely view with a cup of tea or coffee. If you take it easy, you will get over those awful shingles. Happy holidays to you and your husband.

  77. Bless your heart Diane, what a terrible time to be “out of commission.” Your lake house is gorgeous! I’m a plant geek so if I can help in that department let me know. The potted plants on the deck look like Purple Heart, Creeping Jenny and on the bar card a pot of Christmas Cactus. Hope you are feeling better soon. Vikki in VA

  78. Wow! Congrats, it’s just beautiful!!

  79. This house and property are absolutely stunning! How wonderful for you and your husband to be able to live here and enjoy this every day! Just breathtaking! I am so sorry to hear you had to suffer through shingles while moving. My mother-in-law had them a few years ago from a similar experience that was exacerbated by stress. It seemed absolutely horrible. Take care and I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend!

  80. I know you will love your new home. It is lovely just as it is, but I know your touches will make it your own. Can’t wait to take the journey with you. Hope you have a speedy recovery and a wonderful Christmas.

  81. Catherine D says:

    I am so happy for you! Your new home is beautiful. I can’t wait for more updates and pictures
    Feel better soon!!

  82. I am so incredibly happy for you and your husband. It is an absolutely beautiful lot and I know that you will do amazing things to the house to make it your own. It has a very cozy feel, being nestled in the trees like that. Sorry to hear about the shingles, though. Didn’t know that it could be brought on by a trauma.

  83. I am so happy for you and Ed. That is a beautiful house and property. I am so so jealous!
    I love the color on the house now. I’m sorry but I would leave it as it is. I do hope your shingles go away quickly. Once again am so very happy for you guys.

  84. Hope you are better. I’ve had shingles and know how painful it can be. Your new home and location is beautiful.
    What a view! Can’t wait to see the changes you have in store.

  85. It’s positively gorgeous and fantastic! We’re all excited to see the “Diane makings” come to fruition on this wonderful home.

    Is it smaller in square footage than your last home? What gorgeous views :-)

    Hope your arm gets getter and the shingles subside.

  86. Helen Moss says:

    Just settle back with a good novel or mystery and, looking up at that beautiful lake from time to time, try to just rest and relax until those shingles get out of your system. You worked on your old house until it was perfection, and now you have new projects for years to come! Enjoy (as we will)!

  87. Jennifer @ Decorated Chaos says:

    Congratulations! The new place is gorgeous and I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  88. What a gorgeous piece of property! Which lake are you on (I’m from SC also). Congratulations. What great neighbors you have. I came down with shingles 3 months before I was old enough for the vaccine. Good news is that once it all dried up, I never had another moment of pain. Praying for your speedy recovery.

  89. Carol (Lewis) Griffin says:

    Welcome to South Carolina! It is absolutely beautiful and I know your “wheels” are turning with all those fabulous ideas of yours. Hope the narcotics kick those shingles out of you soon and you get to feeling better ASAP. I do know what you are dealing with because I had them several years ago, but luckily, got a very, expensive drug in my system ASAP and did not have to go thru what a lot of people have to deal with. Best wishes on a speedy recovery and the new home! Merry Christmas!

  90. A beautiful home for a beautiful couple!
    Blessings to you and your family Diane

  91. Deb Wostmann says:

    Diane, congratulations on a dream come true! Wishing you much joy and happiness in your new home as well as a speedy recovery. Happy holidays!

  92. Absolutely beautiful Diane!
    What a calm and serene setting.

  93. Melissa Leach says:

    Congrats on your beautiful new home. How wonderful to have such awesome neighbors to help you settle in. I’m so sorry you have shingles, I’ve had them before and you never forget the pain. I hope you are back up and running soon. Take time to enjoy this wonderful season. God Bless.

  94. Debbie @ Refresh Restyle says:

    Love every inch of it! What a beautiful view! Get better soon!

  95. Congratulations on your new home! The outside is so beautiful — what a gorgeous view and yard! I do hope you’re feeling much better soon and can really get settled in.

  96. Diane!! This is so exciting! What a great exterior – and such a lovely flat, lake lot. Gorgeous views. Perfect! I can’t wait to see the inside soon. So sorry to hear about your arm and the shingles. My friend has gone through it before and it was awful. Take care:)

  97. Wow Diane! It’s fabulous! Lucky you to get to wake up to that view every morning. And of course all of the fun projects you have in store for making the home stunning! Feel better and recuperate on one of those lounge chairs by the lake!

  98. It’s really beautiful. Hope you feel better soon. That view is gorgeous!!

  99. WOW, congratulations!!! What a gorgeous lakefront property. I can imagine much time spent outdoors taking in the view. Best of luck in your new home :)

  100. SO happy for you! It’s idyllic and looks like a big house. Can’t wait to see more. I’ve had shingles…in fact for 7 very long years I’ve had post herpetic shingles nerve pain and been on narcotics. I literally feel your pain, so sorry. Now listen, be kind to yourself, rest, restore, see a dr if you don’t quickly improve,…you want this to go away and not become your life. My husband and I might be a teeny bit green seeing your lake views. ? gorgeous. May God bless you in your new adventure/home.

  101. Peggy Smith says:

    Congratulations! Welcome to SC!!!
    What a lovely place! It will be exciting to see what changes you make! I love your style of decorating always so colorful and cheerful. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  102. Kimberly ~ Serendipity Refined says:

    Oh my gosh, it’s incredible! The views alone would be enough to keep me “busy” for at least a year. I hope that you’re feeling better soon. Our POD (outbound) shows up today. Good luck getting settled into your gorgeous new place…WELCOME HOME!

  103. Donna Whitney says:

    So very happy for you, Diane – a well-deserved dream come true!

    I hope I can sip an iced tea and watch a sunset on that deck with you some day – perhaps even a game of Risk!

    A speedy recovery to you as well – XOXO

  104. Jill griswold says:

    Congratulations! It is a beautiful house and I’m so excited for you!!!! Take care of yourself – Jill

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Jill. I am feeling better with each passing day. :-)