Style Scouting: Vol. 62

Thanks for stopping by for this week’s Style Scouting. My Sunday post where I share the random stuff that captured my attention or inspired me that I found online.

October is my favorite time of year when I enjoy getting pumpkins and mums and placing them on my front porch and deck.

I will be spending most of October in Los Angeles living with my daughter in an apartment building with no fall scenery at all around. :-(

I am starting to miss seeing green trees begin to change colors and other signs of fall. Seeing the photo above made me smile. I made it into my laptop screen photo so I can see it everyday to remind me that it is October.

I didn’t post anything this week, but have two post ready to go for this upcoming week to share with you, so stay tuned.


I love everything about this kitchen – especially the glass window style partition wall.

If you like blue.

photo: Vintage Home Designs

When a decorative mirror on a wall needs a little more oomph! Look what Michele hung behind one.


Make your house smell really good.


A plant-based recipe I want to try.

Have you had this wine? The color is perfect for fall.

Home Improvement

Before and after: Changing the look of a fireplace and mantel.


I watching Maid in the evenings on Netflix last week. It was very well done.

Fashion & Beauty

I like this style and these winter PJ’s that are also good for Netflix watching and lounging around the house.

Out & About

The perfect place to take a fall getaway.

Fun & Interesting

How to know is someone is a good person.

The holiday countdown calendar for all house and home lovers. So cute!

pretty flowers in rustic setting on porch.
photo: @figsandtwigs

Books to Read

Last week I asked you for book recommendations and you came through. I have read a few of the suggestions and went down the list and ordered ones for my Kindle to read over the next few weeks.

I use Overdrive to see if my local library has the books and get on a hold list. If they don’t have it or the waitlist for the book is long and I am eager to read a book, then I order via digitally on Amazon.

These are the a few of the recommended books that my library can get and I put on hold.

Non-Fiction: Shoe Dog

Fiction: The Night Portrait | Cyber Storm | Beneath the Scarlet Sky | The Light In Hidden Places | The Stolen Hours

If you need a new book to read, you can see all the book recommendations that were left in the comments on last week’s Style Scouting post.

If you enjoy these posts – You can find past Style Scouting posts here.

And… If you’re catching up on blog posts you may have missed, be sure to sign-up to get my newest posts via email to stay up to date with everything that’s happening here on the blog and more.

As always, thanks so much for reading. XO

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  1. Always nice to know what others are watching, reading and eating. Those plant-based lasagna rolls look AMAZING and DO sounds like a comfort food way to get greens in. On my list…..
    Blessings to Zoe and your family.

  2. I am so happy you have the time to be with Zoe when she needs you most. How are you doing? I hope you are taking good care of yourself. Enjoy you blog posts and the interesting articles you find for your readers. So grateful that God is answering everyone’s prayers for little Zoe. Love and prayers for you both.

  3. Thanks Diane! Always enjoy your posts and find something to try out or to save ‘for later’. I too, think those lasagna rolls sound tasty, but am hopeful you will make them first and maybe find a shortcut or two? 😉 I’m becoming somewhat of a lazy cook with age!

    You’re in my thoughts. Blessings and hugs to both you and your grand daughter.

  4. Diane it sounds like you are getting such wonderful bonding time with Zoe. Continued thoughts and prayers. These will be memories you both will cherish forever! Suzane

  5. Nancy Dellinger says:

    Am adding my prayers and thoughts to all the the lovely and heartfelt messages you’ve received. Thanks for the update on your dear granddaughter. I agree that as the years go by, she will love you more.

    In this upside-down world in which we find ourselves, your “Style Scouting” posts are a welcome and an enjoyable bit of fun. Thanks for taking the time to explore new avenues for your readers, in addition to having those “good person” traits featured in the Buzz Feed article. All the best to you and your family.

  6. Kimberly Carnegie Bruhn says:

    You are a GREAT grandma! Cannot tell you how much it would have meant to have someone like you helping out when one’s child is facing the biggest fight of their life. Our son was diagnosed with childhood leukemia when he was 11. We live at the bottom of Oregon and our children’s hospital is at the top, in Portland , so one parent spent a lot of time on the road (325 miles north/south) and in the hospital(s) with our son. My parents died when I was young and my husband’s, although local to the Portland area, did not help us during the six years our son fought cancer. So, you can imagine how difficult it was. I wanted to send you a personal note when you first posted about this….to tell you that what you are doing matters and that I give you all the accolades for BEING THERE. Sending you much love and prayers from Oregon.

  7. I am so happy you can be there for little Zoe at this time! These are times you will never forget. I am certain Zoe parents are extremely grateful also. I can imagine you might miss fall and all of the things that go with it but there will be more falls in the future for you to enjoy. Take care of yourself too Diane.

  8. Connie McGhee says:

    You’ve always been my hero and you continue to be. I don’t know the nature of your granddaughter’s condition, I didn’t want to take up your time answering my e-mail but today I’m asking about you. Are you continuing on your vegan lifestyle? And taking little breaks for Diane? Praying for good outcome for all.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Connie – Thanks for your note and prayers. My granddaughter has leukemia. So far she is getting though the treatments well. I am lucky that my daughter is a vegan so it hasn’t been too hard to eat WFPB. Even Zoe likes most of the food I make and asks for Mimi Soup for lunch everyday. :-)

      1. Oh that is helpful having family together physically and in food areas. I was curious how you were managing all these things. Your posts keep a bright spot in my week.

  9. Deb Wostmann says:

    Thinking of you, your family and little Zoe. The bond you have will be everlasting. Take care of yourself as well.

  10. Catherine says:

    In response to your comment regarding Zoe’s feelings for you when she’s 13; she will only love you more. There’s a special bond you’re making with her and regardless of the distant miles, you will always be special to her.

  11. Annette Clipman says:

    Sending prayers for Zoe!

  12. Paula@SweetPea says:

    I hope all is going well in LA. Missing out on fall foliage is a bummer but it is worth it to be with family.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Paula – Zoe’s treatments are going well so far. This week is a break from the steroids and chemo. I am a little sad about missing the fall colors, but did buy Zoe a pumpkin at the grocery store today. She loved it and wanted it next to her on the sofa all day. :-)

  13. Michele Hao says:

    Diane, sending love to you, Zoe and family. Make sure to take care of you too! Is your husband holding down the fort at home?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Michele XO – Yes, Ed is holding up the fort at home and is helping our younger daughter move into a house she bought. Settlement was earlier in the week and Ed went to help her get moved in and update a few things and replace a few doors. He and I are going to switch at the end of October – so I can get caught up on things at home and he will go to L.A until Thanksgiving.