Inside & Out: Window Cleaning Tips

It is that time of year again: time to ready the house for winter.  Over the weekend I set out to get one of the winter ready chores checked off my To-Do list.  I spent Saturday cleaning my windows inside and out so that all winter long I will be able to see clearly out each and every one of them.  I don’t spend too much time in the spring cleaning the windows since they get covered with screens, but in the fall they get a serious cleaning.


I could not live without the screens in the summer to let in the fresh air, but I get giddy – truly I do… when I take them off because not only does more light come into the house, but the house looks so much better sans screens.

Exterior house decorating tips

I wrote about this in a post called: What I Am Loving Now: Bare Windows.

In the fall, I remove the screens to store them for the winter. It always amazes me how much nicer not only the windows, but the exterior of the house looks when the screens come off.  The white trim looks bolder and the glass shines which adds contrast to the texture of the brick facade on the front of the house.

The first floor windows were pretty easy to clean when the shrubs around the house were small, but once they grew, I could no longer get a ladder up to them to clean the outside of each one. I ended up having to lower the top sash and hang out upside down to clean the outside of each.   A few years ago I found a much better way to do the hard-to-reach exterior side of the windows.

For the second floor windows: I use Windex Outdoor that I got at my local True Value hardware. You simply attach the bottle to your garden hose, move the nozzle to rinse, clean, and then rinse again to get the windows sparkly clean – no ladder or hanging upside down out the window needed.

For ground floor windows: I use a window cleaning tool and pad that comes with an Outdoor All-In-One Glass Cleaning kit.  One pad cleans up to 20 windows. Cleaning pad refills  can be purchased separately.

I could use just the Windex Outdoor for all the windows, but since I can reach some of the lower windows with the cleaning tool and pad that reaches to 11 feet, I feel I can really scrub them. Both products are safe to use around plants and leave no dulling residue – just shine.

Between these two products, I can get the exterior side of all the windows cleaned in under two hours.  There are always a few dead insects and dried leaves on the sills when I remove the screens.  To clean them, I fill a bucket with detergent and hot water and use a microfiber cloth to wipe the sills with the sudsy water so they are nice and clean, too.

Window Cleaning Tips: 

  • Only clean windows when they are in the shade or on a cloudy day.  When the sun is out, it dries the window and cleaner too fast and will leave streaks.
  • Remove all the window screens so that once you turn on the hose, you can move easily from window to window as you clean them without having to stop.
  • Do the upper floor windows first so no dripping water or suds get on a clean lower window.
  • Wear old clothes since your arms may get wet.
  • When rinsing with the hose, work from the top of each window down, then repeat.
  • Clean only when the temp is 50 or above.

How to Clean on Hard to Reach Windows


Attach garden hose to the bottle of cleaner.


Turn nozzle to “Rinse”.


  1. Hold bottle as high as you can and spray window to wet entire surface.
  2. Turn nozzle to “Clean”. Spray suds from bottom of window to top going back and forth and making sure to cover entire window surface. Wait 20 seconds – do not allow suds to dry.
  3. Turn nozzle back to “Rinse” and spray the window from the top to the bottom to remove suds. Repeat rinsing to ensure window is free of suds.

How to Clean Ground Floor Exterior Windows with an Outdoor All-In-One Cleaning Tool


Assemble cleaning tool and attach cleaning pad.


  1. Spray window with garden hose to wet the surface.
  2. Attach cleaning pad to the cleaning tool. Wet the cleaning pad with hose. Clean the window using the water on the window to activate the soap in the cleaning pad. It may take a few swipes to get it going. Once it does, you will see suds on the window. Throughly wipe/scrub the surface of the window in all directions.
  3. Rinse entire window immediately to remove all suds. Repeat rinsing to ensure no suds are left to dry on window.  The formula’s sheeting action rinses the windows to a streak-free shine, so there is no need to hand dry.
  4. All done.

Now that the windows on the back of my house are clean, I have to go around the side and front to clean the rest of the windows.  Then its back to good ole newspaper and vinegar and water to clean the inside of each window.  Once that is done, my windows will be sparkling, ready for winter, and will be smiling to greet all who pass.

Windows are the smile of a house

The quick and easy way to clean your home's windows. - it really works!


I was one of the bloggers selected by True Value to work on the DIY Squad. I have been compensated for my time commitment to the program as well as my writing about the products I personally chose to write about and share my experience. I have also been compensated for the materials needed for my DIY project. However, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments.

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  1. Nancy McHale says:

    Thank you Diane for all of the window cleaning tips!!!
    Go Navy! Beat Army!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      You are welcome Nancy. Ed left today to spend the weekend in Annapolis. I was going to go, but my hip would not be happy walking all around, sitting in the stadium and climbing all the stairs. Will have to wait for another game. I hope they win. :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing the great information, Field Promax is also one of the Best Window Cleaning Software. To know more please visit –

  3. This article gave me a lot of insight. The windows are always smudged with little kid hands and it seems impossible to keep them clean HA! Thank you for your help!

  4. Cedar Maintenance NZ says:

    Reading your post about Inside & Out: Window Cleaning Tips is truly amazing. I read all the window cleaning tips and the spray you had used for cleaning can be the cool idea. This is an interesting post for us. Thanks for sharing this best information.

  5. Christopher says:

    You might find a simple vinegar mixture to be quite helpful. Create a mixture of half water, half white vinegar to spray onto the windows and wipe off with a rag or some newspaper. Vinegar is also an excellent tool when cleaning oven windows that have grease on them. Simply saturate with white vinegar, leave for about 10 minutes and then watch the stains wipe away with ease.

  6. Charlotte Kastner says:

    I really appreciate your concern regarding Window Cleaning. I have been using conventional methods for cleaning windows as taught by my mother, but now they don’t work due to excessive pollution, so now I use detergent water and Squeegee to clean windows. To avoid the spots left after use of Squeegee, I use a Dry Cotton Cloth at the cleaned area. This method prevents Spots!!. So I think this is the cheapest way for the shining windows…

  7. Cleaning windows is one job I like to leave to the professionals. The extra expense saves both time and stress that would be caused from cleaning the windows on my own. I know the old saying practice makes perfect and I do believe that in most circumstances this is true.

  8. Cleaning My Windows says:

    I’m due to clean my windows, going to try this method out!

  9. Airbnb Clean says:

    These are remarkable! Thanks for sharing this to us.

  10. Aleena khan says:

    Nice post! Great tips for cleanners, we are cleaning service providers and it will help us alot!

    Thanks admin!

  11. My tip is to call the window washer.

  12. Mary Milnarich says:

    I have used newspaper to clean my windows for 47 years and my mom has used them before me! As for the windex cleaner, it is a S C Johnson product and I live in the town where they are located. Most people here use Johnson wax products and all are great. And no I don’t work for them, just support them!

  13. Deepa vijay says:

    I think it’s a superb tips.. thank you so much…. my windows are a bit dirty… and I was wondering how am I going to clean it….. thank you once again.

  14. Tracie Andersen says:

    Great rid. Clean windows make a great first impression for your home. And these tips will make it super easy. Thanks!

  15. Janet Marrow says:

    I like your tips! I’ve used newspaper too, it’s how I was taught as a child. You’d think it would leave the ink and all, but you are right, no lint, no streaking, no smudging and no ink! Thanks for the great tips for the outside of the windows as well.

  16. Victoria Runda says:

    I’ve always had problems getting my windows perfectly clean. Seems like most chemicals find ways of leaving streaks. I wish that someone could just make a chemical and cloth that did the job perfectly every time, without a person having to develop their own special technique to do it.

  17. Regina Peterson says:

    My windows are extremely dirty from our sprinklers. I have tried cleaning them, but nothing is coming off. I might just have to try that outdoor spray to see if it works. Has anyone else had this same problem?

  18. I like your idea of using the hose, spray, and cleaning tool for the outside and also i am going to try it.

  19. It’s not a good idea to rinse your windows with tap water. Over time the minerals and salts in the water will dry leave hard water spots that are very difficult to remove. You need rinse with DI Water only.

  20. Sheryll & Critters. says:

    That is one thing good about a one story house, no high windows to have to do. I am very good with cleaning my house windows……. but I sure would love help with the inside of my car windows. The front windshield is so very hard to get to in my car, but the rear windshield is the flipping pits to end all else. So narrow and impossible to do without some kind of cloth around something very narrow (yard stick) or such. I dread doing this job.

    And you are so very correct about the sunshine…. streaks galore from my effort a little over a week ago. I will add that I highly recommend using a product called Nu Finish Car Polish over old time car wax. So, much easier and you truly only need to put it on in the early Fall and Spring time, if even that often. It beads for a really long time, at least a year.

  21. I canNOT believe I have never thought of taking the screens off for the winter!! We will be replacing several of the screens and I was just pondering about who to call for that today. Now I’ll just take them off and haul them somewhere, no worries about getting them back on quickly. Like Susna, I am inspired for the first time ever to clean my windows and can’t wait to see the house without the screens! Thank you for a super tip!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lore – I store my screens in my basement. You are going to love how much brighter your house looks both inside and out.

      1. Woke up yesterday and hit it hard. The screens are off and in the garage until I can wash them and store in the basement. (Today is my BD and hubby declared a work-free day, which is a good thing because I can barely move.) I still need to go to True Value and get the cleaner for upper windows, but all clean on the inside and lower windows inside and out. The house is so much lighter and I LOVE it!! My mood dips when days grow shorter and I am always looking for ways to make our home seem brighter. And you’re right, the house looks much better from the outside as well. Thanks so much for a fabulous tip!

  22. Diane, I never really thought about how much better my home looks without the screens on the windows. You’ve inspired me to wash my windows pronto! And, trust me, that is not a job I have EVER been inspired to do before. Keep up the great work and I hope you’re doing well. :)

  23. Holly Rigby says:

    Hi Diane,
    So, I live outside of Houston and we don’t take our screens off…because sometimes winter is a good time to leave windows open when both the humidity and temps are “low!” I use this term loosely!
    So would the Outdoor cleaner work on screen and windows both at the same time?
    Any suggestions…our windows are newish..and we can open them to the inside to clean both sides, but I sure would like to use your system.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Holly – I don’t think the Outdoor cleaner would work as well with the screens on. The water would not be able to hit the glass in the right way – the screens would block it. I am all about finding new ways to use items and products, though. If you are up it – it can’t hurt to try and see if it can clean both the glass and screens at the same time.

  24. Hi Diane – Do you add anything to the vinegar for cleaning windows? Or is it just 100% vinegar?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Christy – Good question. I fill a spray bottle with a 50/50mix of white vinegar and water. For really dirty windows you can add a 1/2 teaspoon of dish soap to the mix.

  25. I’ve always been hesitant to use newspaper…but I think you’ve convinced me to give it a try! I’ve used Windex outdoor before, and been quite pleased with the results. Ladders scare me to death…so this product seemed like a good idea! ;)

  26. caroljane says:

    Looks great. I never knew about the outdoor glass cleaner with the handle. You really don’t have to use a squeegee?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Caroljane – I have been using the Windex kit for a few years now and have never used a squeegee. I am quite happy with the results. You do need to clean the windows only in the shade though-if you try to clean them when the sun is on them, they may end up looking streaky.

  27. Julia@Cuckoo4Design says:

    I have to clean mine in the worst way. Will try some of your tips ;)

  28. Diane this has always confused me;
    When people say they use newspaper to clean their windows, doesn’t the newsprint get on the windows, and on your hands?
    I have used old sheets in the past.
    I like your idea of using the hose, spray, and cleaning tool for the outside.
    We have taken the whole window out and either cleaned it in the bathtub or outside.
    The process is long, gruelling, and backbreaking. I do the window and the screens, my husband is responsible for the sills. I would not be succeful doing them as I have a phobia of spiders. There are plenty of them.
    I am definitely going to try this, the time that I will save.
    Thank you soooooo much.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marsha – I used to be confused by this too, but it works – no newsprint smudges. I like using it because it leaves no lint behind like paper towels do. I also like to find ways to reuse items – this is a perfect way to use up the piles of newspaper. Although this year, our pile is a lot smaller since we began reading the morning paper online. :-)