A Video Tour of My Home

I am sharing something I have never shared before on my blog. A walk-through video tour of my home showing you how the rooms you see in the still photos in all my posts flow into one another.

I know if you read my blog, you enjoy seeing how I decorate my home, but you don’t always get to see the actual house layout because I usually post photos of one angle of a room or a close up of the details.

This post is about sharing what happens once you walk through my front door. What room comes next?

Find out by taking my home flow tour below:

In My Own Style Home Flow Tour Video

YouTube video

If you liked this first floor tour, check out the post where I share the video of the second floor of my home. You can find that here: Second Floor Video Home Tour

If you would like to see any of the rooms in my home in more detail. Here is a list of posts that feature each room:

If you have any questions about anything you saw in the video, just ask me in the comments.

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  1. Stephanie says:

    Hi there! I’m a new follower–just discovered you on Pinterest! I feel like we could be friends already!! I’m IN LOVE with your home!!!!!! I, too, share a HUGE desire to be around water–and I LOVE the eclectic vibe of your entire home!! Thanks so much for sharing the tour!!! I got so many wonderful ideas!! Blessings, Stephanie (from NC–just over the border from you lol)

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Stephanie from neighboring NC. :-) – Thanks for taking the time to say hi and telling me about yourself. I love hearing from readers. Thanks for becoming a new reader to my blog.

  2. Lesley Keesler says:

    I love your Blogs! I had to stop look and of course say Hello. Nice job!
    Lesley Keesler

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Lesley – Thank you for taking the time to say read my blog and say hello. :-)

  3. Lisa Marie says:

    Hi Diane,
    I LOVED the tour, your house is gorgeous! I can remember when you bought it I thought to myself “Oh dear…”. You have worked hard to create a lovely, inviting space and it shows! I would love more house videos as you change things up. You are so talented and creative!!!

    Thank-you for taking us along for the ride, I get so many ideas and so much inspiration from your blog.

  4. I really enjoyed the video tour – so much more perspective. The large deck and all the glass really add to the home itself, showcasing your beautiful location. The white labeled doors in the hallway (of darkness) make the hallway very pleasant. I’m interested in the “fake transom”, what a great idea and something I would really like to try. Thanks Diane!

  5. What a great tour….. I love seeing the flow of your beautiful home….so much different from pictures. Thank you!!!

  6. Denise Sabia says:

    I love every inch of it Diane! Remind me where you moved to?? The lake is amazing!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Denise – It has taken me 4 years to get the house to my ideal, but worth all the time and effort. We love living here. I moved to South Carolina, west of Columbia to live on Lake Murray. It is a large lake right in the center of the state.

      1. Denise Sabia says:

        You’ve done a fantastic job! I envy you. Lately, we started talking about moving to one of the Carolina’s after my youngest graduates high school. I thought of you, then you popped up in my feed! So glad you did. I’m catching up on all your beautiful work!

  7. Wow! Your home is absolutely beautiful, gorgeous! So organized! I love the signs for pantry, laundry, garage and etc. what am I saying! I love everything!
    I’m new to your blog but oh my goodness I am enjoy it a lot! Thank you so much for a beautiful blog!
    What a beautiful view you have of the lake. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your beautiful home. ?

  8. Shelley Creed says:

    Dianne; Thanks for sharing your home and all of your amazing ideas over the years! I love your office, I’m surprised by the new wood wall paneling (it really has come a loooong way since the 70’s, so thanks for sharing that info!) and I am so impressed with your freshly painted entryway balusters, but of all of your projects, your kitchen countertops are my absolute favorite!!! They turned out beautifully and you’d never know that they had been painted!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Shelley – Thanks for the nice note. Making a walk-through video of my house was a hit. I will be doing more of them for future posts. The painted kitchen counters are one of the most dramatic changes to the house and they have held up extremely well. I was not sure how long they would hold up, but am so happy I did it as they still look great. I would definitely do it again.

  9. Jason Myopic says:

    I love home tours- your front entryway is great. Lots of room, the front door is very grand and beautiful. Can’t wait to see the upstairs.

  10. Love the video! I have also painted most of my house and am currently painting my kitchen cabinets. I also live in Gilbert and understood your comment about “at least it’s not raining today”. Thanks for showing us your beautiful home!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Jan – How is the kitchen cabinet painting going? I am sure this damp, rainy weather is not helping. One more day of full rain and then maybe the sun will come out again. I have good friends who live in Gilbert – right off 378 on the lake. They are building a new house on the lake that I am sure I will be able to share bits and pieces of on the blog once it gets completed.

  11. Loved the tour of your house. You are very fortunate to have such a awesome home with all those sliding glass doors and beautiful views.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Marie – The view and all the sliding glass doors were the biggest selling feature for use when we bought the house. I knew I could update the dated decor, but the view was what we really wanted and we were so happy to be able to find it in our price range.

  12. Frances Borrelli says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your home. It’s so beautiful.

  13. even though I’ve been reading your blog since your last home I really enjoyed this tour because it made all the photos and spaces more dynamic for me. I always look at floor plans first when that’s an option to help me understand a house. Love this hop. And you seriously have the sweetest voice! Your home is beyond lovely and the wind chime and birds chirping made me want to move to a lake!

  14. Thank you so much for the tour! It all makes sense now. What a beautiful setting to spend your day, inside and out!!!

  15. Cathy Gomez says:

    Your home is absolutely beautiful. The views are amazing and that deck…oh my! I would never want to leave home. Thank you for sharing and I am looking forward to the upstairs tour.

  16. Diane,
    Your house is a beauty after
    all your hard work and talent.
    Everything flows together as
    one looks out to see the water
    around each turn. The cherry on top, of course is sweetie pie

  17. That was soooooo much fun Diane, thank you!

  18. Hi Diane,
    I enjoyed the tour of your lovely home. I just had my bathrooms remodeled. I have quartz counters. I noticed you had a tray for items on your counter. I was wondering where you purchased it. Would like to find something for my lotion and perfume etc. to sit on. To prevent my counters from getting scratched or stained.
    You have really good ideas.
    Thank your for all your information.

  19. I have been following your blog for quite some time & this video really shows the beauty of your home. I loved watching it & hearing your voice. Congratulations on all of the improvements you have made to your home. It looks wonderful & this video really shows that so well.

  20. This tour was such a great idea. I had no idea you had such a beautiful view from that side of the house. Nice job and things look so nice.

  21. I so enjoyed seeing your home in a video. What a wonderful idea. I never thought about doing that! Your home looks spotless and my home is always a mess with two boys and a husband who are all very messy and two dogs. Maybe I’ll do a video one day. I loved seeing your gorgeous views of the lake, too. xx

  22. Kelly Elko says:

    Great tour Diane! I have been wanting to do a video tour of my house for ages but I need to clear the clutter first!!

  23. I enjoyed your tour. Your house seems so comfortable and truly loved. And that Lake view doesn’t hurt at all! Thanks for sharing!

  24. Judy Taylor says:

    Love! Love! Love, to see everything you do to your house and ideas you share. You inspired me so much when you painted your kitchen cabinets that I finally painted mine. You always have great ideas to even the smallest decor. Thanks for the video, your home is gorgeous and that lake view is a dream! Judi

  25. Diane,
    Wow! I can’t believe how much you accomplished in 4years! It was fun seeing all the rooms. I was surprised to find out your studio/office is on the first floor! Your home is beautiful but my favorite part is your Zoey calendar! ❤️

  26. i love your home. you have worked so hard to make it YOURS you have a nice voice to listen to ,Diane, thank you for your inspiration you have a wonderful week/ week-end yours debbie

  27. Betty Baker says:

    This tour was fantastic. Your home is marvellous and I love all of it. But you know what I loved most of all…..was hearing your lovely voice . Kind loving lady. Thank you for sharing your home and your very personal voice. I loved it. looking forward to the upstairs. Betty from Ontario,Canada.

  28. Hi Diane
    Loved your video. You are an inspiration.
    Because of your step by step of redoing your stairs in your previous home we did ours and they turned out great!
    Thank you
    Look forward to more home video tours. Linda

  29. fixing 15 says:

    It was so cute, there was a cardinal singing super loud by your front door, when you started the walk through. It was almost as if on queue.

  30. Nicely done, Diane! It’s nice to see all that you’ve done and shown on the blog, but especially nice to see it all together. Thank you.

  31. I thoroughly enjoyed your tour. It was so nice to see the actual perspective and flow. I love the changes you’ve made!

    Question: Why are your rectangular sinks difficult to clean? (I wanted to use them in a new addition to add more interest than the boring round sinks.)

  32. Love, love, loved the tour! It was just like being there and brought all your great decorating to life! Thank you and I look forward to the upstairs tour!!!

  33. Diane,

    What a great idea to tour your beautiful home. The white kitchen and other rooms make it look so fresh and clean. The lake off your deck is quite the view.

    Just want to tell you that your PA house was just a beautiful. What I remember most is the ivy you hand painted around your kitchen floor and the hand painted rug in your mud room – quite genius.

    Thanks for taking us on a tour of your home and hi to Ed.

  34. I enjoyed this tour so much. I have followed all your projects since before you moved to this home. It was great to see how it all works together. You have made such a lovely and welcoming home. I also loved hearing your voice. Thank yu so much for sharing.

  35. Leslie Oxman says:

    Did you paint the bricks that are net to stairs and dark blue piece. If so, how did you do them??

  36. Sherry in KS says:

    Diane – the video was SUCH a good idea and truly gives a view of how things are! Photos are great, but I think the video actually put us right inside your home, walking right beside you. :-) Thank you for taking the time to do it. Looking forward to a video of the upstairs area.

  37. Great video tour, made me feel like I was an old friend visiting your new home.

  38. This tour was so much fun, Diane! There are very few decorating blogs I read anymore, but yours is one of them!

  39. What a sweet home, I love the layout! And what about painting those front doors? They have so much detail and character – I really like ’em. Great tour!

  40. Loved seeing the tour! Makes sense to see the rooms knowing the layout! Thank you! Enjoyed it very much. You have a lovely home!

  41. I enjoyed your tour very much! Your blog is one of my favorites to follow.

  42. Kari Rogers-Miller says:

    Diane, your video is awesome!
    It was so easy to follow and while I liked the “other” house tours…I found myself scrolling back and up and down to see the connection to each of their rooms. With yours, it was all a smooth transition and much easier to follow.
    A video is the best way…I felt like I was actually there at your front door and listening to the birds and seeing you and hearing your voice was perfect.
    I met you at Haven several years ago and we personally visited a few times since, so I knew your video would be great.
    As a fellow blogger, I so appreciate your attention to detail.

  43. Whoa. My brain is going to need some time to incorporate all the ways I had your home laid out wrong in my head! That lake view. Wow.
    Thank you for doing this. I have been a faithful follower for years and enjoy your posts so much!

  44. Jill Poley says:

    Diane, Your home is Beautiful! What a perfect place for you and Ed to be. I love that you see the water from every angle of your home. How Tranquil is that everyday, good for the soul. Just love each and every room of your home. You have done a spectacular job. Really enjoy following you my friend. Your createtivity is fabulous, always has been since the first day I met you…. a very long time ago my friend. We need to do a road trip to visit you guys and catch up on life where we are now… OLDER…. but still going STRONG!!! Enjoyed your video very much! Very pretty home!

  45. Terry Marks says:

    You are incredible. I was first drawn to you because you were from Philadelphia and I live in Maryland. East coast kindred spirits. You are my age and you are so down to earth. Many of your decorating ideas fit the style of both me and my husband. It is like having the skills of an expensive designer at my fingertips for merely signing up. Thank you for all your ideas and please don’t stop your blog!!!

  46. Carole Larsen says:

    Diane I have followed you for a long time and you were my very first blogger “friend”. I am so glad you posted this video because sometimes it is difficult to get the full effect of some of your posts. Now I can see the flow in my mind and everything will make more sense in the future.

    I loved hearing your soft voice also.

  47. Thankyou for sharing your beautiful home! You certainly give me lots of inspiration to complete projects in my own home.

  48. I loved your tour! It so helps those of us living vicariously to imagine ourselves there. Your home is so well laid out, don’t you think? It certainly appears so to me. And the views are spectacular. You may have a “hallway of darkness” but all the closets and storage there are centered in one place without taking up space in living areas of the home. I think it’s an advantage, not a detriment. I know it’s been a lot of work, but you are so fortunate to have found this lake retreat. Thank you for taking the time to do this for your followers.

  49. Loved seeing your house. Thanks for the tour!

  50. Thank you for actually doing a video tour! It truly captured the flow and scale highlighting your wall of windows framing your lovely open view. The video truly introduces your readers and now viewers to a lifestyle not just a staged vignette. Thank you for being so brave and truly welcoming us into your home.

  51. Sherry Darlington says:

    Love your home! We too live on a lake with that must have water view. One thing I am missing is storage. You have so much great storage! Can’t wait to see more. Thank you for sharing with us.

  52. Jennifer Heuman says:

    Thank you, Diane, for sharing your lovely home with all of us. What I appreciate most about your home, unlike so many that I see on blogs/YouTube, is that it is warm, homey, and although very tasteful and creative, it’s a home that actually looks like one could “live” it in. Does that make sense? It’s very genuine and for your followers, a home that we can take your ideas and actually use them! It’s made to live in not just look at :) Looking forward to more videos.

  53. Love your house tour! I’m so envious of your beautiful lake view. And to be able to take it all in from almost every room … wow. Did I notice a Mrs. Beasley doll in a basket in your master bedroom?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Ju – Yes you did. I still have my Mrs. Beasley that I got at Christmas when I was in third grade. I keep her on display to remind me of my wonderful childhood and parents that are no longer living. I wrote a post about her a few years ago. You can find it here: http://bit.ly/37YCme7

  54. Nan, Odessa, DE says:

    St op! No more negativity about the long hall. Let it be known as the dog trot.
    Go to post today on Shabbyfufu. She tours a restored one with your long hal!.
    Look up dog trot house. You got it! But you are not calling it the correct t name.
    I like your hall, dog trots. You have done an amazing job with your dog trot. Ha! Ha!
    It is all in the name.

    Now tell me about the floor in your entry, please. Details!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Nan – Did you get my reply to your previous comment about the lake and brick floor in my foyer? You should have gotten it. If not, let me know. I will go check out Janet’s post now. I don’t think of my hallway in a negative way, just make the best of it by giving it a name. I will now call it the blue and white hallway or the hallway of doors. :-)

  55. Thank you Diane! This was fun–like visiting a neighbor’s home! I think your views are amazing and you have done a great job framing them with your decorating.

  56. Alissa Cronin says:

    Diane-Thank you for sharing, what a great idea! I loved walking through your beautiful home and seeing the pictures come to life. I think you have done an incredible job making it home. Alissa

  57. Loved your house tour. You have done so much to make this home brighter and more functional for you and Ed. You are a pro at DIY and I enjoy following along with each of your projects. You really have succeeded in taking the “dated” look of your home at purchase into an “up to date” look that reflects you and your lifestyle. I am anxious to see a tour of the upstairs.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Missy – Thank you. It has been a labor of love adding our style layer by layer to the house. I hope to have the two rooms upstairs done in about two weeks.

  58. Rhonda Steelman says:

    I see why you purchased this home. It’s setting is glorious and I really enjoyed the video tour. Can’t believe how much you have done in a short amount of time you have lived there! Thanks for sharing.

  59. I LOVED your tour! It was a pleasure viewing your rooms cohesively after following your blog for so many years (even at your previous home). A video of your upstairs, when ready, would be most welcome!

  60. Thank you for sharing you home with us. I love your video and hearing your lovely voice! It’s so nice to see how the rooms flow onto one another and all the wonderful transformations you and Ed have done.

    Looking forward to the upstairs.

    Just one suggestion, move the camera slower.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Patti – Thanks :-) and I will move slower the next time I make a video. I was worried it would be too long of a video if I moved too slowly.

  61. Calypso in the Country says:

    What a beautiful tour and that view from your deck is amazing! How incredible to be able to look out at the lake everyday. I love the way you situated your office desk so you could face out the doors. So inspiring!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Shelley – Thanks – Putting my desk so it faced the doors is something I learned from the practice of Feng Shui. It the principles of the practice, it is considered bad harmony to sit with your back to a door in any room. :-) I always remember to consider this when placing furniture in a room. It does make sense and feels better.

  62. Loved the video tour Diane! You have done so much with this home. Bravo, bravo.

  63. Wow, your home is lovely. You and Ed have done an absolutely fantastic job making it “your” home.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sheryl. It has been a labor of love being able to put our style in the house.

  64. Diane, the video of your home gives such a nice idea of the flow and all of the work you and your husband have beautifully completed. I loved the sound of the birds chirping and the waterfront view is so appealing! It was nice to hear your voice as well.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Teresa – Thank you. When I see and hear myself on video, I realize just how much my twin sister and I are identical, in looks, voice and mannerisms. I thought I was seeing her. :-)

  65. I LOVE the tour, Diane. I can certainly see why you guys chose this one and what a beautiful job you have done transforming it into your own style of HOME. You are blessed. Great calendar, too! Zoe is just precious. Look forward to more on the second floor! Thank you for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – thanks. The calendar is the closest I get to give kisses to my little Zoe. I will get to see her soon and be able to plant real kisses on her adorable cheeks when she turns 1 in a few weeks.

  66. Christina says:

    That was so much fun! What a lovely house!!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Christina. I will have to make more videos.

  67. That was so nice to go on the walk through with you. Your home has a fabulous lay out and it makes so much more sense to me now….thank you for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Erika – I have to thank Jennifer from Town and Country Living for coming up with the idea. It really does five readers a better look on our homes asa a whole. One reader mentioned it helped her see why we did some of the projects we did in the house.

      1. You are definitely a magician with your paint brush! I especially love how your staircase and railings turned out with the closet/storage below it. I always love your posts.

  68. Nan, Odessa, DE says:

    Just the views would sell me on your home. What is the water we are seeing? Location?

    What is the flooring in your entry? Details please.

    Like your style!!

      1. Nan, Odessa, DE says:

        Real bricks with grout? No sand between bricks? Would pavers also work?
        Could I use this in a screen porch flooring?
        Give me the history on why you chose the bricks? How do you clean this floor?

  69. Your home is BEAUTIFUL Diane! It is such a calming place. Still my favorite piece of furniture in your whole house is the blue piece in your foyer. I love your clocks too.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kim – The blue sideboard is one of my fave pieces of furniture too. It is a unique piece. When the top drawer opens, it drops down into a desk. With the clock on top it makes me smile every time I pass by it.

  70. Carolyn Green says:

    Thank you for that. Your house seemed big, which is funny since you said it was not! Love all the large sliding doors overlooking the lake, I am sure that was a selling feature too! Enjoyed hearing the birds chirping and wind chimes. You have done so many wonderful improvements to the home. It would be fun to see the “before” video of when you bought it, if you took one. Nicely done, Diane!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Carolyn. I was happy to hear the wind chimes when I opened the door to take the your outside. I love hearing them and they are such a big part of the house… sound. When it gets stormy and the wind is strong, I have to take them down, but as soon as the storm passes, up they go again. I find them very relaxing.

  71. Allisan St Clair-Pedroza says:

    Love the layout of your beautiful home, I never realised that your master bedroom was on the lower level, now I have perspective of your home. Waiting in anticipation of your upstairs, reveal. You have a wonderful eye for all things Deco, just wish I was as clever as you. What wonderful views of that amazing lake, and surrounding area. Wishing you and all your family the very best. Allisan [Caerphilly south Wales UK]

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Allisan – Thank you. One of the selling features of the house for us was having the master bedroom on the first floor. It will make aging in the house easier. Or so we hope. :-) Once I get the guest rooms complete, I will post another video. I think it should be within two to three weeks.

  72. Pretty, pretty home! I love all the work stations in your studio. Great water view!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Eileen – When planning out how to set up my studioffice, I made a list of everything I hoped to be able to do in the room and tried to make a space for doing each. Having an at the ready sewing machine all set up is one of my favorite stations. In all my previous homes, the sewing machine was in a covered cabinet that I had to take apart to get the machine out, then no work area to really spread a project out.

  73. Kelly Pabst says:

    Such a great perspective of the actual flow of the home, it helps to understand design decisions when you can see the impact from the global perspective. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kelly – I am happy to hear that the idea behind the flow of room concept helped you better understand my design decisions. I was thinking of that, but you are so right. Seeing just photos, you don’t get to see that aspect. I will have to do more videos.

  74. I love your house. I can’t wait to see the upstairs. Thanks for the tour.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kathy – thanks. I hope to have the upstairs completed by next week. Hopefully will post in the next two weeks.

  75. Desiree Ratay says:

    I loved hearing the wind chimes on your back porch. Such beautiful views!!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Desiree – I was so happy to hear the chimes when I opened the door as I was making the video. I have 3. Each one sounds a little different. They are such a big part of the relaxed vibe I am trying to create in the house.

  76. Janette Deans says:

    Your home is so beautifully designed, I just love it all.x

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you very much Janette.

  77. Love the tour, well done!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thank you Mary :-)