Video Home Tour: Second Floor

Time to pick up where I left off after posting the video tour of the first floor of my house last week.

I tried to get this second part of the video tour completed and posted earlier this week. I doubt I have to make any excuses on why that didn’t happen, after living through the most earth shattering week I have ever experienced in my 60 years. Hoping it does not get any worse.

A tour of the second floor of In My Own Style's house.

After making sure Ed and I were set for spending a few weeks at home, I focused on getting the video made.

Sooooo… as promised, here is Part 2 of the video tour, where I take you to see the second floor of my home.

It is a long video that I was going to edit down to make shorter. Then I remembered how much so many of you liked the first one and wanted me to show more.

I also figured that the length may be a good thing as it may be a welcomed diversion right around now. :-)

Below the video are links to the posts I wrote about each room if you would like to see how they looked before and the details and/or tutorials of what I did to each room.

If you have any questions about anything, just leave them for me in the comment section of the post.

Home Flow Tour: Second Floor

YouTube video

If you missed the first video of the first floor of my house, you can find the post here:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask in the comment section of this post.

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  1. Linda Cowern says:

    Your house is beautiful!
    Did you panel right over the popcorn ceiling?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Linda – In the two guests rooms we covered the popcorn ceiling with Armstrong WoodHaven planks in painted white. They go right over the popcorn. You can read about the project in this post:

  2. I just joined and took the tour of your beautiful house. It is inspiring! I look forward to seeing many more things that will make my life easier and nicer. Thank you!!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Kay – Thank you so much for subscribing and taking the time to say hi. :-) If you ever have any questions about anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

  3. Diane, your home is lovely and I love hearing you explain what you’ve done and why. You’re on big water! I am so envious! To look out at water everyday must be a delight. So glad you’re in my neck of the woods!

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed this as much as the first tour! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and all of your make-overs…you are so talented!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Nanette :-)

  5. Paige Coggin says:

    I love the big Pom Pom fringe on your pillow on guest bed and on your den ottoman. Where did you get it?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Paige – I made the pillow after seeing one no longer sold in the Grandin Road catalog. I wrote a post on how I made mine. You can find it here:

  6. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    Everything is beautiful. I’m curious as to what the hallway & foyer ceilings are? Cause the height will/would be a whole different task. And changing that ceiling fan…. don’t try to do that, hire out!

  7. Mary Ann Howat says:

    Just loved your tour. Everything looks. Great.

    I especially liked the matte vinyl Floor in the bathroom. Could you give me more information so I can check it out. My present floor are out of date white tiles with discolored grout That is widely spaced .

  8. Hi Diane! Just like I imagined it would be! Gorgeous! You are very talented, and have a very good taste! Congratulations! Your home is beautiful! You’ve gotten so many good hand me down pieces. I do love a hand me down, everything!!
    I’m enjoying your blog a lot! You’re an inspiration! ?

  9. Thanks for that inspiring tour! I love seeing everything like this — all at once, since I have been following you step by step for a very long time. Stay healthy and happily creative! ?

  10. It is great to see more of your tour and hear your voice. The shots of the lake are so calming and peaceful. Thank you for sharing this.

  11. Lovely! Thank you for the tour. You have really transformed your home into something beautiful and in your own style. I am particularly in love with the guest bathroom stenciling. And I still plan to redo our stairway similar to yours. The yellow wood tones and mauve carpet we live with HAVE got to go! Convincing my husband is the holdup.

    Depending on the composition of the ping pong table panels, could you paint, paper, or do something else artistic so when they are not in use, they would still look decorative?

  12. Love everything, Diane… Did you ‘un’ louver your doors in the gameroom? I’d love to do that, but have no idea how to accomplish it… Can you help? Thanks so much for the wonderful inspiration you always provide!

  13. Diane….you are one very talented lady!!! Love all your ideas. You make things look so simple.

    Didn’t post earlier…hope your little grandbaby enjoyed her birthday. Tough times for all of us…had to be heartbreaking to miss her first birthday. Best you all be safe and healthy.

  14. Loved seeing all of the upstairs Diane, and it wasn’t too long at all!
    Thank you for all you do and share. Hope everything has calmed down a bit and your not so stressed now.

  15. Hi. Could you tell me where you got the hardware for the louvered doors upstairs? You said the name but I had a hard time understanding. Thanks.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Elaine – Sorry for my delay in response to your question. I got the louvered door hardware from D. Lawless Hardware. I used the same knobs on the doors in my laundry room. Here is a link to the knobs:

      If you want to see how they look on the door in a still shot you can see them in the middle of this post:

  16. Stacy See says:

    You are so inspiring, Diane. I love your style. We too are redoing a home on a wooded lot. I have slowly been replacing wood trim with white and have brown wood doors. You home is proof that wood-tone and white can work together and look great!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Stacy – When we first moved into the house I was planning to paint all the doors. My previous house had all white doors and trim and it was just what I was used to. After a while though I changed my tune as the wood just looked better and gave the house more character and better fit in with the setting. That decision sure saved me a lot of time and paint too. :-)

      1. The wood doors look awesome! I know now that when I paint out the dark trim downstairs, I’ll be leaving my beautiful wood doors unpainted! Thank you, as the idea of covering mine up is the main reason I’ve not moved forward with my trim painting project!

  17. Stunning. Thank you for sharing. I love all the stories behind your pieces, really makes a house a home❤️ We are looking at your flooring in the bathroom for ours. What color is yours?

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Alissa – Thanks :-) The color of the NuCore flooring is Gunstock Oak.

  18. What a fun tour….thank you for inviting us into your lovely home.
    My question is about the stencil you used in the guest bath. Do you have a posting on it?
    Again, thanks for sharing all you’ve done. You are so very creative. If you ever return to Greenville to check out more furniture, you and Ed are welcome to stay over with us. It’s the least we can do after you inspired us to take the wonderful river cruise.
    Be well, Erin