How to Festively Wrap a Loaf Cake to Give as a Gift

If you like to bake loaf cakes and bread to share and give your friends and family over the holidays, here are two ways you can festively wrap a loaf cake to give as a gift.

Deciding to edit some of the holiday rituals a bit this year was a great decision. I have found I have much more time to enjoy the Christmas traditions I truly enjoy instead of rushing around and trying to do everything… perfectly. I highly recommend it… edit the holidays to bring more joy into the season.

One holiday tradition that I kept is baking for family and friends. Baking Christmas cookies and Old-Fashioned Lemon Pound Cake… some years literally by the pound.  When baking goodies for family, I simply place them on a cake plate since I know they will be eaten in a day or two.

When baking for friends or as something to give to a holiday party hostess…

Parchment paper wrapped old fashioned lemon pound cakeHow to Festively Wrap a Loaf Cake to Give as a Gift

…I usually try to make whatever I bake look holiday festive with some gift wrap and jingle bells.

This year I used parchment paper, black and white plaid gift wrap I found at HomeGoods, a printed tag I made on my computer and a sprig of cedar from my yard.

To keep this post organized and not too long, I shared the recipe in a separate post. Here is the link to the pound cake recipe:

How to Festively Wrap a Pound Cake or Any Loaf Cake or Bread

supplies needed: 

  • Parchment paper
  • Gift wrap
  • Ribbon
  • Tape
  • Jingle Bells
  • Wire or jewelry making jump-rings
  • Snippet of greenery from yard
Out of the oven Old Fashioned Lemon Pound Cake
  1. Once cake is cool, lay on a piece of parchment paper that is cut large enough to wrap around the loaf.
How to use parchment paper to wrap a pound cake or loaf of bread to give as a gift

2. Wrap parchment paper around loaf and place the two top edges of paper together and fold over a few times until the folds reach the top of the cake. Smooth folds flat with hand.

3. Fold ends as you would when wrapping a gift box, but do not use tape to secure as it does not stick on parchment paper. Folded parchment on ends will be secured by ribbon in upcoming step.

How to wrap a pound cake or loaf of bread with gift wrap to give as a hostess gift.

4. Cut a piece of gift wrap about 5″ wide x 16″ long or enough to wrap around the loaf. Use tape to secure ends of gift wrap to each other on underside of loaf. Tape does stick to gift wrap. :-)

How to wrap backed goods for holiday gift giving.

5. Cut a length of ribbon long enough to wrap around loaf, for a 10″ long loaf pan, I needed 45″ of ribbon.

6. Thread 3 jingle bells on a piece of craft wire or a large silver jump ring. If using wire, thread bells on and twist ends to make a small wire circle in the middle of the bells. Use this circle to thread the bells on the ribbon.

7. Make gift tag and thread on one end of ribbon. Thread the jingle bells on ribbon.

Pretty gift wrapped lemon pound cake with ribbon and jingle bells

8.  Place center of ribbon on top of loaf, bring ends of ribbon to back, flip loaf over and cross ribbons and then bring the ribbon ends back to the top of the loaf.

Tie ribbon and place tag and jingle bell on. Tie loops into bow and snip ribbon ends if needed. Tuck a sprig of greenery under knot on bow.

How to Gift Wrap Fresh Baked Mini Loaves of Cake or Bread

Mini loaf pans filled with Old Fashioned Lemon Pound Cake batter

I have used these mini loaf pans for making this pound cake for 35 years!  They are a nice alternative to giving Christmas cookies.

Oven fresh mini loaves of Old Fashioned Lemon Pound Cake

Once the mini pound cakes are baked and cooled, instead of wrapping them the same way I do a regular size loaf style cake. I use brown paper lunch bags.

How to wrap mini loaves of cake or bread

I like the classic brown bag, but at the craft store you can buy any color imaginable.

How to Use a Bag to Gift Wrap a Mini Cake or Bread Loaf

How to punch a hole in a bag to use as a gift bag for baked goods.
  1. Cut the top 4″ off of bag.
  2. Open bag and place on table. Fold over top edges of bag 1-inch.
  3. Use a paper hole punch to punch a hole in the center of the folded top. When unfolded, you will have two holes as shown.
holiday baked goods placed in a brown paper bag with jingle bells to give as a hostess gift.
  1. Wrap mini pound cake in wax paper and tape edges closed. Tape does stick to wax paper.
  2. Place wrapped pound cake in bag.
  3. Fold top over and thread ribbon through holes. Place tag and jingle bells on ribbon and tie ribbon into a knot. Trim ends of ribbon. Tuck a piece of greenery into knot.  Add a tiny bit of hot glue to hold greenery if needed.

How to Make Gift Tag Label

No gift is complete with out a gift tag. This is especially true when giving baked goods as a place to write what it is you baked.

I made the labeled tags for my gift wrapped pound cakes using my computer and MS Word.  I made a sheet that you can download. I used my Fiskars Paper trimmer to cut them out, but scissors work just as well.

Free fonts used: American Typewriter Regular | Introblues Script Regular

Get the .pdf for the tags here:  Old-Fashioned Pound Cake Tags

How to wrap a loaf cake or bread for Christmas

More Holiday Hostess Food Gifts To Make:

More Creative Ways to Embellish Gifts

how to wrap a loaf cake or bread to give as a gift

Christmas Decorating Ideas You May Like:

See all my Christmas decorating projects, ideas and more on My Christmas Projects and Ideas Page.

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  1. Ann Schoonover says:

    I have used this method of wrapping breads for gifts various times and love the results. Thank you for the clear instructions and the type of supplies used. I have a lot of fun changing up the wrapping paper and ribbon depending on the season. Even just tying with the ribbon comes out beautiful. I sometimes attach a small counted cross stitch in a hoop (3” size) for a special friend rather than bells, etc. but I love the classy jingle bell look also. It’s fun to change it up. Thanks again.

  2. This look so pretty to give as gifts. Can you freeze quick breads in parchment paper for a few weeks? I would like to avoid using plastic and tin foil to freeze the bread. It would be so nice if I could make the bread ahead of time, freeze them, and add finishing touches right before I give them.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Annie – You can use parchment paper to cover the quick bread, but that would not be enough to keep freezer ice or burn from happening. Why not wrap in parchment and then place in a freezer bag or wrap tightly using freezer paper. When it is time to give one, take it out of the freezer and outer wrap. Once thawed, wrap with the gift wrap or simply wrap a ribbon around the parchment paper.

  3. Hi Diane,

    Love your wrapping technique. I can’t wait to try. What kind of brown bag was used in this post? Those seem to be thicker and sturdier than the ones I buy at my grocery store. Please advise. Thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Crystal – The brown bag shown in my post you can buy at the craft store, Michaels. They are sold in packs of 10 or 12. They are a tad bit larger than a lunch bag and as you noticed, they are made of thicker brown Kraft paper. They also come in white. They are sold in the gift wrap aisle in the store.

  4. Thank you for the very clear directions. I just wrapped up four loaves of banana bread for Mother’s Day and I am so pleased with how they turned out! It is always so satisfying when the finished product actually matches my expectations.

  5. Thank you for the great lemon pound cake recipe! I have mini loaf pans I am chicken to try but would make fun gifts. Your recipe says to bake 10″ loaf pan 1:15, for the mini pans, just 20 minutes? Is that correct? I love your blog, love your style, love your wrapping tips! I hate to cook but I would try this. You make everything look so beautiful.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Penny – My oven runs a little hot, so I always go with less time and then check for doneness. My mini cakes were done in 20 minutes, but your oven may vary. Try not too over bake, the cake tastes so much better when it is not dry. When I put a toothpick in to test for doneness, I take the cake out when there is no longer soft batter, but some crumbs on the toothpick, I don’t wait until the toothpick comes out totally clean.

  6. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

    Yuuum! I love your wrapping techniques! All of them. I usually use freezer wrap (shiny). And I use baked bean cans or soup cans (reuse then recycle). I also use a big coffee can to start the coals for grilling.

    Merry Christmas Diane & Family!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sheryll – I love your idea about baking in a tin can. What size can works best? I would like to try it.

      1. Sheryll $ Critters. says:

        I replied via email. And then realized that I need a good link for your gutter repair post. I hope you receive my email.

        And thank you for helping me.

        1. Diane Henkler says:

          Hi Sheryll – The gutter post went out before it was scheduled. I had to remove it. It will go out on Thursday morning. :-)

  7. I usually wrap my homemade pumpkin bread in plastic wrap so yours is more than a step or two up from mine!

  8. Thank you for the wrapping ideas. They are much better than mine. I make mini banana nut breads every year for 2 of my neighbors and my mail carrier. Such a little thing to do and they are so appreciative.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Pat – I agree. Every one loves a surprise and to be thought of. I hope you have a very merry holiday.

  9. sharon burke says:

    Wait Diane!! did I miss the recipe?
    I love that you share how to wrap the breads too! They look so special!!
    thank you!

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Hi Sharon – No you did not miss the recipe. I will be posting it later tonight. Since there are two projects in the post – a recipe and a gift wrap idea. It is better for my site organization to keep these separate and easier for readers to find what they are looking for in the future. Stay tuned. :-)

      1. sharon burke says:

        oh thank you!! I LOVE your posts!!! So talented!

  10. Love this idea. I have bookmarked this, doing this next year. That pound cake looks absolutely delicious, I will be stopping by haha! Thanks for a wonderful and simple idea, I would love to receive this!

  11. Hi Diane,

    I just stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago and I am thrilled that this happened. I have enjoyed every newsletter so far and look forward to the ones I know will come in my future emails.

    You are very talented and creative. Thank you for sharing your wonderful ideas and tips.

  12. Sue Verbaan says:

    As usual, everything you make looks so pretty.

    1. Diane Henkler says:

      Thanks Sue – I enjoy creating and making everything I see look as best I can using simple items. I am not very good at anything that involves math or analytical, but I can do pretty. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.