How-to Make Inexpensive Place Card Holders and Napkin Rings

a favorite photo
or miniature art that you can cut out from the preview pictures on the back of yearly calendars.

or in this case, I am using them as place card holders
I checked to see if this type of hook was still available and I found a package on Amazon. They are called Conso Drapery Hooks Wall Pleater.
To make the Place Card Holders
supplies needed:
- 4-prong Drapery Wall Pleater hook
- Pliers
- Wire Cutters
- 1 Flat Sided Bead
- 1 Round Bead
- Hot Glue & Gun
- Using pliers bend the center hooked section of pleater hook to straighten. Bend backwards to create the back leg for easel.
- Pull the two left prongs to the left slightly.
- Pull the two right prongs to the right slightly.
- Using pliers angle the two inner prongs 1/2″ from end into a 90 degree angle to create the shelf.
- Glue flat sided bead over metal tip on top. Once dry, glue the round bead on top of that flat one.
For my place card above, I cut a piece of card-stock and added a border and name with magic marker. You can also use a slide-mount as a frame for your place card.
Camera stores sell them or you may have some around your house. If the camera store’s name is printed on it you can easily erase it with an artists eraser.

Carefully open back and remove film. Add decorative paper and close. I used a brown paper bag, but was trying to find a scrap of scrap-booking paper to use.
It was getting dark, I had to use the flash, but you can get the general idea from this photo.
I also made a simple napkin ring for the table setting:
Ribbon and two buttons.
Drill a center hole in the button with a Dremel drill. Thread ribbon ends through the hole. Place a napkin in loop and tighten. Tie ribbon in knot on top. Cut off excess.

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